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Please keep your comments and suggestions clean and within Geocities guide lines. Please no hate comments. We practice religious tolerance. Remember religious freedom means all religions. Thank you.

12/24/00 07:40:17
Name: brent My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: old enough State/Territory: Virginia
Country: USA

i think it's quite amusing that these christians are writing threatening messages and fearing to leave their actual names or e-mails. they also show the hypocrisy in their religion when they show a growing anger and hatred towards us when those are sins their father teaches against. to every one of you that makes statements such as these, quit showing your ignorance to us. satanism isn't about worshipping the devil. you people are so blind it makes me sick. i don't see traditional or modern satanists wasting their time by posting hateful and negative messages on christian web pages, grow up and get a life. and by the way, god doesn't forbid anyone from heaven so you should actually read the book you base your meager life upon.

i want to say to the owners of this site i think it's great what you are doing and i would like to talk to someone that could help me with local grottos or sects. thanks

12/24/00 07:40:09
Name: brent My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: old enough State/Territory: Virginia
Country: USA

i think it's quite amusing that these christians are writing threatening messages and fearing to leave their actual names or e-mails. they also show the hypocrisy in their religion when they show a growing anger and hatred towards us when those are sins t eir father teaches against. to every one of you that makes statements such as these, quit showing your ignorance to us. satanism isn't about worshipping the devil. you people are so blind it makes me sick. i don't see traditional or modern satanists wasti g their time by posting hateful and negative messages on christian web pages, grow up and get a life. and by the way, god doesn't forbid anyone from heaven so you should actually read the book you base your meager life upon.

i want to say to the owners of this site i think it's great what you are doin and i would like to talk to someone that could help me with local grottos or sects. thanks

12/20/00 02:56:48
Name: SaMaNtHa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: still exploring Age: 17 State/Territory: Indiana
Country: US

Thank you for taking the time to make this website. It takes a very dedicated person to put what the beleive out to the public to accept whatever may be thrown their way. For the past couple of years I have been getting interested in religion. I have been raised without any sort of religio. I never knew about "god" until maybe 4th grade and never knew what all these religions meant until a few years ago. Its hard to beleive in any sort of religion when you grow up completly in the dark, and all of the sudd n the bible and the whole idea of god is pushed upon you. The only religion thus far that has made any sense to me has been Satanism. But anyway just wanted to let you know that your site has been very insightful. I have always been open-minded, never und rstanding why people force others to beleive in something, or for discriminating when others make decisions not affecting thier own. It's good to know that there are other people out there who know what this is all about. Thank you.

12/18/00 18:25:38
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 27
Country: US

A girl at the tender age of 17(dar) can see what most "adults" can only hope to grasp... Satanist do belive in love, some are married and there live as they wish. Thats what it is about, living. The pursuit of happieness, in all forms. It is to live without denieing ones self to the truth within. All the little things people try to hide, all he skelitons in the closet brought out into the light of day for all to see regardless of the outcome. There is no evil or holy, right or wrong, these are sipmly consepts that have taken over life, media, sociaty. We deal with fact, not fiction, we do not worship satan, we use that name to seperate from fiction. The bible is a mythos taken from the hebrews and given a roman translation which was not, even remotly understood by the translater. A true Satanist strives to leave behind fear, and reolize the tr e potential contained within some of us. A lack of intelligence would explain the reactions recorded here.

12/18/00 18:00:07
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 27
Country: US

I am shaken by the lack of understanding so called "christians" and all other god-fearing peoples have shown here but not suprised. This is nothing new. Slaves of cults have no other choice but to do as there owners demand, this is why they are told not t read religious teachings other than that approved by said owner. Be it pope, preacher or god, these owners know that to think for oneself is to possibly break the chains that have been worn since birth. I am also shaken by the rude and violent behavior shown here, yet agein, I am not supprised. If a person can not address his/her feelings of outrage on a subject maturely then he/she must not have much in the way of intelligence. Turn off your tv, compute and pick up some books. A bit of reading, other than the bible could do you some good. As to the question of rapeing a satanists daughter/son... You miss the point my friend...If you where to do this, to a satanist, I hope said satanist would follow his/her natural instinct and protect his/her own. He/she would do so in whatever manner felt best, which more than likely would result in an untimely and painful death. In conclustion (sp, i am irratated) who is WITHOUT sin may throw the first stone - before you judge another look to yourself, you may be the very demon and or satan you so urgently run from.

