~ Introducing ~
Rev. Paul Mealer

Rev. Paul Mealer is no "in house" preacher; Paul loves to be outside, walking the streets, passing our Religious Tracts and talking with people. He will not bring up the subject of religion,, but if you do, he will talk with you as long as you wish, for he loves God, and is always happy to express that love.

Paul's everyday goal is to put Jesus Christ's teachings to work on the street to help peopole find happines, peace, and joy in God's love for them.

If Paul is not walking the streets, passing out trats, you can find im walking along the country roads picking up cans to help keep the environment clean, and to earn a little extra money that can be used to help others with their needs.

A lot of his "can money" goes toward his Prison Ministry by correspondence: Rev. Paul corresponds with five or six men in prison and furnishes them with "necessity money", stamps,paper and pens, when they request it.

Paul is a kind of "Saint Frances" in the Church of Jesus Christ's Teachings in that homeless animals are attracted to him as iron filings are attracted to a magnet, and he feeds, loves, and cares for every last one of them until he can find permanent homes for them.


Main Page
One-On-One Overview
~ Church Reverends ~
Lewis Atchley Jo Ann Hall-Atchley
Paul Mealer Earl E. Brawley
Wanda Joe Frank Taylor
Daniel Ray Davenport Reserved
~ Sunday Sermon ~