Something In the Air
The idea of starting a pilots association has been in the incubation stage
for a long time. Apart from MALPA (Malaysian Airlines Pilots Association), which
is strictly for pilots in MAS, there is no Body to represent the rest of the
pilots in Malaysia.
In late 1996, some of us in Kerteh, mainly helicopter pilots, wanted to form
a helicopter pilots association to look after our interests. Since there was no
national pilots association, one of the smarter ones suggested that fixed wing
pilots should be included.
The Initial Months
As one thing led to another, a meeting of 19 pilots from different Companies
from all over the country met in KL on 10 May 1997 to propose the formation of
an Association for pilots. Of course, before that meeting, there was a lot of
legwork done. Workhorse in all this background slog was Capt Zainol Akmar who
later was the first Hon Secretary.
During the meeting, the Protem Committee was elected with Capt Raja Mohamed
as the first President of the "Persatuan Juruterbang Malaysia"
Since that time, membership has increased to a princely 51 members. It ahs
been a struggle. One reason for the poor response so far is the frequently asked
question on the benefits of joining the Association. This is rather short
sighted because we will not reap any significant benefit until and unless we
have the numbers. And there is strength in numbers.
Who Can Join?
So who are eligible? Anybody who flies. That's pilots, of Malaysian
citizenship, who hold or have held an ATPL, CPL or PPL. Serving members (pilots)
of the Malaysian Armed Forces and Police Force are welcomed as well. So if you
fall in any of the category, please sign up or contact anyone of us. Hear from
you soon?