links last checked 3/2/00
new links last added 01/10/01
Homework Helpers
WOW! Check out these listings of sites, which correspond to the curriculum for your grade level. (Grade Levels for 4, 5, and 6 are complete; Grades 2 and 3 are in progress). Great for those reports and homework assignments that require a little research. We've already done the surfing for you!
Mrs. Grant's Computer Room Links
- Crayola - With contests, history, trivia, stain removal tips, and oodles of fun stuff, this colorful site will tickle you pink! (or red, or blue, or green...)
Looking for a particular curriculum topics by grade level? Try these links:
- RETAC Instructional Videos. GUSD has an agreement which allows their schools to order RETAC videos for FREE. RETAC videos are series videos addressing all grade levels and areas of instruction. This site will show you the specific titles available in the RETAC Collection. Click on the links for Series descriptions. Rosemont and Monte Vista teachers may contact Mary Beth Baker to coordinate. All other schools should contact Octavia Howell at GUSD Educational Technology & Information Services Department.
- Internet Public Library - Youth Division AWESOME!! links for research, teacher and parent sections. Especially good state report information (see fifth grade links).
- Los Angeles Unified School District's Home Page and their wonderful links
- Los Angeles County Office of Education: TEAMS Distance Learning brings exemplary learning opportunities to K-8 students, teachers, and parents across the United States through nationally televised satellite broadcasts and the Internet. Learners use instructional technologies to access a combination of the best features of time-dependent (synchronous) video-based instruction along with time-independent (asynchronous) computer access to multimedia and the Internet. TEAMS Distance Learning is one component of the ET&T (LACOE Telecommunications and Technology) division, a service of the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Funded in part by Star Schools legislation through the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (O.E.R.I.).
- B.J. Pinchbeck's homework helper Everything you wanted to know about homework at a kid's level.
- Educational Hotlists AWESOME!! The Franklin Institute's Educational Hotlists are organized lists of resources on the Internet that science educators, as well as science enthusiasts, may find useful. Also include history, geography and other topics.
We've screened these resources for their educational appropriateness, helping take some of the guess work out of the web for you. Basically, to make the list, a resource needs to stimulate creative thinking and learning about science. Using the Hotlists should save you time and provide quality online resources for your classroom needs.
- Schools of California On-Line Resources for Educators
- Homework Central is an exceptional new website devoted to school curricula. Each link has been screened by an educator, and includes games and an "ask the teacher" section for specific homework questions. This site requires that you "sign-in" and get a password, but it is worth the extra work. There is an excellent resource for those state reports (and everything else you can possibly imagine).
- Los Angeles Unified School District's Home Page and their wonderful links
- Los Angeles County Office of Education: TEAMS Distance Learning brings exemplary learning opportunities to K-8 students, teachers, and parents across the United States through nationally televised satellite broadcasts and the Internet. Learners use instructional technologies to access a combination of the best features of time-dependent (synchronous) video-based instruction along with time-independent (asynchronous) computer access to multimedia and the Internet. TEAMS Distance Learning is one component of the ET&T (LACOE Telecommunications and Technology) division, a service of the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). Funded in part by Star Schools legislation through the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (O.E.R.I.).
- Discovery Channel School. Site boasts interactive stories about scinece, nature, history, people, and more.
- Blue Web'n Content Catagories - Blue Ribbon Web Pages by Curriculum Topics
General Links pages:
- NASA's Online Educational Resources. This site points or links to tons of information and ideas for using the Internet in the classroom. Not just space topics!
- MCI's Marcopolo contains linkds covering science, economics, humanities, and geography.
- Encarta Site for Educators with content from the U.S Postal Services's "Celebrate the Centrury" series. Also contains a collection of more than 13,000 screened links to enhance the encyclopedia and a way for shcool Webmasters to add Encarta's serach engine to school sites.
- Encarta's Main Online Page
- PBS Teacher Connex
- Kid Source OnLine - Source for education, healthcare and product information that will make a difference in the lives of parents and their children.
- KidsWeb - A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids. A wonderful collection of links for Arts, Sciences, Social Studies, and more.
- TEKMOM's Resource Page.
An excellent place for report research, including how to put internet sites in your bibliography. TEKMOM's Student Resource Page puts all the links you need in one place. Don't miss this site!!!!
- B.J. Pinchbeck's homework helper AWESOME!! Everything you wanted to know about homework at a kid's level, written by a kid.
- Internet Public Library - Youth Division AWESOME!! Links for research, teacher and parent sections.
- Find-It! - search WWW by keyword / phrase
- Research-It! - Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronym, Translators, Quotations, People, Maps, Facts, Telephone, Zip codes, Package tracking, Currency
- Switchboard - look up addresses nationwide for free
- USA City Link
- Multiplication Facts. This site contains the techniques, tips, and secrets used by master teachers to teach multiplication fact though the 9's. It isn't just for teachers. It includes lots of interactive games and flash cards for the kids! Highly recommended by Mr. Weingarten.
- Ask Dr. Math
- Calculators On-Line Center
- The Geometry Center
- The Math Forum
- Mega Mathematics
- Math Crossword Puzzles Puzzles change each month. They also have word puzzles.
