These pages where written to protect you. By you, this means you as an individual and you from the genetic level. You have to understand just how easy it is to establish a religious structure through creating resonate phrases to vibrate harmoniously with a sequence of generations. In the following years, your DNA will become a product, something which is no longer owned by you. Because you never established the genome, your ignorance has enabled a group of scientists to market it on your behalf - fuck that for a description - you have been raped, whole tribes have been raped. Sure they paid for the DNA and gave funds to improve living standards for these people. As if this is going to dint the pocket of a governmentally funded research laboratory that will be receiving grants which could stabilise a small country. So we take and use the religious aspects of indoctrinated happenstance and by using them, show them for what they are; neurological cattle grids. If they can believe in this, we can believe in that. The whole circumstance of global diversity has shown there can be no one way, over and above the others. However, a way or a B.S. that elicits its values as a direct product of neurological training, displaying clearly the motives, means and reasons as to why it is a chosen belief system, displays both its flaws and its merits openly, validating and exposing itself as open to change, open to discussion, open wide to exhibit the one thing it was designed to protect - the individual - from the outer shell to the inner coree and all contained therein. I am by no means predicting a future, just simply responding to occurrences already taking place and observing possible outcomes based on facts pertaining to systems of government and enforcement and their combined and generated paranoia and addictive need to acquire further control. Even more so now that there is much more global interaction on a personal level and as individuals become aware that more or less the same situations entrap the same kind of people on different continents, slumber ceases. It could be described as an electrically induced, shared actualisation caused as a direct result of a Digital Alexandria - remember this sentence as it will be elucidated further on. Once again, a Digital Alexandria.
I want you to understand the force that impels myself to place symbols onto this page. This for me was a blank page, for the minute ignore everything underneath - it does not yet exist for you, just like it never existed for me.
We both stare at a blank page and we both struggle with what is to come next. Could it be words and phrases that change the rest of our existence, or simply the wranglings' of an over inflated Ego?
As we begin to reach the bottom of the tree we begin to see a picture painted by prior pontification. We get a taste and a formulation which we can piece together to give ourselves a framework to establish a plausible outcome of the meaning the author is trying to put over.
We believe we are now endowed with a substantial overview so as to lessen any potential shock. It seems that we need to do this, despite being the inquisitive beings that we are.
It seems that we have, even without understanding it or being aware of it, some sort of mechanism that foresees potential Bio-shock and the hazards it could cause.