Aaron's HomePage

I Welcome Thee With Great Hospitality To The Cyberspace Home of:


Created sometime in October, 1996 Year of Our Lord

The quote of the week!! [Or other indeterminable period of time since I last changed this]:

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
-- Dr. Seuss

See list of previous QUOTES.


Main Page
Short Stories 'n Stuff
Poems & Songs
Quick Facts on ME!
Photo Album
Linx to ???
Fargo Games


5/24/01 - Well. It's been 4 years since I built this site to communicate a little bit of who I am and what I do. Since then I've gotten 2 or 3 thousand hits. Not bad for a page that has absoultly no promotion that I know of other than word of mouth. I'm happy with it. It has given me a forum to present myself in a such a way I don't feel I'm imposing on the observer. If they tire of me, they just click a little button and I'm gone. If they want to know a bit more, they click on a hyper-link. This is a great medium and my pages have been a good home. Now, though...

More than a few people have pointed out of late that I haven't been updating these pages very frequently. And they are correct to the first magnitude. These pages are representative of my highschool and college life. Since I graduated in May of 2000, I have made something of a transition. I believe it is the one commonly known as "the transition to real life". To tell you the truth, while physically it has been very easy, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually it has been... less than smooth. I find myself changing. I'm still me, but different somehow. Or maybe it's just my understanding of myself that is being altered...

To the average visitor, these pages represent external ideas. To me they represent core ideals. Every poem, quote, picture, and writing is a snapshot of memory for me; what I was feeling, what I was thinking, who I was... They represent part of me that can't die. Instead of trying to adjust this site to reflect who I am becoming, I've decided to leave it here and start a new one. I'll probably put most of what's here up on my new one, but I'll also post things I haven't felt I could put on this site. I've already started this other web page, but it isn't exactly presentable yet. There are only a few things on it.

If you want to e-mail me, I can let you know when I'm done with it. As always, feel free to browse these pages. There's a lot of crud on here. Some of it is even worth your while to seek out. :^) Thank you very much for your visit.



Greetings, Salutations, etc., etc.....

My name is Aaron Wilkinson. My usual on-line name is some sort of formula with AirMan or Air in it so that is why it is at the top of this page. [Though, lately I've been going by "QuantumState".] I am a 23 year old computer programmer.

So here I am, finally in the real world... Working 8 to 5... Driving in Dallas traffic jams... Wishing I had gotten that rocket launcher option on my car...

I'm working for Raytheon company, programming software mostly for military projects. It was pretty slow getting started, but now, a few months in, I finally feel like I'm making a contribution to the company. This is a good thing I'm thinking.

The latest notable events in my life are:
1) I paid off my credit card.
2) I started taking Tae Kwon Do again.
3) I got my car washed.
4) I realized that with the advent of entering the real world, my life has taken a turn toward the dull. (Please note at this time that car washing made the top three notable events in my life.)

I am originally from the great North West. I lived just outside the city limits of a town called Albany in the State of Oregon until I got out of highschool. I love Oregon. Now I live in Richardson, Texas basically a mile or two from the Dallas city limits. Texas ain't so bad either. :^) But it's not as good as Oregon.

Before I tell you all about what I do for fun, let me state with a heart of thankfulness and love: Christ is first in my life. Everything that I can do, He gave me the ability to do and everything I live for is centered in Him. [And if it isn't, I really, really, REALLY want to re-prioritize it to BE centered on Him.] Some time, I will have some Christian sites for you to visit....

God has blessed me with many abilities, both mental and physical. So my activities are numerous.


I love to learn NEW stuff. I am especially enthralled with Science and Math. I like how they are logical and follow set rules for the most part. There are not many other things in life that do. So I think that Math and Science are somewhat refreshing. I also appreciate how obvious they make it that there is a designer behind our universe, AND our lives.

I also love to read. [SCIENCE FICTION and FANTASY mostly, but I diverge from my normal readings into other realms every once in awhile.] I write, as well. I like writing short stories and poetry for the most part. I'll also write essay type things IF the subject is something I feel strongly about. [Or if it is a necessary element in a grade...] Check out the links on this page to read some of the things I have written.

I enjoy dealing with computers [as long as they do what I tell 'em to. :^)]. I like trying to figure out graphics. I especially like programming. I can program in C++ [and C++ Builder], Basic, Pascal, Assembly, and HTML. [Actually, my pascal is awfully rusty, but it looks good to say I am quintlingual. :^)] Lately I've been working a bit with Ada code, but don't tell anyone. Also, I really appreciate video games! I like the kind that have a story or point, and that require some amount of strategy to play. Get some action in with that and I'm sure to go for it.


