Letters from ABroad - (http://www.actual-reality.co.uk/abroad/): The UK-based Actual-Reality Co. produces this popular on-line soap about three friends who, though living in three different cities, keep in touch through e-mail. Readers "hack" into the character's e-mail accounts to follow their bizarre, "X-Files"-type adventures. Readers are encouraged to send e-mail to the characters and see their messages integrated into the story. (13 Oct 97)
Lies - (http://www.users.interport.net/~rick/lies/lies.html):
Richard Pyrll originally created this story in Hypercard as part of a course in hypertext writing at MIT. Well-written, intriguing, simple, and brief: excellent work! This is required reading for aspiring hypertext fiction authors. (07 Mar 97)
Little Read Writer's Hood - (http://www.summit.net/writers_hood/fiction.htm): This site was designed to be a basket of literary goodies encompassing all storytelling genres. Unfortunately, the trickle of submissions has not yet caught up with the creator's ambitious intentions--there are few stories and many of the genre sections are empty and in danger of being closed. Most of the writing is amateurish and poorly edited. The SF section has the best overall content, with James Patrick Updike's Mother of Invention being the standout. Also, Susan Zoon's horror novella Vampire Lover has great potential if she finishes it and cleans up the HTML. (07 Sept 97)
The Luminous Dome - (http://www.stephen.com/button/luminous.html#43): An interactive fantasy story by Stephen Linhart. The story is broken into short pages, and you control the actions of the main character from a list of choices on each page. Great minimalist page design and hypertext interface. An interesting start, but only just begun, and in the past several months it doesn't look like Stephen's added anything new. (07 Mar 97)
Literal Lies - (http://www.matti.com/): M. Carmen Matti brings us a collection of lies, frauds, and cons (also, stories and poems). Snappy, edgy writing and offbeat plots complimented by good graphic design--a GREAT website. Trust me. (07 Sept 97)