A Monthly Newsletter of Human Rights Alert


 Volume I Issue III  February 2000


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Manipur Update
Published by Irengbam Arun
on behalf of the Human Rights Alert
Editor :
Babloo Loitongbam

Hard Copy printed at concessionary rates by M/S Lamyanba Printers, Konung Lampak, Imphal 795001

Manipur Update
February Issue
Volume I Issue III, February 2000


The Phenomena
... From the perspective of the victim involved, the phenomena of 'disappearance' in Manipur can be broadly divided into two types, namely activists of the underground groups and ordinary civilians....
Read the full article
In Pursuit of Justice
... In 1999, the WITNESS program of the Lawyers Committee of Human Rights produced a short video film on the same boy entitled Sanamacha's Story. The video film was screened before the UN Working Group in New York in May 1999. The video is now available in the internet at http://www.witness.org
Read the full feature
Greetings of Hope
In response to the Amnesty International campaign for Sanamacha, his parents in Manipur State received thousands of letters and greetings from concerned people across the world, mostly from Great Britain, expressing sympathy and hope for their 'missing' son.
Read the full feature



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Manipur Update Volume I
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Last modified: March 27, 2000