Where the Pro-Fliers of Malaysia gather |
LINKS TO HELPFUL SITESHere are some sites which have been handy while working in the aviation environment. They have made life a bit easier just like GPS (remember the days when you HAVE to know how to map read?). These sites cut down on the hassle in info gathering.... Department of Civil Aviation, Malaysia This site of course belongs to the DCA under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport. Loads of information on the do's and don'ts of operating in Malaysia. However some pages seems to be still under construction when last visited on 25 May 2000. Have been sending returns through the email to DCA for the last 3 years now. You can get almost everything and anything regarding aviation at this site especially all things to do with the Government. Download ASBs, MMELs and a whole lot of stuff for the price of a local phone call. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Although weather is their main concern (you can get all kinds of info on the weather and fantastic pictures of hurricanes and weather aircraft), they are also the agents for maps issued by NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Agency). Smaller scale maps (1:500,000 and smaller) of any part of the world, including Malaysia, are available through them and obtainable within 10 days after payment is made. 1:250,000 maps are difficult to come by even through our Land & Survey Department. If you know of a source, let me know. Helicopter Association International Basically a helicopter site. Safety stats, regulations and a whole lot of goodies available here though. They have good connections to Manufacturers, Trade Associations, Parts Suppliers and the list goes on. One example is avlinks.com which is a website database listing links and company contacts to hundreds of aviation related companies. Its search can be base on name, services or type of operations. |
Malaysian Pilot Association l Historical
Background l Seminars And Events Phone: 603-78808616 / 626 / 636 Primary Business Address |