Download the Common Application
- Search through books and your memory for the college which you would be interested in researching. Choose carefully, as you will be working with this school for the next several months. For this reason and others, you need to select a school which you are really interested in for your collegiate career.
- Choose the college and register the name with me. Each of you will have a different college, so register as soon as possible to secure the school as your project.
- Draft a business letter to the admissions office of the school seeking information for your project. You want to request a catalogue, an application, financial aid information and any other information they will send. Look up the proper form for a business letter and choose any one of the acceptable forms. You must have your letter approved by me before you mail.
- When your information arrives, check it in with me by bringing it to school to share.
- While waiting for a reply from your school, begin doing research on your school. You may work with any of the materials in the classroom by checking them out. The library has additional materials, as well as the writing labs and the library have on-line services and software to aid your search. If you will begin to develop your annotated bibliography, you will cut your stress level and your work load.
- Begin to work on a design for your display and to collect information for your speech.
The project will consist of a speech, a written copy of the speech, a display, an application, completed admissions essays, a resume and an annotated bibliography.
- You need to prepare a speech on your school that will last 12-15 minutes. This is to be a speech, not a reading. You may use a page of notes or two note cards. DO NOT READ AND DO NOT JUST DELIVER A MEMORIZED ESSAY. You will be graded on quality, speaking techniques, and your content. We will be discussing speech techniques in class.
- In this speech, detail your reasons for choosing this school to research. Include the requirements for admission, the population of the student body, the possibilities for admission -- how many apply, how many get in, average test scores. Make sure that you investigate AP credit and what the school requires for credit and how much credit is allowed. In addition, include how many can make it once they get in -- the return ratio, admissions into graduate school and the faculty-student ratio.
- Discuss the campus of the school and its unique features. Also discuss the school's colors and mascot, including the history behind these. In addition, include the social life on the campus and the opportunities which will be available for you to be involved.
- Choose a field of concentration which you may be interested in pursuing. Do a detailed analysis of professional possibilities which will be open to you with this major.
- Discuss the history of your school, its status, its location, and its strengths and weaknesses. You also need to discuss the extracurricular possibilities available for students. Include why this school interested you and how you feel now that you have done this in-depth study.
- Your display may be in an album, on a display board, or any other attractive means which you devise. Regardless, it needs to be attractive and neat with an eye for design and toward selling the school. Include on the display your college catalog, pictures of the campus, a map of the campus, a map locating the school in the city, state, and country; financial aid forms; the school's colors; your application; and anything else that will enhance your presentation.
- You will receive a copy of the Common Application to fill out. You need to type this or print in black ink. Do not include letters of recommendation, but do include the names you would be asking; do not give the form to the guidance counselor to fill out. Make sure that you fill it out completely. Include with the application a resume of your three years and a copy of the form required by the guidance counselor for letters of recommendation.
- You are to choose three essay topics from the list which I have provided or those on your college's application (but please check with me first). Most admissions essays are 500 words, so use this as a guage for your work.
- As you do your research for your display and your speech, keep a record of your sources. Your bibliography should include at least ten sources. Use MLA style.
Annotated Bibliography
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