A Monthly Newsletter of Human Rights Alert


 Volume I Issue III  February 2000


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In This Issue

Manipur Update
Published by Irengbam Arun
on behalf of the Human Rights Alert
Editor :
Babloo Loitongbam

Hard Copy printed at concessionary rates by M/S Lamyanba Printers, Konung Lampak, Imphal 795001

Manipur Update
Volume I Issue III February 2000
Contents in this Issue
The Missing Link
HRA focuses on the issues of forcible disappearance in the state of Manipur. HRA stands in solidarity with the families of the disappeared in their struggle for truth, justice and reparation for the lost of their loved ones.
The Standards
The article highlights the International Standards on Enforced Disappearances. 
The Phenomena
... From the perspective of the victim involved, the phenomena of 'disappearance' in Manipur can be broadly divided into two types, namely activists of the underground groups and ordinary civilians....
Read the full article
In Pursuit of Justice
... In 1999, the WITNESS program of the Lawyers Committee of Human Rights produced a short video film on the same boy entitled Sanamacha's Story. The video film was screened before the UN Working Group in New York in May 1999. The video is now available in the internet at http://www.witness.org
Read the full feature
Greetings of Hope
In response to the Amnesty International campaign for Sanamacha, his parents in Manipur State received thousands of letters and greetings from concerned people across the world, mostly from Great Britain, expressing sympathy and hope for their 'missing' son.
Read the full feature
Brute Force in Manipur
For decades, the State of Manipur has been witnessing two parallel movements. One is the armed struggle being pursued by various underground groups with an avowed goal of 'restoring the lost freedom' of Manipur. The other by public organisations and human rights bodies, which are fighting against physical and psychological abuse of the innocent by the government forces on the pretext of curbing militant activities. The second movement is more or less an upshot of the low intensity conflict between the opposition groups and government soldiers.
Read the full article
Dairy of the Joint Action Committee (Sanamacha Issue)
Read the full text
A Fact-sheet on Disappearance case of Manipur
Read the full text
Forever in Grief
Of all the human rights violations, the cruellest must be the pain and grief inflicted on the families of the 'disappeared'. You cannot just wish away the pain and grief. The article features first hand accounts of some of the bereaved families
Praying for Sanity
Life will never be the same again for the parents of Yumlembam Sanamacha. Since the day, their 15 year old son Sanamacha was taken away by the personnel of 17 Rajputana Rifles of the Indian Army, they have not had a moment's peace. The article features the trauma of the parents and families of Sanamacha.
January Issue
Volume I Issue II, 
January, 2000

This Issue focus on the Women's Rights in Manipur

December Issue
Volume I Issue I, 
December, 1999

This Issue focus on the Armed Forces Special Powers Act



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Manipur Update Volume I
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Last modified: March 29, 2000