Rev. Lewis Atchley
![]() In 1630 Descartes stated: "The mind can exist and think quite apart from the brain." Descartes taught that man has certain ideas that are not learned from experience: idea of God: right and wrong: of the self: and of cause and effect. However, Descartes was a timid man and this was the time of Galileo whom the church had seized and put on trial for thinking and teaching ideas that were not in accord with church dogma.
In 1636 Thomas Hobbes worked out a theory as a blow against religious bigotry and ignorance: "The mind does not exist. For it would be a contradiction to talk about an immaterial substance." Hobbes was a contemporary of Shakespeare and Milton when the burning of witches and atheists was a common practice. To fight against superstition and inept church dogma, Hobbes joined forces with Bruno and Bacon in writing books glorifying reason. Bruno and Bacon and Hobbes decided that the definition of man is not an immortal spirit ( saved by Christ ), but a group of material particles in motion: [however, Modern Physics now rejects this Atomists teory because now all matter can be reduced to the spiritual state].
This Reductionism [of man] was conceived as a credo of freedom. Thus in the beginning Reductionism was cast as a cannon for free thought.
Lord Herbert of Cherberry interperted Descrates teachings to mean that man is born with innate truth written on his soul. This idea was, to Lord Herbert, substantiated by the Bible: Hebrew 8:10.
Fearing church bigotry John Locke set out to refute Lord Herbert's theory. Locke stated that man was born blank and experience wrote his mind. He stated that there was not and could not be any knowledge that was not learned from experience. Man was an empty ball and could feel nothing and know nothing until another empty ball bumped against it and caused a reaction. [in reality man is born with internal themes he is to develop and enjoy: unfortunately our educational system destroys our internal themes at an early age].
Around 1739 David Hume, a man looking for literary fame, stated that although he knew nothing about psychology or philosophy, he would refute Descrates and Lord Herbert and perhaps achieve the literary fame he sought.
So, Hume pushed Locke's theory to the point of extreme stupidity; he achieved the literary fame he sought. Hume denied the existence of a mind, existence of a soul. He stated there was no internal Hume or internal anyone else. To Hume, all people were empty inside and that all of man's life can be explained in terms of stimulus and response. Also, Hume stated that the personality of man is totally shaped by his experience as mountains are shaped by the external environmental elements. He also stated that man derives his identity from his association with other people. His mental life is only a dim carbon copy of his physical life.[ wow: talk about crap pilled on crap].
This idea of man just being a computer and nothing but a computer was just what Industrial America needed to convince people that assembly line work was really the panacea of all people's needs: people could perform the same movements endlessly because they were only machines.
Hume had no knowledge of the subconscious mind. He did not understand that the most powerful forces that moves man and animals tend to work on a level below: consciousness.
The idea of defining man as nothing but a complex biochemical mechanism powered by a combustion system which energizes a computer-like brain with prodigious storage facilities for retaining encoded information is a justifiable analogy for the activity of the central nervous system of man. However, man is infinitely more than a computer. So the above statement about man being nothing but a computer is erroneous only insofar as man is defined as NOTHNG BUT a computer.
In 1796 Thomas Reid stated that Hume was insane; however, Hume has remained the main influence in psychology because Industrial America very greatly depends on the general public philosophy that man is only a machine: so that America can continue its product: assembly-line: product oriented society. [now you understand why you could never make any sense of our society: it is based on an insane man's thoughts: you can never make sense out of nonsense].
Reid pointed out that Hume's philosophy was in error becuse it does not and cannot distinguish between immediacy perception and meaning perception. The first shows us what is trivial and the second shows us what is important and this interpretation of stimuli changes with our energy level. Freud's psychology cannot distinguish between the two perceptions either. And if immediacy perception is associated with despair, and if mental health depends upon a sense of meaning: "He who has a Why can withstand any How."--Nietzsche. Then a psychology that allows no room for meaning perception is seriously deficient as a science. Thus in America, Reductionism has become the mask of NIHILISM.
In the early 1800, Pierre Cabanis restated Thomas Reid's teachings by stating that there is an INNER MAN and an OUTER MAN; this is the first true appearance of the subconscious mind in psychology. And it is this INNER MAN who does the meaning perception.
Although Reid's and Cabanis teachings have been in existence for 188 years, it is still David Hume's [insane man] teachings that permenates and pervails as the guiding philosophy and psychology of the American Society [such is the power of money and the need to be a slave-owner in all our hearts] because the basic idea that man is just a programmable machine must dominate if America is to pervail as it stands at this time as a product, object oriented society: BUT HOW LONG CAN A SOCIETY MAINTAIN ITSELF WITH THE THOUGHT THAT ITS VERY EXISTENCE IS MEANINGLESS?
Thank you for your time.