A collection of essays by Piers and others with some relevance to the Transition theme.
Most of the material here is an edited version of a posting on a mailing list or newsgroup.
Original contributions are also welcome.
Recent articles
Summary of the Piers view
The following three articles attempt a concise expression of Piers' view on his path to Transition as it
seemed at the moment of writing (November 1997):
Historic Piers texts
The following texts are taken from a former Piers site and maintained here for historic reasons. A Dutch
version is also available:
Musings on the seven great Hermetic principles
In this set of articles reference is made to the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus; they do not
purport however to be in any way an analysis of these principles, rather an acceptance of the wisdom
therein as a source of inspiration. For more information reference is made to Jerry R. Seydel's
excellent site devoted to the Seven Great Principles (see Bookmarks).
Jerry Seydel has kindly granted permission for the original text of the Principles, as well as extracts from
his discussion, to be quoted on these pages.
- Mentalism: The All is Mind, the Universe is Mental
- Correspondence: As above, so below; as below, so
above (Piers, 24 July 1997)
- Vibration: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything
vibrates (Piers, 29 July 1997)
- Polarity: Everything is Dual; everything has poles;
everything has its pair of opposites... (Piers, 31 July 1997)
- Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; everything has its
tides... (Piers, 5 August 1997)
- Cause and Effect: Every Cause has its effect; every effect has its cause...
- Gender: Gender is everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine principles...
Other articles
- Mysterious encounter on Bali (Piers, 16-18 March 1997)
- What if the world IS meaningless?
(Less, 16-18 July 1997)
- Diana (Piers, 11 September 1997)
- Energy has to move (Susan, 21 October 1997)
- The Formation (Received anonymously 9 December 1997)
- Anyway... (Anonymous text, said to hang on the wall of Mother
Theresa's shelter)
- Marionette (Piers, 12 January 1998)
- God's free students (Adrian, written in 1993 after meditation with a
- Ken Wilber - a summary of some basic concepts and
terminology (Victor, 1997)
- The Centauric Self - summary of the characteristics seen on a
practical level (Thomas, 17 September 1998)
- Resolutions 1999 (Piers, 13 January 1999)
- When is the dawn? (translated from a piece sent by a
Dutch broadcasting company, 8 February 1999)
- What do you believe, then? (Piers, 14 March 1999)
- A place to meet the Buddha (Piers, 9 May 1999)
- Paranormal? (Piers, 14 October 1999)
- Millennium (from a Dutch mailing list, 8 December 1999) -
also Dutch version
- Christmas dove - a meditation (Piers, 25 December 1999)
- Myths about transformation (Piers, 4 February 2000)
- Sex at the top of the ladder (Piers, 8 February 2000)
- To the Always Already... (Mark, 24 April 2000)
- Integral practice (Piers, 28 August 2000)
Last updated 7 February 2002
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