Paw Prints is the weekly school newsletter distributed by the Office in the Thursday Folder. It keeps you informed about Monte Vista happenings.
School news will be sent home to keep you up-to-date on programs (and changes) or additional activities. Paw Prints is that newsletter, published weekly to keep you well informed. For grades K-6, communications are sent home in a "Thursday folder." Check student backpacks frequently for school information. Open a dialogue with your student to discuss upcoming activities. All communications that are distributed to all or part of the Monte Vista population must be approved by the Principal. All school communications must be submitted to the school office on the first day of the week for inclusion into Paw Prints. Separate flyers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Send your comments, questions, and suggestions to Monte Vista. (Please put MV on the subject line.)
Copyright © 1996, Monte Vista Elementary School, Last Updated - 02/03
Web Master - Julianne Bach
Web Site Advisor - Carla Walker