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What is the theme of the Bookshop?

Most of the books in the Bookshop have some direct or indirect relevance to the theme of Transition - a few personal favourites have been added. The books may be said to have the following characteristics in common: The subheadings are an attempt to categorize, but many exciting visions of the world don't fit easily into categories!

Old and New Age

Someone linked to a Piers site with a description including the phrase "Not really New Age". On reflection this was seen as a sort of compliment - to be "really New Age" is to be as fundamentalist as a fanatical supporter of one of the traditional beliefs. Nonetheless a lot which is at present covered by the blanket term "New Age" includes philosophies whose origins reach back into history.

Marilyn Ferguson: The Aquarian Conspiracy - Personal and Social Transformation in the Eighties (Paperback) - A supporting text for all those who believe that the situation we are in now is unique in the history of human society. With examples and warnings.

The Tao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff: The Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet (Paperback) - A light hearted exposition of the philosophy of Lao Tzu based around the famous classical children's work (see below).

Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy (Paperback) - A perennial masterpiece on a perennial subject. Its value as a book of quotations from ancient Oriental and Western sources is something in itself, and then to have Huxley's wisdom linking them all together... riches beyond compare!

Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna and Ralph Abraham: Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (Paperback) - Three intrepid explores of the world of the imagination engage in a lively dialogue about matters stretching "as far as thought can reach."

Ancient and modern philosophy

Russell along with Huxley (see above) were two very prominent (contradictory?) influences on the growing Piers. In this selection Russell opens the door to classical Western philosophy as well as speaking for himself.

Bertrand Russell: A History of Western Philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from earliest times to the present day (Paperback) - A must for every library. Russell's wit scintillates on every page and his judgments are for the most part unerringly accurate whilst allowing scope for his outspoken personal opinion (see his brilliant put-down of Nietzsche for example!).

Bertrand Russell: Marriage and Morals (Paperback) - Russell's advanced vision of the role of marriage in contemporary society first appeared in 1929 but in many respects is surprisingly up to date - although he was sometimes wide of the mark eg in his prediction that the wide availability of birth control techniques would lead to such a dramatic decline in the world population that governments would be forced to intervene.

Consciousness, evolution, altered states

Some well-known writers investigate from a scientific background themes such as the nature of consciousness, the history of the emergence of complex living forms, and what happens to consciousness when the vehicle carrying it begins to function in a less usual way.

Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene (Paperback - 1989 edition) - In his first and most famous book Richard Dawkins puts forward the point of view that it is not the living organisms, but the genes, which ruthlessly struggle to survive. In holding out the hope that the human species may rebel against the tyranny of the gene, Dawkins introduces the term "meme" which has now entered the language to mean an idea, usage etc. of human origin which replicates in an analogous way to the gene; as he says in his 1989 endnotes, "The word meme seems to be turning out to be a good meme."

The Blind Watchmaker Richard Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker - Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design (Paperback) - An answer to the creationist's assertion that discovering the glory of creation is like finding a watch lying on the ground: the sheer complexity of the mechanism must presuppose somewhere the existence of a watchmaker. Richard Dawkins uses many examples to illustrate his view that if there was a watchmaker he must have been blind.

Daniel C. Dennett: Consciousness Explained (Paperback) - To quote a reviewer, this work "has perhaps the most arrogant title of any book in this or any other year, and proceeds to justify that arrogance by doing precisely what it claims".

Daniel C. Dennett: Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (Paperback) - Fascinating exploration of modern science with as starting and finishing point reinstatement of the good name of Darwin.

Douglas R. Hofstaedter and Daniel C. Dennett (ed): The Mind's I (Paperback) - a selection of literary and philosophical pieces on the nature of consciousness and self.

Oliver W. Sacks: Awakenings (Paperback) - True account of how patients doomed to a vegetative existence suddenly have consciousness and "normal" life restored to them as the result of a new miracle drug. As so movingly expressed in the film version of this book with Robert de Niro, the patients are poignantly aware of the fact that their new consciousness state is short-lived and return to the "lower" state is inevitable - surely a metaphore for our own occasional ascents to higher consciousness states, or perhaps even for life in general.

Oliver W. Sacks: The Man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales (Paperback) - The neurologist and storyteller Oliver Sacks shows with 20 examples from his casebook how fragile our own notion of consciousness really is, and how accident or disorder can lead to a completely different brain pattern and consequently behaviour which is as strange for us as it is normal for those experiencing it.

An Anthropologist on Mars Oliver W. Sacks: An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven paradoxical tales (Paperback) - Ever had that sensation of observing the actions of your fellow human beings as something remote and unconnected with your own life, as if in no way you could imagine the inner promptings which would lead to such external behaviour so you can only observe it clinically like the anthropologist of the title? Such befell one of Dr Sacks' patients in this new series of case histories.

Roger Penrose: The Emperor's New Mind : Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Paperback) - The justification for placing this book here is its essential message that human consciousness is something unique which cannot be emulated even by the most sophisticated computer. Bit heavy going for those without a scientific or mathematical background (maybe even those who have!).

Transpersonal realms

Does Wilber "transcend and include" Assagioli? Both authors, together with some whom their work has inspired, are selected here for their pioneering work in diverting our attention from the subnormal to the supernormal and thus awakening us all to the possibilities inherent in the human personality.