I can not watch sports for very long with out getting bored, but MAN, DO I LOVE TO PLAY 'EM!!!!!!

I get involved with four sports for the main part: Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, and Track. I am not olympic material or anything, but I am better than average, I think. ;^)

My favorite sports to play are soccer and basketball. I like them because they combine strategy with re-flexes and skill. I play half-back in soccer 'cause that position runs a BUNCH and I have endurence developed in Xcountry. I can't score very well, because I don't have a super strong kick, but I can pass halfway accuratly, and have a good crossover when I dribble.

I take the position of shooting guard on the b-ball court, because I can usually hit 50 to 70 % from the field. [At least I used to be able to. School and work sorta took up all my basket ball playing time...] I can't jump really high, but I can at least dunk a volley-ball, so I have an OK jump shot from about 15 feet in.

My least favorite sports are the running ones. I still enjoy them, though. Distance running is more of an individual sport. I like trying to push myself to the limits just to see what I can do, not for a coach or a team as much, but for myself and, hopefully in anyway possible, God's glory. I'll run pretty much anything from the 1500 meter to the 10K [That's .9 and 6.2 miles.] Normal races in college were 8K's. [5 miles] One of these days I might run a marathon, but I'll probably have to hit my head pretty hard in a fall or something before I actually run 26.2 miles in one shot. Xcountry is the only sport I participated in competitively in college. For those interested, my best time is 26:16 for an 8K [5 mile] course.

When I first arrived at LeTourneau I took up a sport that I hadn't ever tried before: Tae Kwon Do. I am probably the most inflexable person on earth [as far as muscles and joints go], but I have lots of fun, and I've learned SOMEthing of this sport over the past couple years. [Like how to count to ten in Korean. :^)] I am currently a blue belt.


One of my FAVORITE things to be involved in is drama. I've been acting almost as far back as I can remember in church plays, school plays, and whatnot. For the last five summers now I have been involved in 'Faith Summer Drama Troupe'. FSDT is the brain child of Chris Ferwalt, a very talented and cool guy who happened to be my youth leader and is still a close friend. He has a wonderful gift of writing, directing, and acting in dramas. He has written more full length plays/musicals than you can imagine. I've acted in all the dramas we have performed so far, but the last two or three summers I was also in on the writing and directing. I enjoy both immensely. [Though I still like acting the best, I think.] Acting is the greatest, because it lets me become a totally different person for a couple hours. I get sick and tired of being the same old me sometimes, and it is wonderful to just let my imagination run wild and create another life for a while. I don't want to be prideful or anything, but in all honesty I think that I am pretty good at acting. I'm not as polished as a professional, or super experienced, but I think that I have a lot of raw talent, a lot of potential. This God gave me and I am thankful. He is SO good to give us talents and abilities that we can gain such enjoyment from.

It is one of my dreams to one day get to act a medium part in a big movie or something. It'll probably never happen, though, because the movie industry isn't usually something you can do just part time. I would seriously consider pursuing a full time career in TV/movie acting, except that I think I would have to sacrifice my integrity to get anywhere in the Hollywood aspect of things. That's not a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


I go to Church on Sunday. It is a vital part of my life. I can be with people who have the same purpose in life as I do, and best of all, I get to learn about my Savior and first love.

I use to create board games. I haven't lately, because they take lots of time, but that is great fun.

I like to help people out. From cleaning up an elderly person's yard to giving what I hope is wise advise to friends to tweeking someone's computer for them.

I enjoy organizing something EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. I was the Student Body Government secretary in high school and had to organize a couple of events. Most of them came off pretty well.

I enjoy fishing, but haven't had much time to do it during the past few years.

I like to go camping, but not to the exclusion of my other activities. [And I am talking REAL camping where you hike 8 or more miles into a mountain wilderness area and stay for more than one day. I am NOT talking about those drive in campgrounds where you get running water, a picnic table, a barbecue pit, and a complimentary bag of peanuts.]

At times, I like to improve or keep up origami skills. Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper, in case you didn't know. It is pretty cool.

I try to read my Bible and pray every night. I need to do it more often, though. I consider this part of my life as vital as any physical meal.

If you care to know about any of these things in more detail, don't hesitate, e-mail me and ask!

© 1996

E-mail Aaron: airwise@juno.com

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