Social Studies
- Houghton Mifflin Social Studies Curriculum Recommended by Mrs. Mayeux, this site contains some current events, supplemental activities & info by grade level / Unit & Chapter, etc. and lots of links. She says it is a good accompainment to our social studies curriculum.
- Use the News
with guides for using the newspapers to enhance current events curriculum and tools for evaluating news articles.
- Current Events? Try Newspaper Hotlinks Select a state and search newspaper and other related media organizations' Internet sites. In addition to U.S. dailies, you'll find Canadian, selected international papers, weeklies, business papers and alternative press among the links you can find. Site recommended by Curriculum Administrator.
- Current Events? Try The Nando Times An original on-line newspaper with national and international articles. Site recommended by Curriculum Administrator.
- Time Magazine for Kids - The children's online version of the popular weekly. Need we say more?
- The History Net
- History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers
- Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers
- Social Studies Online Resources
- Social Studies
- Social Studies Sources
- White House for Kids - A kid's-eye tour of the White House led by Socks the Cat! Kids can write a letter to the President, discover White House history, and learn about the former First Families who have lived there...including White House pets.
- Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies from 1789 to the Present presented by the Library of Congress. Just in time for Presidents Day.
- Archeological Resources for Education"
- Archeology: Horaces's Villa Excavation, Licenza, Italy. Horace lived from 65 to 8 BCE during the last days of the Roman republic. The poet's villa near Licenza, Italy is the only period house of a Roman writer that can be identified and visited today. This web site presents video clips of the poet's villa.
- Map Quest
- Electronic Field Trip to the United Nations
- The CIA's World Factbook
- How Far Is It? allows the student to pick two locations and find out how far apart they are.
- Ask Asia includes information on Asia including culture, politics, history, religion and more.
Language Arts
- Edgar Allan Poe Awards - Juvenile Mystery Awards includes nominees and winners from 1961 through 1996.
- Cyber Guides
- The Children's Literature Web Guide
- The On-Line Books Page
- Carol Hurst's Children's Literature is a collection of reivew of great books for kids, ideas on how to use them in the classroom, and collection of books and activities about particular subjects, curriculum areas, themes and professional topics.
- Resources for teaching writing
- Express Multimedia Tour of the Nine Planets. The Nine Planets is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information.
- Mission to the Planets. Another tour of our solar system, like above!
- Eisenhower National Clearinghouse k-12 Science and Math resources.
- The Environmental Education Network
- EnviroLink library
- K-12 Science WOW!!
- K-12 Sciene's Animal Links Page
- Science and Mathematics Education Resources
- The Science Page
- The Virtual Earthquake
- Volcano World - This NASA-sponsored site is a must for volcano enthusiasts. High-quality remote sensing images and interactive experiments provide depth, variety, and up-to-date information to those learning about volcanoes.
- Colgate Kid's World - With numerous entertaining and educational activities (games, stories, coloring, and a "trip-around-the-world" for starters), kids brush up on their tooth knowledge with useful facts.
- Exploratorium - Housed within the walls of the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, the Exploratorium is a collage of 650 interactive exhibits in science, art, and human perception. Now you and your children can experience this unique museum online! A must see...
- How Stuff Works: Energy and Electrical Power
- Energy Quest: Energy Education from the California Energy Commission
- El Nino: Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
- El Nino: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- El Nino: Nova on PBS
Art and Music
- Music Education Online
- The Incredible Art Department includes an Art Room that displays art, Art News, Art Stuff, Lessons, Cartoons, Best of the Net, Awards, and Art Site of the Week. Covers art history, style, appreciation and technique. Includes lesson plans from teachers all over the web.
- The Puppetry Home Page
- World Wide Arts Resources
- ArtsEdNet explains discipline-based arts education, provides lesson plans and curriculum ideas, and presents a "Talk Program" series led by guest speakers.
- ArtsEdge: Linking the Arts and Education Through Technology includes a wealth of connections including a Curriculum Studio with links to the National Standards for Arts Education; a Curriculum Showcase demonstrating effective integration of arts with K-12 curriculum-based projects; and lesson plans in a searchable Subject Area Resources database.
- Learn The Net is an awesome site that teaches you all about how the internet works. It has a 20 minute interactive tutorial that is extremely well done.
- GATE Lessons developed by Mary Beth Baker and Julie Bach
- Technology & Learning Magazine On-Line
- Integrating the Internet
- Apple K-12 Web Links
- Classroom Connect
- Computer Curriculum Corporation's CCCNet
- Global Schoolhouse
- School Net
Physical Education and Health
- The Giraffe Project is committed to finding, commending, and publicizing people who stick their necks out for the common good. Their mission is to get others to follow their lead. They are also the source of the Giraffe Program, a K-12 curriculum that teaches kids about real heroes and gets them going on lives of courage, caring, and responsibility.
- 1998 Winter Olympics Home Page
- Physical Education
- Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
- Healthtouch Online
- Kids Food Cyberclub
- Nutrition Navigator
- PE Central
A special Monty thank you to the many teachers and parents who suggest these great links. We thank the Technology & Learning and the Curriculum Administrator Publications for their many great links.
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Copyright © 1996-2001, Monte Vista Elementary School, Last Updated - September, 2002
Web Master -- Julie Bach
Staff Advisor - Carla Walker