Healing Prayer Ministry

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One of the distinguishing characteristics of our congregation is a confidence in the power of prayer to put us in touch with God's power to bless and heal.  Wholeness involves a harmony of mind, body, spirit and relationships, and each dimension affects the whole.

Healing Prayer sessions are held every Wednesday morning at 11:00am in our prayer chapel.  Typically 12 to 15 people gather for a quiet, meditative time of prayer, which generally includes a time of discussion and sharing regarding the ways of God in our lives.

On the third Wednesday of every month a Healing Service is held in the sanctuary at 7:30pm.  This intimate service begins with readings from the New Testament accounts of Jesus' healing ministry and reflections on their meaning for today, and concludes with opportunity for persons to come forward to the altar to receive prayers for themselves or a loved one.

A prayer chain made up of over twenty people is available upon request to pray from their homes in situations of critical need.  Please call the church office at 973-887-4657 to begin the ball rolling.

Meditation tapes for healing are available from the church office.  With soft, relaxing music in the background, Pastor Jeff's voice leads the listener into prayer for healing.  These tapes are ideal for persons recuperating from illness or surgery.

Persons interested in finding out more about our church's healing ministry are invited to contact Lois Pongo by calling the Church Office: 973-887-4657.