Praise Band - Reconstruction
Upcoming Reconstruction Events
2.9.02 6:00pm - South Plainfield UMC Dinner and Concert
3.23.02 7:30pm - Church of the Redeemer
4.20.02 7:30pm - Prelude to Heaven Cafe
"Reconstruction" consists of Greg Elbin on guitar and vocals, Joe Monahan on guitar, Joe Zelman on keyboards, Mike Smith on bass guitar, Jeff Edwards on harmonica, Drew Morrison on percussion, Tom Albert our electrician, sound expert and vocalist, with Darryl Sokolowski, Jo Albert, Tim Tyler and Kathy James providing the rest of the vocals. |
The band has a steady and dedicated core, but new members who want to share their music ministry with us are always welcome, and we understand that some people cannot give the band their undivided attention, due to other commitments. |
With a distinctive sound and a style that includes rock, reggae, blues, jazz, country and soft ballads, the eleven member band "RECONSTRUCTION", gives expression to a warm-hearted faith in a loving and powerful God, whose grace can overcome all human divisions and barriers. A majority of the music that is played is composed by band members and has been produced on two CD's. The band is available to share their music ministry with your church, free of charge. Please call the church at 973-887-4657 and leave a message for Jo Albert, with any questions or requests.
"Reconstruction" was formed over four and a half years ago to provide music for contemporary worship services at the Parsippany UMC, and its sound has evolved in this context of praising God. According to Pastor Jeff Edwards, who plays blues harmonica in the band, "Part of our vision is to reach out to people who have a spiritual longing, but for whatever reason, feel disconnected from what they think of as 'Church". Although the music gives expression to our distinctly Christian faith with its focus on Jesus, we've found that the music has a way of unifying people inclusively, overcoming barriers of creed." "Reconstruction" is now sharing its musical ministry on the road by performing at other churches, coffee houses and outdoor street fairs.