Higher Sabbats: Samhaine, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh are celebrated on the same day each year.
The four Lower Sabbats (the Equinoxes and Solstices): Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon are celebrated on the days that the night and days are equal and so on. The dates may change each year.
These are the names I use a depending on your path you may use others.
Esbats are also known as the Full Moon Rites. These are to be done at night, under the full moon, if possible. Arrange the alter, cast the circle and call the four corners, as you would with other rituals. Then call the Goddess and God.
Next gaze at the moon and feel its energy infusing your body and chant:
It is here that I recommend that you write your own chant... It can really be anything...just something that helps you visualize your Goddess & God and what you attributes that would help you acomplish what you are asking for..here is one example:
Visualize the Goddess and continue chanting. Now is the time for magic of all types, for the full moon marks the height of its power. This is the most powerful time for all women. When finished, thank the Goddess and God and release the circle.