picture of Monty picture of Monty


Admission School
School Song



The Glendale Unified School District is the catalyst of opportunity in our international community and ensures that all students will acquire the character and capability to excell in the endeavors of their choice through our multicultural, technological, outcome-oriented network which encourage self-direction and fully integrates all school, family and community resources.


School Based Coordinated Program
Report to the Community

(6/96) Monte Vista Elementary School is one of 19 elementary schools in the Glendale Unified School District. During the 1995-96 school year, Monte Vista's student population was approximately 803 students, and the projected enrollment for the 1996-97 school year is 815. Our culturally diverse student body includes speakers of a variety of different languages:

Of those students whose primary language is not English, 21% are designated as Limited English Proficient (LEP) and 16% are designated as Fluent English Proficient (FEP).

Monte Vista's primary source of funding is through its School Based Coordinated Program (SBCP). These categorical funds from the State are designed to better serve the needs of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students, support the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program, and provide for the School Improvement (SI) program. Currently, the majority of SBCP funding supports personnel, such as 6 instructional assistants and an ESL teacher specialist, validating that support staff is crucial in the instruction of students. In addition, the funds are utilized for instructional supplies and conferences.

(9/96) This year Monte Vista has continued to focus on the needs of LEP students. The teacher specialist and 2 Korean bilingual ESL assistants work with classroom teachers to provide English Language Development (ELD) for the students. Teachers trained in Cross Cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). In addition, 3 teachers are involved with the District's Title VII; Acedemic Excellence Grant. This grant provides these teachers with extensive SDAIE training with the intent that they will train the staff on the methods and techniques involved in offering SDAIE. On going assessment allows for continued monitorying and placement of students in the appropriate English Language Arts program. This year we redesignated 19% of our LEP students to FEP.

(2/00)The GATE program is an after school program. The program is for students in grades 4-6.

The Monte Vista school plan serves as a document which guides the staff in ensuring all students have equal access to the curriculum. Based on input from needs assessment surveys, the Leadership Team past program quality reviews, and standardized testing, teachers and parents meet annually to review and rewrite the components of the school plan. In addition to our continual emphasis on basic skills; comprehension, interpretation, and critical thinking in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, we have focused on integrating math and technology into all curricular areas.

Inservice training and conference attendance have been the foundation of the Staff Development program. Monies were allocated from our School Based Coordinated Program, Goals 2000, and Eisenhower Act accounts so all teachers would have the opportunity to attend a variety of conferences, such as "Hands-On Science", phonics training, developing literacy skills, and teacher expectations in relation to student achievement. Money was also allocated to three SBCP days which focused on technology, authentic assessment and portfolios, and math curriculum. Wednesday Later Days served as additional opportunities for staff development. The topics included:

Teachers are encouraged to share their ideas during staff meetings and banking time as a way to improve communications between grade levels. In addition, the district funded 2 teachers to attend Early Literacy Intervention Course (ELIC).

The Monte Vista School Site Council and Bilingual Advisory Committee voted to merge in 1994 under the umbrella of School Site Council. The current committee is composed of 7 parents and 7 school personnel. They represent the Gifted and Talented, Limited English Proficient, Special Education, and Regular Education students. This group meets regularly to discuss school plans and budget along with evaluating the school program. Parent communications are distributed and translated in Korean to keep the school community informed.

Monte Vista received $98,492 in one-time funding allocation from the State. There was an additional funding of $21,520 specifically targeted for technology. These monies have facilitated the implementation of Monte Vista 2000, our strategic plan that addresses issues related to learning environment, academic standards, cross-cultural understanding, fund raising, and technology. In year one of a five year time line, we have supplied each classroom with at least one computer and one printer, purchased new draperies for the stage, a new sound system, literature books and resource books for the library and classrooms, math manipulatives that support the math curriculum, and arranged for installation of ceiling fans in each classroom. Action plans in progress that do not require funding include creating a parent resource data base, examining authentic assessment, distributing student and parent surveys, and establishing an optional uniform policy.

The Monte Vista staff is committed to sustaining excellence in the educational program. With parents and staff interacting through School Site Council, our School Based Coordinated Program will continue to address our goals and objectives necessary for all students' success.

There are 29 classroom teachers, all holding the appropriate credential and with experience up to 33 years in education. A full time credentialed Resource Specialist handles the special education sessions. Forty-seven percent of the teachers, as well as the principal, have an advanced degree. One secretary and a six-hour health clerk work in the front office. In addition, special programs include the services of an instrumental music teacher, a G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education) teacher, and a Physical Education teacher. An E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) Specialist is here 3* days a week. Paraprofessionals assist in each classroom for a minimum of one hour. It is of interest to note that there are 19 languages represented in the school. The majority of the students speak English as their primary language with 17 percent classified as Limited English Proficient.

SITE - Monte Vista is located on a lightly traveled street in a residential area and is bordered on three sides by relatively new single family dwellings. The site slopes to the south in three descending levels, the bottom level providing about four acres of paved and fenced playground. In addition, the Kindergarten has a separately equipped recreational area. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces on the grounds. On the east end of the site is a strip of unimproved land (which is now Monty Park), which could be converted into a driveway to the rear of the school and replace the current access road which is too narrow and a hazard to the children. There is room for future expansion within the site.

