Coming Soon...
The Goddess Page, filled with information about your favorite and less well-known dark feminine deities;
Rituals and Rites Page, explanations and descriptions of workings and worships for the dark traditions;
Community News, information on events in the areas near you;
Membership Page: description of membership rights and responsibilities, information on how to become a member.
More on what we believe...
LaVeyan Satanism: Anton LaVey is probably one of the most well known Satanists in society today. The ICCOTL holds many of his ideals in the greatest respect. We prefer however to follow the feminine side of Darkness, in the tradition of the Temples of Kali. While as an Inner Circle Coven of the Eternal Coven of the Path of the Left, we regard all of the left-hand path traditions with utmost respect and highest regard. To all of our Brothers and Sisters of the Infernal Kingdom, and to those still searching for their Path, we wish you well.
If you have question about Path or traditions, we would be pleased to share what we know. Because of the overwhelming response and the amount of e-mail we receive each day, please be patient. We will respond to your questions. What we will not respond to is e-mail from close-minded individuals who believe that their religion is Law and that there is no other. The Dark Traditions have survived through the ages and thrive in today's modern society. This is fact. May the flame of Kali light your way along the dark path!
NEWS! We Were on ABC News. This November we are working on a new site...come back soon!
E-Mail Welcome:
debourgocalia@usa.netCrossroads to choose from…
Philosophy Of The IC Coven Of Laiad
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