12/14/00 22:45:14
Name: kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 18
State/Territory: New York Country: US

gust starting up and need help finding whichery all tipyps

12/13/00 22:35:45
Name: calizantin Religion: still searching
Age: 18 Country: canada

i was raised in a christian home... when i was 10 i started questioning the bible... i'm now 18 and have experemented with many religions and faiths... studied them ... every one says that they are right and everyone else is wrong and u know what the only thing i can agree with is that there is a divine force... wethrer that force is christ, satan, allah, buhdda, zues, or anyone else... its there... it doesn't matte whose right and whose wrong.... a ll religions are suppossed to teach acceptance... y don't u people practice it.... no one knows who is right and who is wrong so give it a rest.. as long as they aren't hurting anyone let people believe what they want... to tell the truth... i would probobly have a set religion if all the different sects weren't so pushy in saying i'm right everyone else is wrong... i'm not saying u all do it... but a lot of people seem to think they have a right to condemn others fo their beliefs... and thats not fair to those who don't ...

12/13/00 22:29:47
Name: calizantin My URL: Visit Me
Religion: still searching Age: 18
Country: canada


12/12/00 21:34:25
Name: Debbie Jones My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Wiccan
Age: 16

Good site. Satanism certainly doesn't seem to be what I expected from all the crap you hear usually. I think I'm really gonna have to think abit. :)

12/12/00 03:03:48
Name: ANTI CHRIST My URL: Visit Me
Religion: NOT CHRISTIAN Age: 20-something

Dear satanist.... send my regards to satan and all Jesus (the FAKE god) followers in hell!!! Satan sucks!! Jesus is NOT God's son!!!

12/12/00 02:40:31
Name: Duffy The Satanist Slayer My URL: Visit Me
Religion: God worshiper Age: 25

GOD RULES!!! Satanists are fools..... fooled by Satan!!! I can't wait to see you (from heaven) in hell.... P.S.: send my regards to Satan... FUCK him!!!

12/12/00 02:26:09
Name: D. Iskandar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: ISLAM Age: 24 State/Territory: Jawa Tengah (Central Java)

DEAR SATANIST..... Yes, satan realy have a super power.... but it all came from ALLAH TA'ALA, The True GOD. I'm a JAVANESE MOSLEM, I believe the Javanese gods and goddesses but I don't worship them. Why? Because satan, gods and goddesses, genie, and other supernatural bein were just like us human... they live because of Him, GUSTI ALLAH, The Lord of All Being.... and that includes YOU!!!! It's okay to admire or even make friends with supernatural being.... but just stay away from satan!! There's a lot of other spirits that have good behaviour.... make friends with them. But just DON'T WORSHIP them 'cause "indeed there is no Lord to be wors ip other than ALLAH, and indeed MOHAMMAD was ALLAH MESSENGER"!!! Find your peace in religion that believe in GOD!!!

12/11/00 16:15:56
Name: fuck u hellspawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Roman Catholic
Age: 10000 Country: heaven

Well I'd like to say that no offense but this is a whole load of bullshit ! , I think you people need a breath of fresh air , anyways , I'll see u in hell ... from Heaven! yours truly fuck u hellspawn

12/11/00 06:37:01
Name: UMAIR My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: ISLAM Age: 18 State/Territory: federal capital
Country: pakistan

hey U F..kin SATANISTS, I have been to your site many a time and i dont really like the way U people talk about religion,as if there is no true religion at all...but BEHOLD THE WARRIOR OF MIGHTY ISLAM HAS WIELDED ITS SWORD AGAIN, to check the shit that you are spreading.I am one of those fundamentalists you are so afraid of...Iam here to let you know that your time is UP.... SATAN & SATANISTS like you must pack there bags before it is too late.It is a matter of months before this world sees the rise of MIGHTY,MILITANT,FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAM.Your satan will then do nothing but lick his liquid shit.My battle with you has just begun .I WILL CHASE YOU TO THE CORNERS OF THIS UNIVERSE................... ALLAH-O-AKBAR .... HAIL ISLAM

12/07/00 03:13:28
Name: Satan SUCKS!
My URL: Visit Me
Age: 999999999999999999999999999


12/06/00 16:36:20
Name: hfskreuh My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: zjrpü Age: 777678 State/Territory: fdhruu
Country: üwoefg

niuh jrtjg ewökfr 2üäi,kwpf fo4jkr lij 2oih ijfdrhfim; iewhfru.

