Nebula - ( Ken Strange's Nebula Netzine is "an independent arts & science unperiodical." Each "issue" contains a single feature, such as a short story, novel excerpt, or poetry collection. (02 Mar 97)
Neoscribes - ( More of a writer's collective than an e-zine, Neoscribes' goal is "to feed talented new writers to the hungry public." The site is still new and has a number of empty spaces (including fantasy and horror), but they do have a few humor stories and the beginning chapters of two serial SF adventures. (05 May 97)
Nescience: Communion of the Confused - ( - Peter's "hot dog stand on the ether" features poems, stories, and babble. He has a breezy, meandering style that's fun to follow even though his stories often don't go anywhere. He posts some entertaining poetry, too. (19 Mar 97)
Nights in WhiteSatin - ( Aussie writer "WhiteSatin" posts a selection of erotica written by herself and others. Stories range from coyly suggestive to openly explicit. The quality of plot, dialog, and prose raise this site above mere porn and into the realm of erotic storytelling. (10 Aug 97)
Ninety-Nine Stories - ( - A collection of (surprise) ninety-nine very short stories. The writing is fine, but none of the story fragments really jumped out. Random trinkets, rather than pearls on a string. Also, going from one story to the next involved linking back to the home page and scrolling past a big title graphic to reach the grid of story links--very tiresome. This site would be greatly improved with some refinements in the navigation system, especially addition of internal hypertext linkage from one fragment to other related fragments. (20 Mar 97)
No Dead Trees - ( A collaborative, interactive novel in the sf/fantasy genre. The concept is an ambitious one: creation of a truly interactive novel in which the reader may follow many paths for many different characters, all of which change the direction of the story. Interesting and mostly well-written, but sometimes confusing due to the non-linear branching. (20 Feb 97)