Quiet Foxes - (http://www.quiet-time.com/front.html): Strange and charming in the way of REALLY old fairy tales (you know, before Disney started snipping out all the juicy bits), Quiet Foxes is web of beauty, whimsy, and wonder. This site has won many well-deserved accolades for excellence in design. Highly recommended. (30 Sept 97)
QWERTY - (http://www.unb.ca/web/QWERTY/): QWERTY is a non-profit literary and visual arts magazine published by Icehouse Press in Fredericton, New Bruswick, Canada with the support of the University of New Bruswick English Department and Graduate Student's Association. What I like most about QWERTY is that, unlike many of its more pretentious bretheren, the editors of this webzine clearly have a rollicking good time with it. (02 Mar 97)