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Morristown Municipal Airport
Rescue 1 - 1996 Walter / KME
Operated by Rural/Metro Fire Department

Morristown Mun. Airport
Spring 1999, Tri-Annual FAA Emergency Response Drill
(Right) MMU's Rescue One first on the scene with the fuselage of a corporate jet burning out of control, The jet had crash landed on a 4-Seat cessna, Mutual Aid was on the way.

MMU Aircraft Rescue Firefighter
John Meyer (LEFT)
Is shown performing a patient triage just after he knocked the fire down in Rescue 1, There were Multiple Injuries and a few fatalities in the simulated crash.

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EMS is shown (RIGHT) tending to one of the passengers in the crash, EMS from local volunteer squads responded to the airport and assisted in the removal of the victims to the simulated hospital, (airport operations garage) ALS responded from Morristown Hospital.

MMU - ARFF Chief Don Nelsen (LEFT) is assisting Morristown FD Command by supervising front-line operations as firefighters from MMU and Morristown Fire Dept prepare to remove a victim to the treatment area to be moved to an awaiting ambulance for transport. Aircraft Rescue Firefighter Frank Dominguez is the FF kneeling far right closest to Chif Nelsen.

Morristown Municipal Airport
May 23, 1999 - A single engine cessna crashed upon landing on r/w 23, the right landing gear collapsed upon touchdown, There were no injuries, Rich was on the scene with the RIV within a minute of the crash

Morristown Fire Department was also on the scene with 1 engine, there was no major damage and no fuel spillage, The airport was closed for about 1/2 hour and Rich got 2 hours overtime because the crash was at shift change.

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