The Re-greening of Monty's Park

(9/19/96) Recently, Monty's Park had been torn up to provide access to underground pipes for our new bungalow placed on the upper field. Workers have restored our Park and recently resodded the area. Because the sod needs a chance to grow, our Park will be temporarily closed for approximately 3-4 weeks. Monty's Park has become an oasis of green to our students and staff and we look forward to spending many peaceful and enjoyable times there soon!

PLANT DESCRIPTION - The overall appearance of the plant is good, and there are no signs of deterioration or failure. The paint is generally adequate although rather worn in the Main Building interior. The plumbing and wiring are operating satisfactorily. Sewage is processed by septic tanks. The classrooms of Level I and II and the Kindergarten Building are excellently funished for a good educational environment. Each room can comfortably accommodate up to forty children, if necessary. Accoustical ceilings and tile floors provide effective noise control, and the rooms are heated by a modern forced air system. Lighting is fluorescent and all these classrooms are excellently equipped in terms of chalkboards, cabinets, sinks, curtains, etc. Seven classrooms in the school, however, are still using skid desks. The seven classrooms in the Main Building are not as large as the newer ones and can barely accommodate thirty-five children. The removal of the cloakrooms at the rear of these older classrooms would provide more space for instructional purposes. These rooms along with the Administrative offices, are fitted with accoustical tile ceilings and floors, but are lighted by incandescent fixtures (7 rooms), which are especially inadequate in the hallways. There are twenty unvented gas fired heaters in the Main Building (in addition to two in the Bungalow). Fifteen of these are in classrooms. The Multipurpose Room is furnished excellently and is sizeable enough to satisfactorily meet the needs of the school. The restrooms throughout the plant are sufficent, but ventilated only by windows. The bungalows are furnished with air conditioning.

One-Time Funds - (4/18/96) As you know, Monte Vista has received "one-time funds" from the state of California to address one-time local school needs. We received $98,492 for general items and $21,520 designated for technology. The list below displays the percentage of money spent on each purchase. We have purchased a new sound system for both the auditorium and for outside events, new math manipulatives, books for the Library that support the Rebecca Sitton spelling program, literature book sets and reference materials. The Staff is ordering new classroom equipment and furniture and fans for all classrooms without air conditioning. Our technology money has purchased more software, software licenses, televisions/VCRs, twenty printers and supporting materials for security. Our remaining funds will be carried over to next year to purchase other items for the school.


Playground Update - (4/18/96) We have ordered our new playground equipment and it will be installed this summer! Our school raised $30,910.88 over the last two years from a variety of sources:

We are so appreciative of everyone who put in hours of time to raise funds. A sincere thank you to all the folks who have donated money to this cause. We are also thrilled to have received the grants from the Glendale Community Foundation and from the Cornwell Family Fund. We were funded for these grants because of the previous time and effort the Monte Vista Community put into raising the funds for this equipment. We will have a special ceremony to celebrate our equipment this September. It will be a time to thank all of our contributors and cut the ribbon on the new equipment. Monte Vista is a tremendous school because of the efforts put in to improvements for our children.


State law requires that children may be enrolled in kindergarten if their fifth birthday is on or before Dec. 2 of that school year. To enroll in the first grade, students must have their sixth birthday on or before Dec. 2 of that school year. Registration for new students begins on Wednesday, Aug. 28.

Most students new to the district may go to the appropriate level school nearest their residence to register. Proof of residency in the Glendale Unified School District is required of all new enrollees. A transfer slip from the former school is helpful in registration. The new school will request that a student's records be forwarded directly from the former school. Questions on school boundaries, residency requirements or related information may be directed to the school office or by contacting the district Office of Student Support Services.

The parent or guardian of a child must present proof of age before a student will be admitted to school. Such proof may be in the form of a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport or a notarized affidavit of the parent. Also see health requirements for enrollment in school.


Schedule For September, 1999

(2/00) The following school schedule for September, 1999 will be:
Playground opens (K-6) at 8:00 am.

Kindergarten-AM Kindergarten-PM Grades 1-3 Grades 4-6
Regular Day 8:15am-11:35am 11:35am-2:55pm 8:15am-2:25pm 8:15am-2:31pm
Banking Day
8:15am-11:35am 10:35am-1:55pm 8:15am-1:15pm 8:15am-1:31pm
Minimum Day 8:15am-11:35am 8:15-11:35am 8:15am-12:15pm 8:15am-12:15pm

Arrival at School

(2/00) No child is permitted on the school grounds without teacher supervision. Teachers are not on duty until 8:00 a.m. so children must not come to school before that time. Unsupervised students are a real concern of the Staff of Monte Vista. We want your child to be safe! Warnings are issued to students who repeatedly arrive early or remain after dismissal.

Lunch Schedule

(2/00) The 1999-2000 schedule for lunch periods: