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Arizona|New Mexico |Nevada|Oregon|Texas|Washington|

We visited Nevada with our parents from 25th January to 28th January 2001.

Our Nevada trip highlights mainly the Las Vegas and the Hoover Dam.

Note :  Please click on the thumbnails to see a bigger photograph.

*Family and Wedding are in a password protected area. Please contact me if you would like to see it.

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Las Vegas

The 24 hour entertainment city! We stayed in Excalibur, which is between Luxor and New York, New York, is located at the south end of the Las Vegas strip.

lv_luxor.jpg (55210 bytes) Luxor
The only 30-story pyramid shaped hotel and casino in the world.

New York, New York
A 2,000-room entertainment complex with a Big Apple theme, complete with Statue of Liberty replica and Coney Island-esque roller coaster
lv_ny.jpg (66556 bytes) lv_ny_night.jpg (56795 bytes)

The Eiffel Tower soars 50 stories into the Sky. I love the
Arc de Triomphe!
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lv_fountain.jpg (37919 bytes) Bellagio :
A 12-acre lake with a spectacular musical fountain show.

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Hoover Dam

dam_2.jpg (57330 bytes) Hoover Dam is a world-renowned
structure and is rated as one of America's
Seven Modern Civil Engineering Wonders.

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