This page provides a brief description about and links to specifics on various projects either created, modified, or used by Ms. Monroe in her high school classes.
New projects are added to the bottom of the list.
- if you are looking for projects to accompany a certain novel, short story, etc., please visit this page. All of Ms. Monroe's projects that are specific to a literary work are listed here. Please note that projects which may be literary in nature but apply to a variety of works are listed below, not on the Specific Literature Projects page.
Specific Literature Projects
- the form students use when writing their reviews, which later can be used to review before the AP test
AP Book Review
- a thorough investigation of a college in which the student might be interested; also provides practice filling out applications and writing application essays
College Project
- fosters an understanding of the availability of a wide variety of research materials and how to use them correctly
Word Search
- students learn more about their family traditions and history; this project promotes investigative skills and creative thinking for unique and meaningful presentation of findings
Family Research
- students must invent a cereal based on their reading and then develop a marketing plan, game, recipe and more
- a booklet exploring various types of both published and original poems
- each group explores a period in depth and then teaches the class
Literary Periods
- expose students to a wide variety of literary genres as they edit their own collection of works
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