Grades 1-3 | 11:45-12:25 pm |
Grades 4-6 | 12:30-1:10 pm |
(9/02) For children who bring their own lunches, milk may be purchased for 35 cents. A hot lunch or sack lunch, including milk, is served daily in the Cafeteria. Students have the option of selecting menus with a choice of entree and salad bar. Students routinely advise in menu planning. In fact, all elementary school menus are planned with the guidance of students.
Make sure your child brings lunch money. The cost of a complete lunch this school year remains unchanged at $1.50 ($1.25 for an a la carte entree). Students eligible for a reduced price lunch can purchase a complete lunch for $0.40; see the office if you believe your child may be eligible for a reduced price or free lunch.
A convenient way for parents to ensure that students get a nutritious lunch is to purchase a prepaid, automated lunch card. Advance lunch prepay can be made at the Cafeteria, on Thursdays only, from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. Prepays can be weekly, monthly, or even for the entire school year. We encourage all students to have at least one week on a prepaid card, so forgotten lunches are not a problem. The Cafeteria will extend credit for one lunch to every student at Monte Vista, but it must be repaid before the student can borrow again. Please note that pre-payment cards cannot be used for purchasing a la carte items.
For further information on any of these programs, please contact the Food Services office.
Copyright © 1996, Monte Vista Elementary School; Last update on September, 2002.
Web Master - Julianne Bach