A Monthly Newsletter of Human Rights Alert


 Volume I Issue III  February 2000


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January Issue

Manipur Update
Published by Irengbam Arun
on behalf of the Human Rights Alert
Editor :
Babloo Loitongbam

Hard Copy printed at concessionary rates by M/S Lamyanba Printers, Konung Lampak, Imphal 795001

Manipur Update
January Issue
Volume I Issue II, January 2000


The issue of January 2000 focuses on the rights of women in Manipur. 
The highlights of the articles are as follows
The Invisible Violations
            Behind the farcade of political and socio-economic role, the lives of many Manipuri women are still governed by prejudices and stereotypes of a patriarchal society. The prejudices and stereotypes were so deep-rooted in the socio-cultural structure of Manipuri society that it became the reason for continued ignorance of the inherent violence or discrimination.
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Women's Rights : The International Standard
            Women are entitled to all the rights enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights. But in reality, they do not enjoy the rights in equal footing with man, on account of the biological difference and discrimiantion they face in the society. Therefore, there is a need for specific rights for women or specific application of human rights.
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The Manipuri Woman : A Profile
              In 1904, when the British Political Agent ordered all adult males of Imphal to rebuild his bungalow which was burnt down by some unidentified persons, the market women mounted a protest against the imposition. Later, the government had to withdraw its order. The uprising is known as the first Nupilal (Women's War). 
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Women and Health
                Generally women are advised not to take their meal before the husband. She has to wait even if he comes late at night. It is for the husband to first eat his fill, and the women must be satisfied with the remaining food.
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Women in Armed Conflict : The Manipur Experience
            In the prolonged armed conflict, women and children have been especially vulnerable to state repression. Besides exposing them to the ravages of internal armed conflict, they have been subjected to physical and mental torture, degrading treatment, sexual abuse, arbitrary detention, harassment and extrajudicial killings.
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The Fear of Rape : The Crime and Punishment
            In Manipur, the victims of rape range from a 3-year old child to even a 70 year old woman. The types of rape include date rape, statutory rape and gang rape. In most of the cases, it is a single rapist and that too mostly persons known to the victim. For fear of social ostracism, most of the rape cases are not reported.
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Between the Lines : Stereotypes and Prejudices
            The life of a Manipuri woman was circumscribed by the social taboos and prejudices of a patriachal society. The concept of an ideal woman in Manipuri mythology, itself speaks volumes.
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The Plight of Manipuri Women : Economic Role and Economic Rights
            Women of Manipur do not suffer from the kind of exploitation and suppression encountered by their peers in other parts of the globe. But, we must hasten to add, this does not imply that they do not suffer from any kind of exploitation. 
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Marrying into Violence : Domestic violence in Manipur
            Among the violence which married women experience in Manipur, mention may be made of marital rape, forced suicide, physical assault, mental torture and humiliation by their husbands, in-laws and other family members. Divorces and marital break-ups mostly centre around the ground of cruelty.
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Violence against Women : A Woman's Viewpoint
            Women in Manipur are constantly tortured mentally and physically under the guise of certain social norms and taboos. They are the main workers, whether it be at home or at the paddy fields. But their hard work and economic contribution towards family management is not appreciated.
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First Person

A Life without Hope
            As they charged towards us, we ran. But we were chased and beaten up. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was the blows and kicks which were directed ceaselessly on my person. (A true life account of a victim of police brutality)
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Administrative Report on Nupilal

Human Rights Alert Dairy (List of Civilian Women who fall victim to the excesses of the security forces in the on going armed conflict in Manipur. The list covers a range between 1995 to 1999 only.)

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Manipur Update Volume I
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Last modified: March 29, 2000