The Church of Jesus Christ's Teachings

A ONE to ONE Ministry

How does a one-to-one church work? First, a one-to-one church is not a social club or an entertainment center. With the meaning of your life and your soul involved, would you really want it to be? Other words, if you just want a distraction from your unhappiness and misery and lostness in life: go to the movies or go shopping.

A one-to-one church is for the person who desires to spend an hour or so, when one desires, by appointment, discussing one's relationship to God, Christ, and religion and spirituality in everyday life -- spirituality is not a cult, but one's relationship to God, as God is a Spirit: One must fellowship with God in Spirit and in Truth -- thus spirituality.

A few of the subjects that people most often want to discuss are: Where and what is the kingom of God and how does it relate to everyday living? Is salvation -- the renewal of life -- something that takes place now, or something that takes place sometimes after death and what part does psychology play in such a process? What is the one and only sin? What are the symptoms of the one and only sin?

Also, what is the difference between religion and spirituality? What is happiness in relation to God, to one's fellow man and to oneself? What is one's True-self and what is one's false-self in relation to God, to one's fellow man and to oneself? Do I have a life-force that is separate from my body and if I do, where does my life-force go at the death of my body?

The minister at a one-to-one church spends your time answering your questions and helping you find your own answers as how to live in our society without thinking you have to lie, steal, cheat and kill to obtain the bread and shelter you need to live.

The minister at a one-to-one church does not tell you what to believe, but tries to help you find what you do believe and how to apply it to your own daily life, to attain your utmost happiness and productivity.

A one-to-one minister does not force his beliefs -- preach to -- or judge his fellow man because he understands that every human being is at a different level of understanding -- some are in the first grade and some are in the high school of understanding -- of religion and spirituality, and one's personal relationship to God.

We believe the basic foundation, the existence of the one-to-one church is very well supported by the New Testament and using Jesus' own ministry as an example: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am ( God ) in the midst of them."--Matthew 18:20.

Also: "...Work out your own salvation with fear ( reverence ) and trembling ( excitiement ). For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do his good pleasure."--Philippians 2:12-13. The one-to-one church does NOT Proselytize.

There is NO MONEY involved in attending a one-to-one church, for every minister supports the cost of his own church and himself and his family, for: "No man can seve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."--Matthew 6:24. For if a man tries to serve both God and money: he will lie.

The one-to-one church does not exist to promote a church or a dogma, but to try to find out how to live a happy, decent life by following Jesus's teachings to the best of our understanding at any given moment: "Certainly the trend is away from religion conceived in such a strictly denominational sense. Yet this is not to imply that, eventually, there will be a universal religion. On the contrary, if religion is to survive, it will have to be profoundly personalized."--Dr. Viktor E. Frankl: MAN'S SEARCH FOR ULTIMATE MEANING.

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