Hallowmas - (http://www.nosferatu.com/hallowmas.html): A quarterly non-profit literary e-zine devoted to "art, poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction that characterizes the darker elements of life: the melancholic, the horrible, the bitter." (13 Oct 97)
Hermit's Electronic Publishing Page - (http://www.iglou.com/hermit/epub/): Some stories, many links: a great resource. Hermit posts his own stories plus some offerings from other writers. He also provides one of the best general resources on electronic publishing available anywhere. (07 Mar 97)
How's Your Damned Dog? - (http://www.teleport.com/~philip/): Philip posts a small collection of short stories in a very slick-looking website. He's a good writer, but he's got to get over this fixation about hitting women with delivery trucks. (10 Mar 97)