
A selection of Piers' bookmarks chosen for their relevance to the Transition theme.

All links on this list are checked for validity on a regular basis - if you find a link does not give the expected result, please mail us with the details.
Unless otherwise stated the material on the sites is predominately in the English language.

The individual path

Nothing to Add - Non-Duality, Kundalini in prose and poetry - Jan Barendrecht
Spirituality Is... - Joost Boekhoven's homepage
Living Love--The Science of Happiness - a tribute to the writings of Ken Keyes Jr.
Homepage van Boy Kollee (in Dutch)
Homepage van Gerard Lenting (in Dutch)
The Path of Wisdom by Ina Mijlings (Dutch and English)
InBetween Shadows - poetry and writing for the heart - M.A. Monné
Stoa del Sol - Beatrix Murrell
My Awakening by Osho
Man and the Unknown - Michael Rogge
Sheldrake Online - biography, papers, interviews etc. of Rupert Sheldrake
Adrian Strack's home page (English and German)
Dr Charles T. Tart: parapsychology, transpersonal psychology, consciousness
Integral World: exploring theories of everything (based on "The world of Ken Wilber") - Frank Visser (several languages including English and Dutch)
The PL Ken Wilber website
Ken Wilber website of Shambhala Publications
Good Feeling - over voeding, meditatie, (niet) roken, spiritualiteit e.a. (In Dutch)

The social path

A global New Age network - NANet
World Transformation
Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace in Great Britain
Strohalm - a Dutch organization active in social innovation eg cashless trading systems (Dutch and English)
Enlightenment.com - serving the spiritual and economic needs of individuals and organizations by building a living community of transformation and interaction
Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka and assistants. See in particular Freedom Behind Bars: Vipassana in Prison

The spiritual path

Great Rethinking - by Axiom
The Forgiveness Home Page - based on Edith Stauffer's writings
Interlude - an Internet retreat
Psychosynthesis Home Page
Council on Spiritual Practices
The Third Circle - Web site including introduction to meditation techniques
Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom of the Arcanum - including the Seven Great Principles of Hermes Trismegistus
The Kybalion by Three Initiates
University of the Seven Rays - a spiritual and universal approach towards essential being
White Mountain Education Association - a source for the Ageless Wisdom
Spirit Rock Meditation Center - set up by Jack Kornfield in Marin County, California, for practice of Insight or Vipassana meditation technique
The Zoo Fence - a commentary on the spiritual life

Journalism, essays and extracts

Mysterious encounter on Bali - Auke Sonnega
Noetic Gnosis - Cosmic Consciousness - Beatrix Murrell
What is Psychosynthesis? - Will Parfitt (good introduction)
Cosmic and Mystical Consciousness - Erik van Ruysbeek (contemporary Belgian mystic)
Transpersonal Realities or Neurophysiological Illusions? - Prof. Charles T. Tart
Bodhisattvas are going to have to become politicians - Frank Visser's 1995 interview with Ken Wilber
Speaking of Everything - Ken Wilber interview with Enlightenment.com
An Integral Theory of Consciousness - article by Ken Wilber containing an excellent summary of the 12 major schools in consciousness study (Journal of Consciousness Studies, February 1997)
A Ticket to Athens - Pathways interview with Ken Wilber
Life's Three Stages: Infancy, Ego, and Transcendence - interview with Michael Washburn
Mindfulness in Plain English - introduction to Vipassana meditation practice
Code of Ethics for Spiritual Guides by the Council on Spiritual Practices
Even the best meditators have old wounds to heal - by Jack Kornfield
Interview with Jack Kornfield by Amazon in connection with his book "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry"
Spirituality and Relationships - article by Bruce Crapuchettes which first appeared in the journal "Psychotherapy In Australia" Vol 4 No 1 November 1997
The tree, the egg and the serpent - article by Will Parfitt on the relationship of Assagioli with Christian, Jewish and Eastern mysticism, theosophy and other esoteric traditions
Steven Norquist gives a personal insight into the nature of enlightenment
The relationship between schizophrenia and mysticism by Sandra Stahlman
Biography of Abraham Maslow by C. George Boeree, with particularly interesting extract about self-actualizers

Mailing lists

Ken Wilber discussion groups
Meditation tip of the day/week
Regional Vegetarian Network - see if there's a list for your part of the world!
Vegetarian slimming and Vegetarian spice - two excellent groups on meat-free eating
The Kybalion - on the philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus

Supporting voices

These sites contain information giving support or agreement to the Piers philosophy or life style.

Vegetarian Resource Group
Vegetarian Pages
Vegatopia - lekker vegetarisch eten voor iedereen (in Dutch)
ASH - Action on Smoking and Health (UK)
ASH - Action on Smoking and Health (USA)
CIRP - information about genital mutilation

Dissenting voices

These sites are based on principles contrary to the Piers philosophy or life style but are included not only in a spirit of open-mindedness but because they contain discussion of the issues involved and/or other excellent material.

Island Web - the psychedelic view in the Huxley-Leary tradition

Other favourite sites

Tiramisu - heaven in your mouth - real self-indulgence!
Beethoven, the immortal by William Lane
Ludwig van Beethoven by Joyce Maier (in Dutch)
Zen Stories to tell your neighbours

Reference section

Non-Duality - lists of gurus, teachers, realizers and confessors of the non-dual with corresponding URLs
Sarlo's Guru Rating Service
The Skeptic's Directory - exposure of some myths about new age and other matters
Einstein quotes
Keirsey personality test
www.outofservice.com - selected personality tests
Colorgenics - determine your personality on a basis of colour preference
Net addiction tests - are you, or is your partner, addicted to Internet?
HTML 4.0 specification
Doctor HTML - check your HTML pages and hyperlink references
Mailing List Etiquette FAQ by Brian Edmonds
Wise Dog Cards - E-greetings with a spiritual slant
Links to Literature - more than 1000 authors and 10000 links to their work. Also trivia quizzes


All links checked 19 August 2005

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