Chinese Astrology
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The Rat

The Yang Water animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Sagittarius
The Rat tends to be affable, generous, and elegant. But has an anxiety about not being a failure. Never underestimate the charming, social Rat. For they are attracted to whatever is clandestine, secretive, or a potential bargain. They enjoy taking the advantage of all situations.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
intelligent calculating
charming mean
imaginative secretive
placid restless
opportunistic ulterior motives
passionate quick-tempered
elegant nit-picker
sentimental complains
affectionate gossip
alert hoards
honest overambitious
materialistic busybody

Taste: salt
Season: winter
Birth: anytime in summer
Colour: white, black, blue
Plant: savoury, wormwood
Flower: orchid, thistle
Food: peas, pork
Climate: cold
Typical Rat Occupations:
auctioneer critic
connoisseur financial adviser
underground work broker
antique dealer moneylender
songwriter detective
pathologist lawyer
Good friends for Rats:
< Rat ! Horse
+ Ox % Sheep
> Tiger + Monkey
< Rabbit % Rooster
+ Dragon < Dog
< Snake < Pig

The Ox

The Yin water animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Capricorn
Ox people are basically honest, straight-forward people. They are often hard-working and down-to earth. They are normally very easy to get along with as they do what they say they will and say what they mean.
They are often portrayed as placid, and for the most part this is true, but beware stretching their patience too far, as they can then react like a red flag to a bull, and their hot-tempered side is shown.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
conscientious slow
patient stubborn
hard-working intolerant
reliable biased
serious hot-tempered
gentle dogmatic
strong conservative
careful materialistic
persistent complacent
determined conformist
practical gloomy
Best Associations for the Ox:
Taste: sweet
Season: winter
Birth: summer night
Colour: yellow, blue
Plant: hemp
Flower: orchid
Food: ginger
Climate: cold, wet
Typical Ox Occupations:
composer soldier
landlord teacher
doctor philosopher
religious leader judge
estate management banker
cook or chef gardener
farmer police or military
Good friends for Oxes:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
+ Rat % Horse
> Ox % Sheep
! Tiger > Monkey
+ Rabbit + Rooster
! Dragon % Dog
< Snake > Pig

The Tiger

The Yang wood animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Aquarius
Tigers are contrary creatures. Their striped coat signifies their ambivalent nature. They have great strength and ability, but how they apply this can vary greatly, as they tend to be either rebels or leaders.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
loyal impetuous
honourable disobedient
wise arrogant
protective impatient
generous critical
ambitious imprudent
charismatic domineering
daring aggressive
fortunate selfish
idealistic vain
determined stubborn
sensitive quarrelsome
Best Associations for the Tiger:
Taste: acid
Season: winter/spring
Birth: night
Colour: orange, dark gold
Plant: bamboo
Flower: heliotrope
Food: bread, poultry
Climate: windy
Typical Tiger Occupations:
stockbroker entrepreneur
film star publicist
athlete politician
trade union leader musician
company director writer/poet
stunt person film/theatre director
explorer lion tamer
Good friends for Tigers:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
> Rat + Horse
! Ox > Sheep
> Tiger ! Monkey
< Rabbit % Rooster
+ Dragon + Dog
% Snake < Pig

The Rabbit
The Yin wood animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Pisces
Rabbits can often seem unexceptional, but they provoke extreme reactions. Either love or hate, but never indifference. Rabbits tend to be practical, timid, articulate, and virtuous, as well as ruthless and cunning. They are easily swayed by their emotions.
People can underestimate Rabbit people, by thinking that they are weak because of their need for security, comfort, and the need to avoid confrontation. However, this is not so, and Rabbits will use their diplomatic skills and charm to achieve their goals. The fact that they rarely need to resort to battle to get what they want is proof of their strength, not weakness.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
diplomatic unpredictable
circumspect indecisive
peaceful faint-hearted
sensitive hesitant
intuitive touchy
discreet conservative
moderate conformist
principled egotistical
refined superficial
hospitable cruel
intelligent cunning
reflective secretive
Best Associations for the Rabbit:
Taste: acid
Season: spring
Birth: summer
Colour: white
Plant: fig tree
Flower: Queen Anne's Lace
Food: wheat, poultry
Climate: windy
Typical Rabbit Occupations:
antique dealer librarian
administrator beautician
diplomat chemist
politician accountant
historian landlord
art collector receptionist
barrister tailor
Good friends for Rabbits:
( these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
< Rat ! Horse
+ Ox + Sheep
> Tiger % Monkey
> Rabbit ! Rooster
% Dragon < Dog
+ Snake < Pig