11/29/00 12:13:23
Name: Rainer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Anglican Age: 34 State/Territory: Siegerland
Country: Germany

Witch, O witch, fiendish witch incline your ear to me I call for you all day and night to put a spell on me Witch, O witch, wicked witch I put my trust in you Whatever you will do to me I always will be true Witch, O witch, mighty witch make my hear and spirit glad Cast a wicked spell on me turn me into a shoe or cat Witch, O witch, vicious witch with your witchcraft harm or charm me My life shall be a sacrifice devoted just to thee Witch, O witch, satanic witch how long must I suffer anguish and desire Prove me, try me as silver is tried For you I will go through water and through fire Witch, O witch, sweetest witch for better, for worse, feeling joy or blue If you cast a fiendish spell on me I will never be able to stray from you Rainer E-mail address:

11/27/00 05:20:38
Name: Zaidel Baharuddin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: ISLAM Age: 17 State/Territory: Kuala Lumpur

As much of the guestbook ive been reading its either being filled with FUCK or Hail SATAN and long live jesus and many more other crap. Most of them are christians and jews so it would be something new to hear a comment from a muslim. The first thing ive noticed is that most of the people reading the guestbook dosent actually know what this site is all about it is not worshipping SATTAn or 'SYAITAN'(muslim name of satan) but it is about being yourself and do whatever you want the hell ith rules and religion. but may i remind humans have 'nafsu' and 'akal' or in english that is what you want and what you think so like if i dont follow any religion rules i just follow you guys and do watever i want and be myself then let me question you this. Lets see if im your neighbour and you have this lovely daughter of yourse who is 17. So one day i deided to rape her. In y religion i would be beaten 100 times but in satanism i would be free of any punishment because i just being myself. So please e-mail me if you have the answer and if anyone wants to know about islam do fell free to email me. THINK AND ASSALAMUALAIKUM (m y peace be upon you)

11/11/00 06:22:19
Name: Osiris My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: Europe

hello people i'm Osirs the leader of the 666 family and Hell Underlords thosre are my clan i'm a Satanis Vamp if anny of wanna join my clan click on the URL or email me RIP

11/05/00 21:10:02
Name: Just passin by My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: None really
Age: old enough

For one this site design is just stupid. My little brother could do better then this and he doesn't even know the first thing about HTML (do you>?). Second, you sick losers. Do you really beleive in this shit? Anyone under 25 I could understand trying to get into this stuff because you just wanna be cool and all your friends do the same thing but those 25 and, your just a bunch of joke ass losers with no life and and no chance at one. Why don't you try. Believe in what you see. The world is wha you make it. Why the hell would you want it to be some dark place filled with pain. You think you would enjoy pain as much as you say if some big black guy was kickin your ass. No I really dont think you would. More then likly you would beg for him t stop. Just get a clue you dumb asses.

11/04/00 22:17:02
Name: Lars Edvart My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian Age: 17 State/Territory: Hordaland
Country: Norway

As a christian I feel that I have an obligation to warn you all that this is not a game. Satan is real. He will try anything to get you. You are far from safe if you worship Satan. In the final battle you will lose, and the devil will be thrown in the eit rnal fire. Don`t join him, because you are going the same way as him.

11/02/00 16:38:19
Name: Bastina My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Satanist
Age: 25 State/Territory: shadow just behind you

I'm impressed with this site, the work and thoughtfulness. I'm looking forward to its completion. Anyway, I'd like to meet new people. Please feel free to email me if you're EVIL. Thanks.

