Although these links are checked from time to time they may change or cease to exist with out my knowledge as I am unable to continuously monitor them. Please E-Mail me if you experience any trouble.

Chemistry:- the science of elements and their compounds and their laws of combination and behaviour. (Oxford dictionary)

Chemistry can be an exiting, fun and rewarding pursuit. I started off learning chemistry in my early teens because a friend and I wanted to make model rockets. From there I decided that chemistry was the career for me. Chemistry is all around us and just about everything we do relies on chemistry. Our own bodies rely on chemical reactions to function; from providing energy from food to sending messages at the ends of our nerves.

In just about every commodity you buy a chemist has been involved at some stage of its production, either in the production itself or in chemical analysis. Chemists are involved in a large number of fields:- To name just a few.

Chemistry Links


Australian Chemistry Network

Periodic Table
Periodic Table
    and much much more

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy  A good
    starting point for the basics of Atomic Absoption
    Spectroscopy with links to other basic analytical
    chemistry sites.
Analytical chemistry sites

Aussie Flag The Land Down Under

 Melbourne   The capital of the state of Victoria.
    Voted the worlds most livable city in 1996.

How can one provide a definition of Jazz. It must mean different things to different people. The Oxford Dictionary defines it thus:-"...popular syncopated music with marked rythm and much improvisation" Hmmm! Listen to Jazz and come to your own conclusion. Today jazz comes in many forms:- The thing they all have in common is improvisation and syncopation.

My own favorite style is the original New Orleans jazz - small ensembles with group improvisation.

Let me indulge in an old joke:

A man continually comes home stone drunk. His long suffering wife tries to get him to go to the doctor to get some help. One night on his way home from a drinking bout he spies a sign in a music shop window. SYNCOPATION. Hmmm thought the drunk I'll tell my wife I went to see the doctor and he says I have a disease called syncopation. Which duly did - tell his wife that is. Not to be out done his wife looked up syncopation and she read - ERACTIC WANDERING FROM BAR TO BAR!!!!!!! :-)

Scan through these links and ENJOY
RECORD Jazz & Music Related Links

Bourbon Street  Geocities Own Jazz Community 
Ragtime Press
MIDI Jazz network
Ragtime MIDI page   by Warren Trachtman. Tunes
    to download and listen to.
Big Bands   Lots of information here on big bands,
    American, British, Canadian and European. No
    music, that I could see, to listen to. Although there
    were links to some MIDI sites.
Cotton Club   Links to lots of Jazz, Big Band and
    Swing sites.
R Jones   One HUGE jazz site.
The Red Hot Jazz Archive

Cycling Links

Bicycle Victoria   (Australia)    NEW

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EMAIL chemcapers@yahoo.com

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