The Game of Life This is important for those of us who wish to understand and participate in the acceleration of our own evolution and that of our divergent human family. The science of exo-psychology, which analyses human affairs from an extraterrestrial (future) point of view, here links up with ancient, pre-scientific psychologies which were so futique that they all but disappeared into the occult (meaning "hidden") traditions, and have suffered due to a loss to the scientific community until now. Before you read how Dr. Leary relates the 22 trumps of the medieval tarot deck, the 12 "sun signs" of astrology and the 8 trigrams of the Chinese book of changes (I ching) to the evolving periodic table (here spiral) of elements, the ethological concept of castes, and most important, to the next quantum leap in human consciousness (as well as the next several down the line), I want you to back up a bit and reiterate two basic principles of exo-psychology. Recapitulation - that ontogeny repeats phylogeny. This concept is easily demonstrated in the development of the human embryo (which at various times has gills and a tail), but seldom extended to the whole lifespan of the individual as here. You will find in the Game of Life, as in Intelligence agents and exo-psychology, not only the idea that evolution is proceeding into pre-programmed post-human stages which carry us off this planet, but also that some human beings are (have always been) literally ahead of their times in having activated what Dr. Leary calls circuits of their nervous systems years or even centuries ahead of general human development. Recapitulation is thus only a part of a genetic process which throws ("castes") out futique as well as antique forms. This would explain the development pre-scientifically of concepts now being explored in such modern sciences as human ethology (sociobiology) and quantum physics. Imprinting - The idea that during preprogrammed periods in an individual's development the organism is open to fixating on certain behaviours is still mainly confined to animal psychology (Konrad Lorenz). That this might extend to human behaviours is only now being investigated by such researchers as Dr. Marshall Klaus of Cleveland and psychologist Donna Kontos of Toronto, who appear to be amassing evidence that human infants (and mothers) experience a period of heightened suggestibility following birth in which both baby and mother will imprint each other as love/care objects - or in which both gain the impression,, through hospital procedures, that the other is not really there for Hir. If you put these two ideas together, you can see the possibilty that, from a genetic point of view, a whole species might experience periods of great suggestibility during which it might make great leaps ahead in intelligence - learn to make fire, develop a planetary perspective. The timelessness of this book is in the context of the dominance in Southern California - the last teresstrial frontier - of what Dr. Leary once called "suntanned, gracefull, sensory-equipped, yogic" Fith circuit (see pat III) individuals. As a result of his insight that this flowering of beauty and self-actualisation is not the end of human evolution (nor a mere sign of western decadance, Dr. Leary poinhts to the next step - a fusion of human energies to lift life off the planet and thus open up the ecological and economic system of Sol 3. The human species is accelerating to escape velocity. What kind of transmission would be most helpful in facilitating the exploration of human communities tolerant and knowledgeable enough to withstand the acceleration/radiation of post-terrestrial individuals? One answer lies in human ethology: in the exo-psychological concept of seasonally varied genetic differences in human nervous systems. Exo-psychology's success in prediction is backed by Dr. Leary's career of anticipating the movements of human consciousness. And your success in surfing the evolutionary waves to come may be dependant on the extent to which you underrstand the concepts presented here. As for comprehending Dr. Leary's work, I'll give you George Koopman's advice; read each sentance as though it were a paragraph. Now: Surf's up! (Serfs are down! T.L.) _- Arel Lucas