11/01/00 05:40:47
Name: Criosdaidhlaoch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian Age: 22 State/Territory: Southeast
Country: USA

Congratulations Satanist and all you other crappy religion wanna bees.You constantly pat each other on the back on how wonderful your religion is, and well thats the problem. You don't have a religion. You are a bunch of rejected freaks who come up with a religion of your own that allows you to do what you want and make excuses for being a failure. You just use satans name and images of evil beings because your little made up religions are immoral. You curse God and blame him for your problems asking what as he ever done for you,blah blah blah. Maybe you should look around and see that its not always what he does for you, but what he prevents from happening to you. Are you in a wheelchair for life? Are you deformed? Are you blind (seems not likely since y u're using a computer huh?), you certainly aren't homeless and starving or you wouldn't have access to a computer. The next time you speak to Satan in one of your rituals ask him to appear and be tortured and then die for you on a cross. No? I didn't thi k he would. You call yourself strong because you take for yourself and take advantage of the weak, being strong means you can take care of yourself and lend a helping hand to the weak as well. You have to use corrupt and immoral ways just to survive and a hieve any kind of happiness. You see only the strong willed can give up some of their comfort to help another be comfortable. That is the reason you satanist will never amount to anything. You'll stab each other in the back because you are all looking out for the one individual (your elf) , because that is the way your religion works. You are all looking for someone to blame for being a rejected, failure. Who better to blame than God huh? You were born with a choice, you were born with oppurtunity, you were born with options, the reas n you are a rejected failure is because you were to sorry to make good use of it. You want to be an immoral shit talker but you don't want to have to back it up because thats the dishonorable, chicken shit way to live, and that is what your religion is a l about, taking the easy way out. You are shit because you choose to be shit.Don't blame God for being the smelly kid in class. If you are so bad ass and powerfull because of your religion, then why don't you send me an email and we'll meet up somewhere nd you can throw some of that awesome power and strength my way and lets see who walks away you prick. If Satan loves you so much more than God and takes care of you, then would he let you be defeated by a wimpy little Christian?? HUH?? Bring it on.....Yo see there are Christians who feel sorry for your lost souls and think that preaching to you is the way to save souls, I'm one of those that says slaughter your worthless asses so you don't corrupt the world for the rest of us.If you are so powerful, then me telling you that I am a student at the University of Southern Mississippi should be enough for you to arrange a meeting to see who is powerful eh? Contact some of your people down here and lets see if they got the nuts to make themself known, I promise I'll find them. Just have them dropp a name or a location and time to meet so we can find each other out and then its time to see if Mr.Satan can back his little puppets mouths up. Just tell them to ask for Criosdaidhlaoch. You wonder why Christians visit your website? Because you are the enemy, your building confidence because your betting on the belief that Christians all just say "Oh bless his poor loss soul" instead of trying to take back ground against your kind, well think again. We're just showing u to let you know we're here,and yes, there are some of us who will slaughter your ass rather than tolerate you. I'll be waiting for your USM boys , bitch...........

10/28/00 20:53:41
My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christianity
Age: 18

I feel a bit obligated to write on this guestbook to all that come and read. I have not been a Christian for long, and it has been a long road coming here. I was raised with a background in all religions, coming from a church called Universal and Triumpha t. This church is a global organization that meditates, decrees, and basically conglomerates all forms of religion, excluding satanism, to create a uniqe religious atmosphere. Those reading this guestbook deciding on their own personal religion, please at least look into the following books: The Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, I Ching, The Case For Christ, Essential spirituality. These are alternatives to the "life of darkness." I think that any religion that promotes love and the uprise of spirit and fa th is a step in the right direction. Satanism seems to focus so much on the downward trends in life. The decay of morals, structure, and faith in Love. If you believe in something higher than yourself, why would that something have created you to abandon ou, or hate you. It does not add up. Satanism is not even comparable to being cool. It is simply a mask that the weak wear to defend their sins, and justify their lifestyles. If they believe in Satanism, they feel less guilt when they sin. People can sin n Christianity too!! God will forgive you if you understand that conceit and narcissism destroy companionship and faith. Lots of the other guestbook entries seem unintelligent, almost to the point that they lose all sense. They are representing the Satani ts poorly, if I might be blunt. They do not think very rationally, and cannot back up their views. Sorry to offend, but I needed to speak my mind. Thanks!

10/28/00 18:17:44
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

NU I DERIMA ZDESI NALOZHENO!!!(FUUUU) This site dosen't smell good... IA CE MOZHNA CHITACI!!!

