This is not a complete listing as I believe that you may or may not use the same tools I do this, however, is a general list of things you may use or have. I use a fan that I got while living in Japan.. You may find no need for this or may have other things I have not listed. Tools are an extension of the Witch, it itself has no power, but uses the power the Witch raises' and then directs it for the uses the Witch has determined. Ok, on with the show.. =)
A bell is used by many Witches to summon spirits or dieties or to signal the beginning or ending of a ritual. Oftentimes bells are rung at Wiccan funeral rites to bless the soul of the Witch who has crossed over.
Book of Shadows:
This is a large walking stick, but it can (is) used as a wand for certain things, such as, covens, to direct group energy. It is usually as tall as the person who is using it, but mine is quite a lot taller than me. It is inscribed with symbols that are of importance to you (or your tradition). I have inscribed my 7ft tall staff with my runic monogram of my craft name. I have also inscribed it with the symbols I use for Earth, Air, Fire, Water and The Goddess And God.
I have just completed my staff.. I had this feeling when I was making it that it's energies were bigger than me and I was right. After all was said and done my staff now stands 7 feet tall..(which is *much* taller than me). I have worked hard on this staff and find it to be very comforting, but I do have to say that the fear of it being seen by other pagans as *a little over the top* scares me. Now, that doesn't really matter, since I am a solitary witch, but I do occasionally go to open circles'. So, just a thought (to you and me) next time you see someone with a *large tool* (hehehe) just think maybe they got a little over zealous too!
The athame is a ritual knife with a double-edged blade which may be engraved with various magickal symbols. The Athame represents the elements of air. It is used by Witches to draw circles, to exorcise negative forces, to control and banish elemental spirits, and to store and direct energy during magickal rituals.
The bolline is a curved, white-handled knife which is used for practical magickal purposes such as harvesting herbs, cutting a branch for a wand, inscribing a candle, etc.
This is a Witches personal book of information on spells, rituals, recipes, invocations, dreams, etc. kept for a Witch's reference. Another name for the Book of Shadows is the grimoire.
The broom is used as a visualition piece, like most of the other tools. It is a physical object to hold as you mentally and spiritually *cleanse* the space you are about to use.
The cauldron is a black, cast-iron pot which is used for brewing potions, burning incense or parchment papers, most anything. It symbolizes the elements of earth, air, fire, and water and represents the divine womb of the Goddess. Some Witches fill their cauldrons with water on Samhain night and use them to gaze into the future or past.
The chalice or cup represents the element of air, and is used to hold wine or water on the altar during rituals. Traditionally, the chalice was made of silver, however many modern Witches use pewter, ceramic, brass, or even crystal chalices.
The pentacle is a flat disc which may be made of wood, brass, clay, wax, or other products. The pentacle is symbolic of the element earth, and is used during rituals to hold charms, amulets, gemstones, herbs, poppets, or other consecrated objects.
The sword generally represents the element of fire and is a symbol of a Witch's strength. It is sometimes used in place of the Athame to cast and uncast the circle. It may also be used to store and direct energy during magickal rituals, and to control and banish elemental spirits.
This is used in coven or group rituals.
The wand is fashioned from the branch of a tree, and is traditionally 21 inches in length. It is symbolic of the element of fire, and is used for directing energy, drawing magickal symbols into the air or ground, and for various other purposes.