Piers' mission statement
The goals of Piers' activities in general and of this site in particular shall be:
- To provide a forum for discussion on the nature of spiritual journeys, and a haven for
those spiritually "of no fixed address"
- To practise and promote an ethical approach in all dealings with other sentient beings,
from the most personal context to the most formal
- To investigate the true spiritual nature of humanity, using sources ranging from the most
ancient esoteric wisdom to the most modern transpersonal psychology
- To be open to information and guidance from paranormal sources
- To be resolute in searching for truth, even if the results are contrary to what we would like to
- To strive for an enhanced state of consciousness using natural, evolutionary means, whilst
eschewing all mind-altering substances
- To determine and carry out the intention of Spirit with regard to the future maintenance and
quality improvement of conscious life on earth
Note - This document is not legally binding, so please place absolute reliance on your
intuitive definition of most of the terms used!
Last updated 4 January 1998
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