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Perth Amboy, N.J.
 Middlesex County 3/8/2000

A noxious odor overcame more than 30 people in the Middlesex County Board of Social Services building, located on the intersection of Madison Ave and Market St.

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"Walking Wounded" victims stood in line to be evaluated for treatment or transport. Initial reports stated that approximately 12 people were transported including two ALS. In total 36 people were given attention .

Perth  Amboy notified Middlesex County Emergency Management along with County HAZMAT, Perth Amboy Mobile Intensive Care Unit .


Perth Amboy Fire Dept. Perth Amboy EMS working together to evaluate patients and rehab.



The scene atmosphere was very relaxed and appeared to run very smoothly.

The Middlesex County Coordinator, Perth Amboy Fire Chief, EMS and CountyHAZMAT discuss and reevaluate the scene.



 Perth Amboy Fire Chief Larry Cattano , Note small bus in background used for transport of non critical patients.

Firefighters setup smoke ejectors to vent out the fumes from the building.

Chuck & Bernie will update further information on this incident.

The information on this page is strictly preliminary.

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Milltown NJ (Middlesex County)
February 8, 2000  North Main Street
Photos by Brian Vicidomini -  aka 460
Firefighters from Milltown, North Brunswick, East Brunswick Independent, Brookview fought this 3 alarm fire. First due companies battled the blaze initially on the interior with 4 lines. The fire rapidly extended throughout the wood frame dwelling forcing ff's out to an exterior attack.

Firefighters shown are using 2 1/2 inch handlines as Milltown and East Brunswick set up  truck 73 (MFD Hose Co) and Truck 809(EBIFC)

Firefighter Brian (Bubba) Kozak prepares the ladder pipe on Truck 73

Milltown Fire Chief Joel Carraso orders the trucks to utilize ladder pipes and master streams to get copious amounts of water on the fire. Chief Carraso is assisted by Fire Captain Mike Kane from Eureka Engine Co. #1

The blaze caused a total loss to the structure and there were no reported injuries to C&B, Here Engine 62 and Engine 72 shown operating at the multiple alarm fire.

Middlesex Co OEM Assistant Deputy Coordinator Ken Link operates in Milltown near Engine 72, The County OEM Fire Bureau was activated to assist with mutual aid

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