History of updates to this site
The site "Your Path to Transition" attained its definitive form on 24th December 1997 with the merging of the
material from the site "Axioms of Piers Clement" and the inclusion of the original Axioms texts.
For the benefit of infrequent visitors to the site, all updates since that date (except trivial corrections and
modifications to the Bookmarks page) are listed here in chronological order starting with the most recent.
(* = Major addition)
- 29 July 2007 - Eulogy for Day added
- 7 October 2005 - Nehru quote added to Anthology
- 8 March 2005 - Quote from Gospel of Thomas added to
- 31 January 2005 - Kybalion quote added to Anthology
- 19 May 2003 - "The gate of the year" added to Anthology
- 23 August 2002 - Gandhi quote added to Anthology
- 7 February 2002 - "The hard-wired brain" added to Studio
- 24 January 2002 - Oliver Cromwell and Ken Wilber quotes added to
- 24 December 2001 - Another Ken Wilber quote added to
- 3 December 2001 - Within you and without you added to
index page and to Studio, and "Useful tools for difficult times" moved to Studio
- * 11 November 2001 - Useful tools for difficult times added
to index page, and "Four glorious insights" moved to Studio
- 30 October 2001 - Dalai Lama quote added to Anthology
- 29 October 2001 - "Aperspectivals Anonymous" added to Studio
- 13 October 2001 - "Amazement" added to Studio
- * 27 August 2001 - Four glorious insights added to index
page, and "What do you believe, then?" moved to Studio
- 11 June 2001 - Function "Search this site" added; transpersonal qualities (Assagioli) added
to Anthology
- 2 April 2001 - Ken Wilber quote added to Anthology
- 5 March 2001 - Margaret Mead quote added to Anthology
- 10 January 2001 - Kornfield quotes added to Anthology
- 27 November 2000 - "Butterfly, or, Where is God" (author unknown) and new Osho quote
added to Anthology
- 28 August 2000 - "Integral Practice" added to Studio
- 24 April 2000 - "To the Always Already..." added to Studio
- 26 March 2000 - New Ken Wilber quote added to
- 8 February 2000 - "Sex at the top of the ladder" added to Studio
- 4 February 2000 - "Myths about transformation" added to Studio;
Ken Keyes jr.'s "The Hundredth Monkey", quotes from Krishnamurti and Osho added to
- 1 January 2000 - "Charles' message of hope" added to Anthology
- * 28 December 1999 - Concert Hall (UK) added
- 25 December 1999 - "Christmas dove - a meditation" added to Studio
- 8 December 1999 - "Millennium" added to Studio
- 14 October 1999 - "Paranormal" added to Studio
- 21 September 1999 - Nietzsche quote added to Anthology
- 6 September 1999 - Relaunch of "Paths" mailing list
- 9 August 1999 - New Ken Wilber quote added to
- 22 July 1999 - Ken Wilber's "Vision of a Transpersonal Society" added to
- 20 July 1999 - W.H. Auden's "Advice to an aspiring poet" added to
- 11 May 1999 - Larger quotes moved from Anthology into
separate files; story "The Eagle and her three chicks" added
- 9 May 1999 - "A place to meet the Buddha" added to Studio
- 14 March 1999 - "What do you believe, then?" added
- 8 February 1999 - "When is the dawn?" added to Studio
- 30 January 1999 - "Bodhisattva vows" added to Glossary
- 23 January 1999 - Another Havel quote added to Anthology
- 13 January 1999 - "Resolutions 1999" added to Studio
- * 29 November 1998 - Concert Hall added
- 24 November 1998 - "Paths" mailing list added
- * 30 October 1998 - Bookshop (UK and Europe) added
- 12 October 1998 - Two Gibran quotes added to Anthology
- 5 October 1998 - Peter Fenwick quote added to Anthology
- 4 October 1998 - "Forum" replaced by message board
- 17 September 1998 - "The Centauric Self" added to Studio
- 7 September 1998 - Osho and Wilber quotes added to Anthology
- 16 July 1998 - Discussion tree built in Forum and essay by Jan
Brouwer added there
- * 20 April 1998 - Library replaced by Bookstore
(In association with Amazon.com)
- 28 March 1998 - Two more Thoreau quotes added to
Anthology; Ken Wilber concepts added to Studio
- 18 February 1998 -"God's free students" added to Studio
- 28 January 1998 - Two more Einstein quotations and one from Wilber added to
- 24 January 1998 - Einstein quotation added to Anthology
- 12 January 1998 - "Marionette" added to Studio
- 10 January 1998 - Alistair Cooke quotation added to Anthology
- * 5 January 1998 - Ludwig van Beethoven added to Gallery
- 4 January 1998 - "Anyway" added to Studio; addition to
mission statement
- 29 December 1997 - Frederik van Eeden added to Gallery
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Last updated 29.7.2007