10/27/00 03:31:08
Name: dar My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: n/a . .. searching
Age: 17 Country: canada

just skimming through the enteries... everyone in here seems to have biases against every one.... its your own choice what you believe don't condemn someone just because their faith is different... who says yours is right... and to all of you who say there is no god just satan... READ THE BIBLE!!! ...satan was one of gods angels... hes THE fallen angel.. if u believe in light you must believe in darkness.. if you believe in heaven you must believe in hell.. if you believe in life you must believe in death and if you believe in god you must believe in the devil... and vice versa.

10/25/00 06:32:10
Name: Lilith Rose My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist-FCoS Age: 39 State/Territory: MO
Country: USA

look forward to your site being further completed, as if anything is. i was raised to be a slave to the hypocritical lies of the xian church but broke free and turned to the left-handed path. a solitary practioner, i worship satan in essence and being. th faith has freed me, opened my mind and led me to discover self-confidence which the xian church tried and succeeded to destroy in me. but hail satan, i broke free from being a drone and now am an individual. hey, if being a xian works for you, d esn't for me. anyway, although i've been practising for about 10 years..i'm still learning (any one have info on islamic mysticism?) still growing, and any help/support would be appreciated, which is why i'm looking forward to this site being further developed. finally, as a transexual, i'm glad there is some place to explore the female side of the dark ways. ave-regi-hail lilith rose

10/23/00 00:51:46
Name: Dark Heart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Fuck I forgot that I have a new e-mail. Snoweagle@24hotmail. is wrong so please e-mail me at instead. Thanx, and let the dark flame iluminate your way!

10/22/00 23:57:59
Name: Dark Heart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

RIPTUS DOMINU! You must add the demon Samael to your flame of darkness. HA HA HA and so the evil one rises upon thee! E-mail me so we can discuss more about the dark flames! HA HA HA Dark Heart Rises!

10/22/00 23:50:06
Name: Szandro Francia (I´m a stupid dick) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 17 State/Territory: Long Beach,California
Country: U.S.A

I´m a fucking pervert who studied in the Hoover Middle School in Long Beach California in 1996-97. I have an outgoing personality because I can´t spend a single night without masturbarting myself. I have a great collection of porno movies, cards, posters and sex-toys. I enjoy downloading pornography but what I really like is to watch pregnant women having sex, drinking urine, eating shit and screwing with animals. I´m a pedophiliac. I´m a NAZI and a COMMUNIST and I don´t like black people. I also enjoy when I´m being breastfeeded by my aunt and when I´m having sex with chickens. P.S. I´m not a sick twisted freak!

10/21/00 04:38:24
Name: Rallothamus My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Oeniphel State/Territory: Here, Near You

I am interested in the origin of the name Laiad. Who or what is it? I am bordering on obsessed. Could you add this somewhere on your page? I wouldn't mind email, but I see you have no email address posted. I am not disclosing my email address in the uestbook because I do not wish to be contacted by the disturbed people who have signed here. Thank you for considering my request.

10/15/00 11:29:42
Name: God My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Kicking Satanist Arse Age: 26 State/Territory: Harare
Country: Zimbabwe

Vengance will be mine sayeth the LORD, all you satanists beware for the day of reckoning is upon your sorry asses, this page is a lot of bullshit, all you stupid, fucked up little shits who think its 'kewl' to be satanists need your asses kicked, I will h ppily oblige in doing this, I believe that you are all stupid little wankers, come to Africa and see what life is really about. Do the owners of this site really consider themselves to be satanists or are they just another of the multitude of scammers in t to make a easy dollar. You appear to be most confused and screwed up, get your facts straight, it appears that most satanists are brain dead fuckup dropouts from life, did any of you fuckers even go to school, none of you can spell or write intelligibly Hail the White Demon of Africa Fuck all the blacks

10/13/00 06:29:07
Name: Chuckles
My URL: Visit Me


10/11/00 15:56:43
Name: Neil My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 18
State/Territory: NH Country: USA

To live without direction is to die, he who knows what he wants will be the one who truley lives

10/08/00 20:07:21
Name: necrophagia2001 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: ha ha Age: ha ha State/Territory: ha ha
Country: usa

all is well ...... he who hears the word and denies is foolish he who hears the word and pursues is of godlike rest for the wicked....broken wings in a lost world is hard to cope with......occult...who is closest to u....would you betray t em.....would they betray u¡¿¡ ha ha probably both....but thats the way it is I'll be watching....