Robert S. Assagioli: Psychosynthesis: A manual of principles and techniques - the classic work on psychosynthesis, detailing personal and transpersonal (first called "spiritual") psychosynthesis techniques, as well as his philosophy on levels of consciousness ("Assagioli's egg").

Robert S. Assagioli: The Act of Will (Paperback) - Assagioli was alone in attaching importance to the Will, an aspect of personality which tended to be ignored by traditional psychologists.

Piero Ferrucci: What we may be - Techniques for Psychological and Spiritual Growth through Psychosynthesis (Paperback) - A more accessible introduction to principles and techniques of psychosynthesis.

Piero Ferrucci: Inevitable Grace - Breakthroughs in the Lives of Great Men and Women - Guide to your Self-Realization - Based on the psychosynthesis principles, this book gives examples of how a diversity of paths may be taken to attain similar spiritual goals.

Ken Wilber: The Atman Project - A Transpersonal View of Human Development (Paperback) - Vintage Wilber in a 1996 reissue with a Foreword linking it to his intervening work. Particularly illuminating is the Appendix which includes a table linking Wilber's spectrum of consciousness with other hierarchical models from both Oriental spiritual traditions and modern psychology (including Assagioli!).

Ken Wilber: A Brief History of Everything (Paperback) - A more accessible summary in question and answer form of material in his recent works including the monumental "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality".

Ken Wilber: A Theory of Everything (Paperback) - A new summary of Wilber's work for the general reader, taking in his recent thinking on Spiral Dynamics and the integral vision.

Ken Wilber: The Simple Feeling of Being - visionary, spiritual and poetic writings.

Frank Visser: Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion (Paperback) - The first comprehensive overview of Ken Wilber's life and thought.

Brad Reynolds: Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber - A historical survey and chapter-by-chapter review of Wilber's major works.

Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan (ed.): Paths Beyond Ego - The Transpersonal Vision (Paperback) - This anthology, containing contributions not only from Wilber, Grof and Aurobindo but also William James, Aldous Huxley and the Dalai Lama, is an excellent and highly readable introduction to the state of the art in transpersonal perspectives.

Roger Walsh: Essential Spirituality - The 7 central principles to awaken heart and mind (Paperback) - Seven chapters devoted to enlightenment with gleanings from the world's major religions. Ken Wilber tentatively nominates Walsh as the Carl Sagan of spirituality.

Jenny Wade: Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness (Paperback) - Brilliant staged theory of development from before birth to after death, drawing from sources as diverse as post-Newtonian physics and Eastern mysticism.

John Welwood: Love and Awakening (Paperback) - Intimate relationship as a sacred path of personal and spiritual transformation.

Jack Kornfield: After the Ecstasy, the Laundry (Paperback) - Renowned meditation teacher Jack Kornfield embroiders on the theme underlying the Zen saying "Before enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water: After enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water."

Will Parfitt: The Elements of Psychosynthesis - Excellent summary by an experienced practitioner of psychosynthesis.

Vivan King: Being Here When I Need Me (Spiritual Growth) - A journey to the Higher Self by a psychosynthesis therapist.

Self help

You won't find here the sort of books that tell you how to make a million or be assertive with your colleagues - though these goals of course may be atttained as a by product to the radical approaches to personal living proposed by these authors.

Deepak Chopra: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind - the quantum alternative to growing old (Paperback) - Deepak Chopra's starting point is a list of ten basic assumptions we tend to make about the nature of our body, life and the inevitablity of ageing - by demolishing these assumptions he releases us from the prison of conventional views and thereby opens up the possibility of long, healthy and fulfilling lives for all. Required reading for the over 55s, but the sooner you start the better!

Wayne W. Dyer: You'll See It When You Believe It (Paperback) - The first book in which Dr Dyer tentatively enters transpersonal realms. Brilliant introduction to ideas such as synchronicity, transformation, oneness, forgiveness. Living in the Light

Shakti Gawain: Living in the Light - A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation (Economy Paperback) - Using simple, effective exercises, meditations, and affirmations, Shatki Gawain gently shows you the path to getting in touch with your intuition and acting on it.

Shakti Gawain: Creative Visualization (Economy Paperback) - Best-selling introduction to the way to develop conscious connections with your higher self. ( Meditation Cassette also available, narrated by the author)

Diet, nutrition and gastronomy

In a very real sense what our physical bodies are depends on what we put into them, and what we are as spiritual beings is also related to what our physical bodies are. So a philosophical approach to diet and nutrition is an essential part of the path.

Paul Pitchford: Healing With Whole Foods : Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition - Based on the theory of Chinese medicine, this is a Bible for anyone concerned with a conscious approach to eating.

Amadea Morningstar: Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners - More than a cookery book, this is a whole philosophy of living. 200 recipes which can be prepared from ingredients readily available in Western countries.

Classics for the young of all ages

The books of A.A. Milne and Lewis Carroll were an even earlier influence on the developing mind of Piers. Thanks to an inspired treatment by the Hollywood masters, these classics are now available to a new generation more used to being addressed via film and video. But you can't beat the original.

Winnie-the-Pooh A.A. Milne: The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh (with the original illustrations by E.H. Shepard) (Quality edition: Hardcover) - To misquote Christopher Robin: I'll never forget Pooh, not if I live to be a hundred years! Alice's Adventures

Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There - Beautiful hardcover edition with the original Tenniel illustrations.

Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There - Budget paperback edition but still with those Tenniel illustrations.

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