Stop playing "Vincent", dim*it!

My Personal Constitutional Crisis

Book Deal/
Eviction /


Par 1 I've been on the web with my abominable home set thing for almost 11 hours now and I'm VERY droopy tired and I also this morning have felt that mortal stagnation that I have felt in the past week, especially when I had the interview with the Social Services woman who at first told me I had to come up with $200 within an hour and a half because the State is financially strapped and were only giving $300 emergency rent assistance, and my Eviction Schedule(d) said the next day 9 AM. She was VERY nice but had a look in her eyes like she had seen people die in front of her many times before, and I could be the next. I assured her my paycheck could cover that in 2 days, but she said that wouldn't be soon enough. I started dry-gulping that I would go try to borrow the 200, and she promised that then she would submit it to the Admins today. But then there was the problem that my recent paychecks, even NOT deducting any self-employed business expenses like I do with the IRS, don't cover my basic utilities and shelter costs. So I frantically pulled out some winter stubs... unless I could get the eviction rescheduled...and see the last paragraph...I'm too tired.

Par 2 I'm too tired I'm trying to get a BOOK DEAL but Doctor Hill's agents are playing games with me, I understand my personal constitutional crisis too well, the assistant to the female national prestigious network news TV magazine actually RECOGNIZED me when I called during the day and said they'd call me if, I said what about my eviction notice, she said get a lawyer so I named Dr. "Byafo" and his, so she suggested call your local news but I made the mistake of saying "This is about women repressing women, back* people repressing wipe* people, news media repressing people.." which finalized the conversation as far as she was concerned. And some CRYING JAGS and attempted back mail on N.S.P.Q.R. but they won't send me a TOTE BAG!

Par 3 By the way, I've been a low-paid hen-pecked work-et-home subcontracting charity telephone solicitor for clothing and household "discards" for almost 15 years. I'm not ashamed of my job, but the outrage I feel at the way my bosses treat me (even tho they're miles away and don't often speak with me) is damaging my physical health (although at the moment it's an acceptable substitute for eviction tremens.

Par 7 The only reason I'm updating this stupid file s TO BE FAIR to my bosses, especially my supervisor, who sent me some $ which I put to my rent, and the Regional Director discussed my situation nicely with me but insisted it could never be done to tote up my pay ahead of time to clear the eviction scheduled. So I still have to wait til Thurs for a little over $300 (covers 2 weeks/9 sheets ((usually 8))). And my supervisor has delivered work stuff to my house, and even some flowers when I was sick, and sent me a really nice little Christmas jazz CD, and she gets paid based on what I get paid, which is based on addresses picked up, no matter how many hours I spend per sheet, or if it snows (well, then sometimes we get 10 cents/call to reschedule.)

Par 4 A Catholic deacon hand-picked some church #s for me and primed me on calling for rent assistance and we had a nice discussion about Popes and six Yule morals (I learned a long time ago that standard- Catholic- authoritarians can be cool people too.) Then I faxed the Jews again like I had before, and one rental office female said another got a call to confirm my eviction status from a Congression church but she dint write down the name.

Par 8 And I told the Catholic deacon about the lead to the porn maid service found in the "ARCC" job bank, partly because he said he'd pay a thousand for something he'd never heard before, and how I was punished for complaining about it, so he said I was to be applauded for taking a stand against pornography. (Actually I had just been worried that the college student girls might get taken advantage of and abused the way I had when I was their age.)

Par 9 So anyway I came very near to killing myself the 13th because I was supposed to be evicted next day, but I dint til the morning of the 14th, and then I decided not to, but I was about to collapse, and I was getting dressed and praying which I do sometimes, and argue with Her, and I almost got down on my knees, but kept getting dressed and said a Hail Mary, which I hadn't said any Catholic prayers in YEARS, and I felt a beneficence, a mercy, come from above, and the phone rang, an it was a Catholic charity woman offering me $75 toward my rent, but not if I was gonna be evicted, so she said call her later that day, so I immediately called the rental office and asked if they would call me before the constables came up-- no, but the H.I.B.I.C. came on the line, I asked her if anybody had called with a promissory note, she said no, but she had decided to give me another full week!! So the St. ----- woman sent me the check, and my super sent me some $, and I went to nearby Mass yesterday since many more years, and it was very uncomfortable, and I don't wanna feel Catholic aain, but they may give me more rent $, and I will help them feed the homeless on Thanksgiving, as long as I'm not-- no, I refuse to be homeless; which I have been wanting to do for a while on holidays because I've couldn't do holidays for years now, but I hafta ride the dim bicycle to it, and then I was thinking maybe the anti-porn crusaders might help me collect my 40 thousand sex-discrimination default judgment whatever- they- are, so I hafta fax a bunch today, and the Jews ain't gonna help me, turns out the Italian names don't matter at all, but this goy may be doomed.

Par 5 I got to some liberal lawyers but they pooped out again-- See the recent MyCurSit, and prolly that ACLU star would again, too. I've become more daring in voicemailing the "Bombsumothers" County Executive's office and the "Morldeth" Attorney General's various offices trying to get them to expedite housing assistance OR help me collect the 40,000 dollars (?) from my sex discrimination case default judgment and/or find my aunt and/or correct a job-related security problem, but they haven't answered, and a female bureaucrat threatened me and I hadda quote Sarah Palin.

Par 10? I sure hope there's a special place in Hell for star female reporters of network TV "hourly" news magazines who sic network Security on other women who report being abused by female bureaucrats and everybody else including other women the same women females except it was prolly their LAWYERS except it was prolly the lawyers of the OTHER network but I bet they is females, but who know their story is important anyway. Or males.

Par 11 This a stupid waste of time not even my bosses are lookin' at this page but I gonna take a Pope outta my Index just in case.

Par 6 If I get evicted I'll put the cat on the bike again --oh but I can't now because the rear rack broke, and anyway if I take her right up the road to the vet and say "Please find a good home for her" he'll say "I'm sorry I can't help you" like most people do. And then I don't know where we'll go. Also, how and where do I carry all my stuff, especially the many file crates and boxes of My Personal Constitutional Crisis docs? Should I hand them out to the neighbors? Do the unseen local government fascists hope to grab them? In the end run, it will cost everyone a lot less to keep me alive and comfortable in this apt for a while.

Besides proper names, some lower-case words in my story have been substituted so as to foil spa murres, pre-daters, and family-fascist filters.

Disraely Hapend

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link, Jazz Radio's Deepest Palest Secret
(an Earth-born female adult middle-aged human woman).

My Personal Constitutional Crisis
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First World Wide Web publication of my story was in this site in December 1998. This Countdown added October 11, 2008, and added to Oct. 20.

© 2008.