10/07/00 20:32:59
Name: Dracula Blooddance My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Satanism
Age: 18 Country: Israel

Thank you for your beautiful site.May be with your halp a lot of people will understand that Satan is over god. There is no Jesus in the world that can halp you.Satanism is the true religion. Hail Satan! Ave Satanas! Ave Satanas!

10/05/00 20:34:07
Name: katsoulas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: KNE Age: hi ladder State/Territory: greece

paidia gamiste kamia stala giati opios asholite me inner circle tou troei e malakia ta sothica(skotoplemona) oi satanistes tis gitonias sas

06/30/00 12:17:23
Name: Kara Mia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: x-tian po prinuda Age: 969 State/Territory: Mentallica
Country: Jungle

To all of you who say "fuck you" to satanists - "fuck you".

06/28/00 18:09:44
Name: fuck u My URL: Visit Me
Religion: 666 Age: 666
State/Territory: 666 Country: hell

fuck u

06/26/00 09:16:47
Name: Kim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 18
State/Territory: London Country: England

Ok, I'm quite new to Satanism. I became interested after I read the works of Anton LeVey. I think he was a wonderful person and has inspired me to be true to myself and to be who I want to be. I need some help to become a true Satanist. And no, I'm no doing this because I think it will make me popular, look good in front of my friends, want to be a goth. None of that. I want this because I have been lokking for something and finally, have found myself. If anyone can help me to learn about this, or nyhting, please email me. I'm a bit lost! Thanks.

06/20/00 17:15:17
Name: *unknown* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: *unknown* Age: 14 State/Territory: South
Country: England, UK

Hi, im really curious about getting into satanism, and please dont think that Im doing it because its cool etc but everyone has to start somewhere as im quite young. So please can anyone e-mail me giving me tips on how to get started in satansism and im n t judgemental at all.

06/18/00 20:19:27
Name: Nicholaos

By the way HAIL to my man Shadowdancer for his musical interests.BLACK METAL IS DEAD! LONG LIVE BLACK METAL AND THE GREEK UNDERGROUND BANDS! Thou Art Fuckin Lord

06/18/00 19:58:16
Name: Nickolaos My Email: Email Me
Religion: I don't know yet Age: 17
State/Territory: crete Country: HELLas

Hail!First of all i'd like to say that some of the guys that have signed the damn guestbook really pissed me of with their bullshit.Now I'd like some of the members of this site or members of the FCoS to send me some more info about S8nism if possible.Che rs...

06/14/00 09:05:25
Name: Alissha My Email: Email Me
Religion: Catholic? Age: 15
State/Territory: NSW Country: Australia

Hey..... ummm....I was really curious about Satanism so I decided to learn a little about it, so I understood it more.I'm not here to preach because I believe everyone has a right to their own beliefe.I just did a speech on Religious Prejudice and I believe that y u are right when you say everyone has a right to believe what they want.And I think you explain Satanism very well.Thanks it helped me alot :)

06/12/00 04:47:40
Name: DJJURA My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: NONE Age: 28 State/Territory: NORTH CAROLINA
Country: USA


06/09/00 18:13:36
Name: queen of darkness
My URL: Visit Me
Religion: fires of hell

soon all will see the terrible revenge upon those who have usurped our kingdom and committed acts despicable and vile. hecate's vengeance is for ever

06/09/00 13:55:02
Name: Lost Soul My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 15 State/Territory: Iowa
Country: United States

The Red Death will soon rise to his rightful throne and open all gates to the dark under world to let the lost souls rome free once again

06/09/00 13:53:23
Name: John Callihan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 15 State/Territory: Iowa
Country: United States

The Red Death will soon rise to his rightful throne and open all gates to the dark under world to let the lost souls rome free once again

06/05/00 15:30:12
Name: Black Angel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 16 State/Territory: Alberta
Country: Canada

Impressed by this kick-ass site. URL is not mine so if u r planning on checking it out all comments go to a friens of mine. The minute your born, you slowly start to die every second.

06/05/00 03:25:06
Name: gothic_chick182 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: witchcraft Age: 16 State/Territory: n.s.w
Country: australia

I am really impressed by this wicked web site it's like really out there and right downmy ally. i reackon we need more web sites like this because it really expresses the dark side of everyones life which they need to uncover. thankyou for allowing such grace on the web, keep it up

05/26/00 11:23:05
Name: smal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanist Age: 15 State/Territory: leicester,
Country: england

e-mail me more stuff, i need more!

