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We live in a frantic world where people move frequently, and relationships of depth are harder and harder to come by.  A world where families break down, and loneliness has become epidemic.  Where people are always in a hurry but have no real idea where they are trying to get to.  Where people seek to fill a profound inner emptiness through rampant materialism, drugs and alcohol, violence and lust.

* A recent poll showed that only 37% of Americans feel they can trust most people, down from 58% in 1960. Consequently, there is a scarcity of basic human kindness, a lack of civility, a deep-seeded suspicion of strangers.

"In a hostile, hurting world,  there is a desperate need for the sort of people we seek to be: a people who "reach out with kindness and laughter.”

* In the present time, 1/4 of American households consist of a single person, up from only 8% in 1940. The single life can be a truly blessed life, but there must be a vital connection to a larger community of caring, where relationships of depth can be cultivated, where lives are healed.

"We provide a community of support and healing where all are welcomed and valued... In a world where people feel they can love only those who are like themselves, we seek to celebrate the uniqueness of every human being. "

* In recent decades, the rate of depression in the Northeast has been doubling. This increasing spiritual darkness is particularly evident among young people. The third most common cause of death among teenagers in North America is suicide, behind homicides and car crashes.

There is a crying need in our society for a healing community that believes that God is real, that God is loving, that God is actively involved in our lives to bring healing and wholeness: "Our spirituality is based on .Jesus and his love and compassion. "