A Monthly Newsletter of Human Rights Alert


 Volume I Issue III  February 2000


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Human Rights Alert

Manipur Update
Published by Irengbam Arun
on behalf of the Human Rights Alert
Editor :
Babloo Loitongbam

Hard Copy printed at concessionary rates by M/S Lamyanba Printers, Konung Lampak, Imphal 795001

Manipur Update
February Issue
Volume I Issue III, February 2000
Human Rights Alert

Human Rights Alert (HRA) is non-governmental, voluntary organisation of individuals committed to the cause of human rights. Its members are drawn from human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers, academicians, health workers and community workers of Manipur.


Runs a resource centre at Manipur and services the local human rights initiatives with information, advice and guidance.

Monitors and documents the human rights situation in Manipur and the North East region. (Print & Audio Visual)

Conducts grass-root level human rights work-shops in the North East region.

Campaign on individual cases of human rights violations using the law courts, domestic human rights institutions, international NGOs and the UN human rights mechanisms.

Networks with the human rights groups in the region and outside.Work closely with Amnesty International,London; International Service for Human Rights, Geneva; International Human Rights Internship Program, Washington DC. HRA is also a partner of the Witness Program of the Lawyer Committee for Human Rights, New York.

Publishes a Newsletter MANIPUR UPDATE.


Monthly donations from a group of local donors;

Occasional donations from public for specific programs;

Consultation fees from workshops;

Voluntary services from professionals.

Contact person

Babloo Loitongbam
Executive Dirctor
Human Rights Alert
P.O. Box No. 183
Imphal 795001, Manipur, INDIA
Tele : + 91 - 385 - 223159
Fax : + 91 - 385 - 228624

E-mail : lamcom@dte.vsnl.net.in




MANIPUR UPDATE is not for sale.

This monthly newsletter is meant for limited circulation among individuals, institutions and organizations in India and abroad, which are active in the promotion of human rights or are presumed to be interested in the human rights situation in Manipur. Opinions expressed in this newsletter by the contributors are not necessarily the views of the Human Rights Alert.

Materials published in any issue of MANIPUR UPDATE may be reproduced 
freely or used in any form for promotion of human rights,
provided due acknowledgements is given to Human Rights Alert.
Manipur Update Volume I
logo of Human Rights Alert
Human Rights Alert
Kwakeithel Thiyam Leikai, Imphal, Manipur, INDIA
Tele : + 91 - 385 - 223159
Fax : + 91 - 385 - 228624
E-mail : lamcom@dte.vsnl.net.in
Copyright © 2000 Human Rights Alert
Last modified: March 24, 2000