05/26/00 04:11:53
Name: danielle buffo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: hedonism Age: 51 State/Territory: WA
Country: USA

First of all, christianity and islam stink! Second: i understand that this site is "under- construction," (and basically, our lives should constantly be underconstruction), but i have emailed the webmistress twice and haven't gotten an answer. so what gives? did Kali kill you all off? -=*buffo P.S. all you christians: up your ass!

05/20/00 21:10:21
Name: Saman (AMONRA)) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 22
Country: PERSIA - IRAN


05/16/00 17:02:46
Name: Vicky Michailoff
My URL: Visit Me


05/15/00 16:30:24
Name: Cory My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Christian
Age: 12 Country: Canada

All u have to do is ask God to come into your life. And that you will live your life for God and ask him to forgive you for your sins(wrong things you have done) Walk the walk and talk the talk and remeber JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. have any questions e-mail me! In Christ, †Cory†

05/06/00 07:25:50
Name: Ricardo Dominguez My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: energy transfer universal metaphorical existence Age: twenty-six State/Territory: California / Texas
Country: United States of America

Your site is beautiful and has many beautiful poignant ideas. I was raised a Roman Catholic. It is a bloody religion with a lot of guilt. Recently I was dominated and nearly brainwashed by a woman who said she loved me. After much sadness and tears I fin lly was able to break free from her selfish sphere of control. After that, I found the philosophies of Satanism to be very powerful in allowing me the space to gather myself and what I truly believe about existence, and push forward, reborn -a pillar of s rength. I am now the master of my domain and all interactions therein contained. No one will ever, ever control me again. No one will ever tell me what to believe of myself to be true. I know what I am. I am now on the left hand path. I now follow my ow notions and no one else's. I am powerful and beautiful.

05/04/00 04:55:57
Name: danielle buffo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan Age: 50 State/Territory: washington
Country: usa

i just surfed on to your site. it looks very nice, but time doesn't permit me to investigate in depth. so i promise to return. i especially like the feminine view of satanism, at particularly the goddess aspects. later... -=*buffo

04/30/00 22:59:36
Name: Right Path My Email: Email Me
Religion: muslim Age: 28
State/Territory: London Country: UK

U are all a bunch of critters and I think u should all burn in hell for the rest of ur existance so try to leave Satanism and become Muslim where after you die you will enter Paradise rather than hell Goodbye

04/30/00 22:56:44
Name: Light My Email: Email Me
Religion: Muslim Age: 20
State/Territory: London Country: UK

This is to all u mother fuckin' assholes. You're bullshit freaks and fuckin' attention seekers that have nothing to do with their time. u know u all will go to hell- so I hope u fucking burn there u fuking bastards.............. u and satan both

04/23/00 21:29:42
Name: Tim and Lisa Wright-Wilkin My Email: Email Me
Religion: Neo-Pagan Fairies Age: late 20's
State/Territory: Sin City Country: USA

Hello.....I just like to say that I really love your website, I love the occult, I love Satan, I love all things dark and depraved, I love witches, I love black cats, I love the dark goddesses, I love Aleister Crowley, I love you.

04/23/00 05:30:24
Name: Melody My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Catholic Age: 16 State/Territory: NY
Country: USA

This is 2 the founder of this page: Why da hell do u call urselves "Satanists" if u are not described as people dat do the things u mentioned #1 in ur goals list? If u say "Satanists" are none of those things then what are they? Obviosly you are not a "Sa anist"!

04/20/00 00:25:40
Name: Paulo My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 17
Country: Portugal

I would like to say to all cristian only one thing « RUN CRISTIANS RUN BECAUSE YOUR GOD CANNOT SAVE YOU NOW»

04/19/00 01:49:19
Name: Delila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: spiritual Satanist Age: 37 State/Territory: Virginia
Country: USA

Hello, y'all! It was by pure chance that I stumbled on your fine group. I will be back for visits many more times. I'm already a member of a Satanic organisation, the FCoS, which is an offshoot of A. LaVey's original CoS, but combines his type of satanism with spirituality. It's High Priest is Lord Egan (John Allee). I know what you mean about Mr. LaVey's opinion of women. Not all Satanic women are the way he portrays them.

