In Touch
with Singapore | Singapore Travel | Places of Interest in Singapore |
Singapore Food | Dallas | Texas Travel | Recreation/Entertainment
| Friends' Webpages
We hope you find these links useful. If you know of a web
page that should have a link on this web page, please let us know by e-mail.
* Note : A new window will be opened for each link.

In Touch with Singapore


of Interest in Singapore


DFW : Dallas Fort Worth metroplex web portal. |
DFWmetro : The web site for
Dallas & Fort Worth, Dallas Fun, Fort Worth Fun. |
Dallas Observer Online : Best of
Dallas Guide. |
Etak Traffic : Real-time
traveler information. It is a great site to check the latest traffic situation. |

Tour Texas : Free Texas Travel
Destination and Attraction Guides. |
Travel Tex : Texas, it's
like a Whole Country.

DFWmenu : A guide to restaurants in
Dallas and Fort Worth. |
Dallas Morning News : I read it every
morning. |
Fox 4 Dallas : I often watch news on this channel. |
KISS FM : The station to listen to when you want to know the latest
songs. |
B97.9 : It's a soft rock station and has a 'live' play list. You can
also listen to them on the Internet. |
TV Listing : Find out what's on TV for a 2 week's schedule. |
Moviefone : Find out what's showing in any of the cinemas in United
States. Just enter your zip code. |
Dialpad : Use this to call anywhere in United States for free.

Home Pages
Win Pro : My brother's company. |
Kee Keong :
Best man for our wedding. |
Alvin Tan : Ngee Ann
Polytechnic's classmate. |
Nam Khim : My husband's National
University of Singapore classmate. |
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