You will contract with me to make an A, B, or C, depending on how much work you choose to do. Each review will begin with a summary of the novel and then will follow with responses to several of the goals listed. Summaries, 100 words or less, should indicate a grasp of the book, and must contain facts rather than contain commentary. In order to receive the contracted grade, you must do a thorough job on each of the sections. If not, your grade will be adjusted accordingly. For an A, you must complete the summary and five of the goals; for a B, the summary and four of the goals; for a C, you must complete the summary and three of the goals. Write each goal before you give your answer. Typed book reviews are due on all in class novels. You may do extra credit reviews on AP selections which you use for outside reading.
1. I will state the theme of the novel and then I will cite at least two examples which illustrate that theme and explain the illustrations.
2. I will describe the setting in my novel and will list at least two reasons for the significance of that setting.
3. I will choose a character from my novel and list at least two comparisons between inner thoughts and feelings and his or her outward actions. I will then write commentary explaining my selections.
4. I will identify the point of view of the novel and I will list at least two passages that show the point of view from which my novel is written. Then I will comment on why the author chose this point of view and the effect of its use on my reactions to the novel.
5. I will describe the end of my novel and I will give two reasons as to why it is or is not credible or artistically justified.
6. I will list at least two symbols used in the novel and two places where they appear and explain what they represent. Then I will comment on the author's use and the effect of that use.
7. I will list and explain at least two examples of irony from the novel and the effect on the novel.
8. I will state at least two examples of satire and will explain what makes each one satire and how this use affects the overall effect of the novel.
9. I will explain two types of conflict that occur in the novel, give two places that the conflicts occur, and comment on the author's purpose and effect.
10. I will list at least two examples of foreshadowing from my novel and will explain why I think the author chose to use it this way and the overall effect on the novel.
11. I will analyze the author's title and explain the relationship between the title and the novel. I will also discuss the effect of the title on the reader.
12. I can compare this novel and other(s) that I have read.
13. The author of this novel embraces several contraries. I will discuss two of these and comment on their effect on the novel.
14. Another aspect of the novel I wish to discuss is ________. The reason for this selection and its effect on the novel is __________.
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