Liber NuKleik The Book of New Tides Very rarely does anyone free themselves, more often, they are released by someone who has already been freed. The old adage of when the pupil is ready the teacher will come basically means that when the student has to become; for their own protection a FreeSoul will instigate a release program. A few make it, most do not,. Many are silenced, many become the silencers. These disgruntled individuals who know part of the picture but never discovered who the Artist was. It remains for them a 2 dimensional, flat lifeless quest, leaving them embittered & determined to see that no others be free. The Few know the Urgency and a few of the Few make concerted choices to remain to free the others. Its rough in the kindergarten - you need all the help you can get. Know your German, it shall set you Free. But remember your Latin for it has a Key. When you meet a gurdjeifian you will get a glimpse of perpetual playtime. You will not be told the rules of play. Should play have any rules? Did you ever join in? How do you cope when the rules change? When the picture gets Bigger? When the mechanical animal holds you by the throat. No longer the colour on the Palette but the ant under the Mallet. Thrown from the prison you didn't know into the prison where you have always been. The inmates are strange - the prison stranger still. In the words of Jean Baudrillard, "The desert of the real" And they state with such irony that the truth shall set you free. Then imagine spending 15 years in jail to wake up on the morning of your release to walk, for the last time through a corridor of caged animals staring jealously at you. As you collect your belongings now so out of date, you take the final steps through the Gate that has kept you penned, for nearly 2 decades. You breathe in and taste the air on this side for the last time and then step through. Does the Air taste any different? Why? You are not met by anyone, it appears no-one cares after such a long time and as you arrive at the city you walk through the streets admiring the throngs who have been blessed with the freedom you have only been able to dream about. But freedom is a 2 edged sword... You're Free, you can do anything you want - WRONG You can go anywhere you want - WRONG Who was once your friend is now your enemy Who was once your guide is now your noose Who was once your love is now your shackles Who was once your idol is now your muse In a world based on rules it make sense to understand what those rules are. Once you become aware of a system U can break a system. Open your Mind - Kuato Free your Mind - Morpheus This world cannot tell you who you are. You cannot find yourself within these parameters. Have you noticed yet that you are always right on time to walk into the moments in your life? Do you want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear? When you realise that you are here for others who are here for you, then you will know both the question and the answer... But don't fret too much - you are in control, I know I am. But who's deluding who? Ask yourself these questions: "What does it mean to be a 34o Mason in the A.'.A.'.?" "are you ever superstitious about synchronicity?", "If you're the rat in the cage, who built the cage?", "Why does a world miles wide suddenly feel so claustrophobic?" Left for dead Left for dead Sinister caisia morturi Right for life Right for Life Dexter causia Vita Momentary passions soon belie intrusions of actualisation's when you wonder if you could ever attain selflessness. When people start thinking for you, all is lost. Tim said Revolution without revealation is futile. Then the answer is to reveal. But Tim also said Revealation without revolution is also futile. So therefore the answer is to revolt. But which? Do you reveal and then revolt or do you revolt and then reveal? Both have been tried, both have failed. Then what? We need something that has never been tried before. Sure O.M. has been pretty fucking effective and the spanner has now become the keypad. But the memetics have mutated back into the establishment and become the establishment. It's the system that is the enemy, not the perpetuators and it's the sytem that is the cause, not the perpetuatees. The creators are long gone, stop focusing on humans - it is not their fault, that which they do. A human is only aware of its boundaries and its boundaries are not of its making. This is the I.'.A.'. to balance the A.'.I.'.. The equilibrium of natural and anatural.