1. From the list of words on the board choose one word.

2. Complete the following activities in any order. You may use the exact sources listed, or if you find a source not listed that is similar, you may use it.

3. Keep a bibliography of each source that you use, including the reference books and the indexes.

  1. Look up your word in an unabridged dictionary. Copy the word's etymology and its first definition. Photocopy or hand copy the remaining definitions.
  2. Look up your word in a thesaurus. Copy the synonyms. You might need these synonyms as substitutes for your word if you run into difficulty finding your original word in some of the sources.
  3. Look up your word in the Concordance to Shakespeare. Find the reference to a passage in one of his plays which contains your word. Then look up the play and find the complete passage. Copy the entire speech which contains your word and the speech before and after it. Include the speaker's name, the act, scene, and line number.
  4. Look up your word in a book of quotations. Copy a quotation in which your word appears, including all identifying information about the original source.
  5. Look up your word in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (the paper copies). After finding your word in the index, find the magazine the contains the article. Read the article and summarize the article. Make a photocopy of the article.
  6. Look up your word in the Oxford English Dictionary or a facsimile. Copy the first paragraph for your word, then photocopy or hand copy the rest of the entry. Summarize in your own words the history of your word and describe the changes it has gone through over the years and pinpoint some interesting aspect of your word. In addition, comment on the reference book itself.
  7. Look up your word in a concordance to the Bible. Find a verse which contains your word, then look up that verse in the Bible. Copy the verse and the verse before and after it, identifying the book, chapter, and verse.
  8. Look up your word in Granger's Index to Poetry. When you locate a source that contains the word, go to the shelves and find the volume of poetry. Copy the poem that contains the word.
  9. Using one electronic source in our library on the CD-ROM, search for your word. Make sure that you keep a record of your search and the results of that search.
  10. Using any one of the search engines on our Internet or your home version, search for your word and then locate the source and make a copy of it. Be sure to keep a record of your search.
  11. Using either of the magazine electronic sources, do the same as E.


This paper is more about the process of discovering your word and the aspects of your search as it is about your word itself. Feel free to use "I" in this paper, as it is your paper. I encourage you to choose an organization method which best "shows off" the information you have gathered and allows you to integrate that information with your interpretation, personal insights, and experience with this search into an effective paper. However, all parts listed should be covered in the order in which they are listed. Remember, it is your voice which will unify the whole.


Paragraph 1: Open the paper with your overall impressions of the project and the most interesting thing you discovered about your word itself.

Paragraph 2: Tell the story of your overall search for information about your word. Be sure to describe any difficulties you encountered in making your search and your evaluation of research.


Paragraphs 3-13: Write one or more paragraphs on each source, including your summary of the information, your interpretation of that information, your personal comment on what you found, and your journal comments on the process of finding the information. In each paragraph, be sure to include the name of the source which you consulted.


Final Paragraphs: Write your response to this project. Overall, what did you learn? Did you like the method? Were you frustrated? Did you amaze yourself with your ability to handle reference books and write such an impressive paper? Be sure to be thorough and detailed in this discussion.


Using the MLA Style Manual, complete a list of the works used in your paper, remember to include not only the final sources, but the reference sources as well.


When you submit this project, you should include all of your notes, photocopies and the final copy of your paper. Submit your notes, etc., in a mailing envelope in the order in which they are used and mentioned in your paper.

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