Resources for Educators
Here's a quick look at what's available to you on this site.
Great Sites for Educators
Looking for more than what's here? Check out this page -- it's the best of the web at your fingertips.
Need projects to use in your classes? Take a look here for projects from Ms. Monroe's classes.
Top 100 Literary Works
Trying to decide what to have your classes read? Stop by this page and get some ideas.
Overview of Courses
Want to know how much someone else is having their classes read and write? Then stop by the course overviews to see a sample syllabus, overview, literature list and standing assignments from past classes.
Links for Students
Interested in great resource links to give to your students? Give them a few of these, or tell them about the whole page.
This page updated 12/30/99. If you have comments, gripes, or suggestions, please email the webmaster.