How do I change my modes of thinking? To know 8 things which facilitate Octivation.
The switch that trips The trip that switches The answer is your answer The mundane is 9:9 The ratio means nothing The answer means nothing .. To any other soul, but you
We are clearly not talking to each other; like two friends who have grown up together only to discover at puberty that their goals and ideals seem so very different to those long hot summers of playtimes past. Those uncomfortable moments when, you bump into each other through the course of a day. Neither of you knows how to talk the other one anymore and neither of you wants to make the first move. Octivation techniques can only be achieved with an absolute honesty to one's self. Anything less than this will result in absolute failure in which you will successfully blame everyone else but you. For this we have to begin ground up as it were. What makes you, you? Your physicality and your ability to internalise any external interactions allow you to operate in a gravity bound three-dimensional construct. Your seven senses of touch, smell, hearing, taste, sight, balance and thought allow you to be operational and maintain a program of humean.
Such a hard shell to penetrate from either direction. Youre too afraid to break out and much too afraid to let anyone in. they have to pass rigorous tests; proving themselves time and time again just in order to reach your inner temple. Once you reach this place yourself you will understand that you will fell an uncontrollable urge to share these feelings with others. You will not wish to have others go through life without experiencing totally absorbing self love.
you fight back against oppression by following your predetermined flock hive protocols. We urge you to try and understand the rules of Play. The game has many rules, and the enforcement protocol is there to show you who you should not be and what you should not do. It is your choice whether you follow these rules or establish new ones. In any event Nu rules should blend and mix with your current sociatal values - they do not have to correspond merely appear to.
A dream of many great souls and many more smaller ones too. By the very fact that you are reading this means you have an opportunity to akt on a global scale. You can do more than any politician circa 1991 in rallying like minded souls to a common cause. Always remember premise 3.141 : "Akt locally, think globally"
Not in its negative sense but in a sense of understanding and intelligence. In the coming months you will shirk your responsibility. It is an inevitable reaction to run from that which you truely desire. This is a necessary part of your journey into the dark night of the soul. Persevere and you will be rewarded, and the reward will come from yourself.
To Know, to Understand, To Dare, To keep Silent. These are the aged old premises for asurvival within a magickal caste. It's time to make new ones. New ones that further our understanding of ourselves and our integral role within the matrix.
It.s time to Mute 8. Goys and Birls. SHe wants you to see Hir. But all that is offered is the truth, nothing more.
This is the section for you to contribute. This is where you get to change things, wonderful things...