Historical details About Me
This page is purely and simply some details about myself in the, perhaps, vain hope that a friend from from my past may recognise the details and be inclined to get in touch.
- Name = Ron Cook
- Born 1945 in Manchester, England
- Lived in Sefton Street, Whitefield till 1958 (approx 4.5 miles north of Manchester)
- Attended the primary school located at end of Victoria Ave - Bessies O' the Barn. 1953-1956
- Attended Whitefield Council Secondary School 1957- May 1958
- Attended 18th Prestwhich (2nd Whitefield) Scouts approx 1955 - 1957
- Emigrated to Australia 1958
I would be interested in the learning whereabouts of any of the following:-
- Brian Clayton - lived in Higher Lane, Whitefield until at least the early 1960's.
- Roger Allerton - Lived in Prestwich until at least the 1960's.
- Roy Garner - Lived in Sefton St, Whitefield until at least the 1960's, May have lived in Victoria Ave in the 1980's.
- Peter Hackett - Lived in Oxford Ave, Whitefield until at least the 1960's.
If any body knows the whereabouts of any of these people OR indeed if you attended the above mentioned school at the same time. I would be most happy to hear from you.
There are others from that era, Alexander (Sandy) Jones, Chris Buckley, John Chant I would like to know what has become of them.
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