Abuse - Any invasion of another person's physical or spiritual territory without permission, or when the permission has been obtained by fraudulent means to satisfy egoic aims.
Advertising - Form of spiritual pollution in which a mental association is established between specified goods and services and some completely unrelated pleasurable experience.
Ageless Wisdom - A tradition of knowledge and belief which unites both Western and Eastern religious teaching, although in the West the message has been almost lost under centuries of authoritarian dogma and suppression of individual thought.
Bodhisattva vows -
These are, with suitable modifications, the basis of the path to Transition. For "save" read "help
to enlightenment, or at least don't directly hinder" (eg. by killing and eating). The Dharma teachings might
perhaps be replaced by the works of Ken Wilber. And "the Buddha's way"? just, the path!
Burden - A challenge which one encounters on one's path to Transition. According to the Piers philosophy, destiny has ensured that one will not be given a burden greater than that which one can bear.
Career - A device for putting the young soul in chains before it can start on its path of discovery.
Celibacy - A contra-evolutionary device adopted by the priesthood to prevent the best genes being passed to the next generation. Compare Polygamy. (But see also Housekeeper)
Children - Suitable candidates for the Kingdom of Heaven, perhaps due to their possession of spiritual and intuitive powers far in excess of those of adults. These powers are normally allowed to atrophy before they can be developed, simply because they do not fit in with the prevailing social order. (For ideas on how it might be possible to break this vicious circle, see the Piers view). Time spent observing, assisting and generally being around with children is an important aspect of one's path to Transition.
Civilization - Brilliant TV series of the 1960s by Sir Kenneth Clark who seemed to equate civilization with its visual representation in the form of art, architecture etc. The Clark model showed civilization being saved by a hair's breadth due to the industry of some monks in an island of the Irish coast in the 3rd century AD - maybe we're in for another "hair's breadth" rescue! Clark failed to come up with a definition but did say that, although it was difficult to recognize civilization, it was easy to recognize barbarism (referring to the bombing of Dresden).
Cleaning - In Piers' view one of the highest forms of work and yet one of the least highly regarded by society. A garbage collector leaves everything beautiful and tidy in his wake, whereas a general leaves only death and destruction. So a garbage collector should be held in higher esteem than a general.
Commandments - A set of principles, usually ten in number, on which to base a moral code. See the Piers view.
CSF - The Cosmic Supporting Force, or protecting spirit. A force which supports the ethical goals of the individual and protects him or her against calamities.
CTP - A Completely Trusted Person, to whom the individual can tell anything without any danger of it being misused, misunderstood or passed to others with risk of misuse or misunderstanding.
Death - That (as yet) undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveller (has, up to now) returned - but who knows, all this may change! According to the Piers philosophy we are sent here to accomplish particular tasks and will not be allowed to get away until these have been carried to fruition. Hence all the stories of miraculous escapes, failed suicide attempts etc. - it was not their time yet.
Last updated 30 January 1999