L.V.Atchley's Pastoral Essays



If I take and look at Jesus' life through his words, this is what I find: Jesus was born a Spiritual Mozart, but it took him 33 years before he could competely live from the Spirit in him, or, from the Christ in him. Why do I say that? Well, Jesus had a little problem with his temper there at first: He took a whip to the money-changers and beat them for messing with his Father's house and he really felt bad for not controlling his temper. Second, in the Garden of Gethsemane he tells God that he is scared to death about what was going to happen to him. He asks God to find another way, but if that was not possible, then give him the courage, strength, and love to face what was coming. I truly believe, on faith, that it was not until after Jesus talked to God that God gave Jesus the courage, strength, and love to face all the evil and death on the cross for Mankind the way he did without losing his temper, again.

Another reason I believe, on faith, that the above is true, is that God never gives anyone, in advance, the strength, courage, and love to face any hardship, fear, loss, etc., before the fact: We stand bare before the world and the hardship hits and we just know we are going to be a failure, but we cry out to God for help and in that moment, Whamo! We did not fail! Now, did we triumph, or was it God who won the day? Well, of course, God took the field whe we asked for help, and God won the day for us.

Also, I think Jesus was so aware of his temper that when someone called him 'good', he said, "Wait one minute, don't call me 'good',for there is only one 'good' and that is God."


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