The Dragon
The Yang wood animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Aries
The Dragon is the only mythical animal in the Chinese Zodiac. Dragon people tend to have magnetic, dynamic personalities, and are prone to either great success, or spectacular failure. They often do well at what they set themselves, because of their great faith in themselves. But they are also known for not finishing what they start. They are almost constantly searching for excitement, and this can lead to a feeling of discontent and dissatisfaction. They are often starting something new, and the don't always finish what they were doing before. They must guard against depression.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
visionary demanding
dynamic impatient
idealistic intolerable
perfectionist gullible
lucky dissatisfied
successful overpowering
enthusiastic irritable
sentimental egotistical
healthy abrupt
voluble eccentric
irresistible tactless
exciting proud
Best Associations for the Dragon:
Taste: acid
Season: spring
Birth: anytime, except during a storm
Colour: yellow, black
Plant: mandrake, sage
Flower: lotus
Food: wheat, poultry
Climate: windy
Typical Dragon Occupations:
managing director photojournalist
salesperson architect
advertising executive professional speaker
prophet philosopher
barrister astronaut
film producer artist
war correspondent film star
Good friends for Dragons:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Snake
The Yin fire animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Taurus
In the West, the snake is often seen as evil. However, the snake of Chinese mythology is associated with beauty and wisdom. Snakes may appear languid and serene, but their minds are always active. They think very deeply, and give good advice, even if they do not like taking advice themselves.
Snakes may often be mistaken as being lazy, but they are very hard-working, and their secret is their efficiency. They find the quickest, most economical way of completing the task, so they have plenty of time to relax.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
distinguished extravagant
elegant vengeful
self-contained obstinate
shrewd calculating
profound mean with money
perceptive cruel
lucid self-doubting
sophisticated suspicious
wise crafty
gregarious remote
sensual possessive
Best Associations for the Snake:
Taste: bitter
Season: summer
Birth: warm summer day
Colour: green, red
Plant: ferns
Flower: heather, thistle
Food: rice, lamb
Climate: hot, sunny
Typical Snake Occupations:
professor astrologer
linguist clairvoyant
philosopher personnel officer
teacher diviner
psychiatrist public relations
psychologist mediator
ambassador interior designer
Good friends for Snakes:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Horse
The Yang fire animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Gemini
Horses approach life with contagious enthusiasm. They usually have many friends. They love conversation, and are usually happy. They love freedom, but rely on others for their support, and so are not truly independant. Underneath, Horses can be easily scarred, and tend to be quite fragile.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
loyal unstable
noble tempremental
cheerful impatient
enthusiastic insecure
enterprising hot-tempered
flexible irresponsible
sincere superficial
frank ambitious
versatile careless
talkative spendthrift
unselfish vain
realist vulnerable
Best Associations for the Horse:
Taste: bitter
Season: summer
Birth: winter
Colour: orange
Plant: palm tree
Flower: hawthorn
Food: rice, lamb
Climate: hot, sunny
Typical Horse Occupations:
athlete teacher
cowboy reporter
technician painter
administrator poet
chauffeur hairdresser
inventor publican
sales person tour guide
Good friends for Horses:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Sheep
The Yin fire animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Cancer
Also known as the goat, Sheep people are charming, amiable and sympathetic. They hate to criticise, and always look for the good in people, including themselves. They prefer to forgive than to hold grudges, and wish to always keep the peace. However, if something important to them is threatened, they will fight savagely to protect it.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
creative eccentric
imaginative illogical
ingenious vulnerable
honest irresponsible
capricious irrational
sensitive naive
faithful disorganised
sincere impulsive
peaceful lazy
adaptable gullible
independant anxious
gentle impractical
Best Associations for the Sheep:
Taste: bitter
Season: summer
Birth: rainy day
Colour: sky-blue
Plant: anise, wormwood
Flower: honeysuckle
Food: rice, lamb
Climate: hot
Typical Sheep Occupations:
story writer actor
painter television presenter
musician dancer
landscape gardener fortune teller
weaver inventor
potter shareholder
Good friends for Sheep:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Monkey
The Yang Metal animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Leo
In public, the monkey normally appears light-hearted and carefree. But in private, they may be nursing deep feelings of insecurity. Monkeys get very hurt if they feel rejected, but often make light of the situation to cover their hurt.
Monkeys are also competitive, and insatiably curious about anything and everything. But they are very shrewd and intelligent, and know how to use their quick wits to never be at a loss for words.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
independent restless
astute manipulative
sociable unpredictable
enthusiastic mischievous
tolerant vain
quick-witted secretive
sensitive dishonest
generous opinionated
optimistic cunning
entertaining devious
inventive scheming
lively deceitful
Best Associations for the Monkey:
Taste: pungent
Season: autumn
Birth: summer
Colour: white
Plant: Chinese wolfberry
Flower: bird of paradise
Food: cloves
Climate: dry
Typical Monkey Occupations:
counsellor art critic
therapist stockbroker
nurse theologian
martial arts instructor writer
bus driver journalist
english teacher occupational therapist
installation artist foreign correspondent
Good friends for Monkeys:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Rooster
The Yin metal animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Virgo
Roosters are flamboyant people. Appearance is highly important to them, and they are never happy with the way they look. In times of crisis, Roosters prove to be resourceful and talented. But they normally take life as it comes and stay fairly relaxed.
Behind all their bluff and bravado, Roosters are sensitive and vulnerable people. They can be susceptible to both criticism and flattery, but they hide this weakness behind their arrogant facade.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
honest vain
obliging thoughtless
courageous self-preoccupied
flamboyant arrogant
resilient vulnerable
enthusiastic critical
relaxed superior
cultivated argumentative
loyal harsh
sincere boastful
capable ostentatious
entertaining pretentious
Best Associations for the Rooster:
Taste: pungent
Season: autumn
Birth: spring
Colour: yellow, white
Plant: orange and palm trees
Flower: sunflower
Food: cereals
Climate: dry
Typical Rooster Occupations:
news reader manicurist
sales person journalist
sales director surgeon
hairdresser beautician
actor soldier
resteraunteur policeman
critic fireman
Good friends for Roosters:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Dog
The Yang metal animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Libra
Dogs are essentially honest and noble creatures. They are well known for being champions of justice and have a tendency to see things in black and white terms. Yet they can be cynics, as well as idealists, which produces high moral standards. Dog people however, are often beset by doubts and anxieties. This can increase when they are not sure of the way to go, and often need someone to lead them and instruct in the way to go. But when they are sure of the way, they can move mountains to carry out a task.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
loyal cynical
tolerant anxious
idealistic pessimistic
understanding suspicious
dutiful timid
moralistic strict
faithful discouraging
trustworthy doubtful
unselfish discontented
noble fatalistic
imaginative obstinate
sensitive distrustful
Best Associations for the Dog:
Taste: pungent
Season: autumn
Birth: daytime
Colour: black, dark blue
Plant: poppies, water lilies
Flower: orange blossoms, red poppy
Food: oats
Climate: dry
Typical Dog Occupations:
priest judge
missionary lawyer
nun scientist
trade union worker researcher
teacher critic
charity worker legal aid worker
doctor community worker
Good friends for Dogs:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig

The Pig
The Yin water animal.
Corresponding Western Sign: Scorpio
Pigs are pleasure-loving, easy going creatures, who love the fun and good things in life. They are sympathetic and always help friends in times of trouble. In turn, they like advice from friends when a difficult secision is at hand. But they love their privacy as well.
The Western view of pigs is that they are lazy, filthy and stupid, but Pig people are none of these things. They do have a taste for good food, but are also determined people who are not easily swayed by obstacles.
General Personality Traits
Positive Negative
eager indulgent
optimistic excessive
tolerant impatient
fortunate spendthrift
careful gullible
sensual debauched
courteous fierce-tempered
uncomplaining fearful
determined hesitant
generous materialistic
peaceful naive
cheerful defenseless
Best Associations for the Pig:
Taste: salt
Season: winter
Birth: winter
Colour: black
Plant: ginseng
Flower: water lily
Food: peas, meat
Climate: cold, wet
Typical Pig Occupations:
researcher builder
scientist chef
chemist delicatessen owner
technician administrative officer
musician gourmet
resteraunteur civil servant
social worker shoemaker
Good friends for Pigs:
(these are not fixed, as other influences come into play)
 Rat  Horse
 Ox  Sheep
 Tiger  Monkey
 Rabbit  Rooster
 Dragon  Dog
 Snake  Pig
+ = highly compatible
< = amicable
> = needs some effort
% = some problems
! = not good

Moon 2
Rituals 2
Raising Power
Astral Projection