04/18/00 14:56:58
Name: anand bose My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: mystical dionysian Age: 29 State/Territory: ptnmtitta kerala
Country: India

Beautiful fin-de-siecle. I have invoked for the pentagram for 1yr and I love satan ; he or she or a legion of consciousness he or she is there is NO to any thing in his kingdom He is a legion of anarchy apicurianism and sensousness and that's why I love h s or her consciousnerss. Come to and Possess me and grant me my desires. LOve

04/12/00 20:51:37
Name: Silvia My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Atheist Age: 21
State/Territory: ITALY Country: ITALY


04/08/00 13:10:14
Name: Geoff My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanic Age: 17 State/Territory: Victoria
Country: Australia

Followers and fools, I have noticed among many of the guests that they are exclaiming things like "Satan fucking rules" Why? I have gotten the image that many of you so called "Satanists" choose the religion because of the reputation Satan has recieved. I am sick of you peurile attitudes to religion. Keep in mind the 3rd Satanic statement "atan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!" REGE SATANAS AVE SATANAS HAIL SATAN!

04/04/00 18:38:51
Name: ANTOS My URL: Visit Me
Religion: CATHOLIC Age: 21
State/Territory: ITALY Country: ITALY


04/03/00 17:41:26
Name: Tom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan Age: 23 State/Territory: italy
Country: Milano

Believe in yourself and all gods die! "Dismember"

04/03/00 17:28:19
Name: Tom My URL: Visit Me
Religion: pagan Age: 23
State/Territory: italy Country: Milano

believe in yoursel and all gods die! "Dismember"

04/02/00 07:17:25
Name: Boris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: you know Age: 23 State/Territory: Europe
Country: Bulgaria

Raven Artemis Wolfe send me a letter pls.

04/02/00 06:43:32
Name: Boris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: SATANISAM Age: 23 State/Territory: Europe
Country: Bulgaria

Is any body afraid ot the death.Hey.What`s up?Smile!!!Soon our master will come.Let`s do some thing.On the 6 month on the 6 full moon let`s get together by making ritual and let`s blood stike on the ground and make as srtongest.Waiting you answers!!!!!!Go

04/02/00 01:34:31
Name: max My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 24 State/Territory: washington
Country: usa

ouais! Vive le cul! On est donc beau tout nu!!! On s'mangerai tout cru, vice sévice et vertu, on est donc beau tout nuuuuuuu! (Annik doit etre extra!!!)

03/30/00 16:35:12
Name: Singing Water My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Follower of Freyja/ Solitary Wiccan Age: 16 State/Territory: OR
Country: U.S. of A.

I would like to commend all of "you" (members, of course) for standing up for what you belive in; and having the courage to get this page set up. I was once myself a Christan and thought every other religion was evil; including Satanism. I apologize for my mistake and thank "everyone" for giving me a second chance.

03/26/00 10:00:27
Name: raven My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan Age: 26 State/Territory: texas
Country: usa

your site is inforative but i would like to know more about lilth is she the dark goddess that is often referd to

03/26/00 02:12:29
Name: Kindrahsja
My URL: Visit Me

To Raven Artemis, I noticed that you listed your religion as Wiccan/Satanist. I just wanted to imform you that Wiccans do not believe in Satan. :) Everything else you said...totally cool, I agree w/ ya!

03/20/00 09:58:31
Name: Raven Artemis Wolfe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Wiccan/Satanist Age: 19 State/Territory: Calgary
Country: Canada

Hail Satan (Hail Me!) all the children of the dark god and of all the mortality of all being. I have been led here after the long struggle that was Christianity, I sought power and freedom. This has given me the strength to love and worship all that I a and now am able to loathe and hate for the first time and not feel ashamed for all that has been done to me. All that have defiled will suffer horrible torture and will fall. So much for that so called God I have called apon so many times to help me in my life, the one that has never given me what I needed, so I had to look within the dark side of myself to find, finally, my father, SATAN...

03/18/00 02:01:24
Name: lunarcrimsongreed My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: nature but i pray to the dark godesses,i have a serious interest in satanism Age: 21 State/Territory: m.o
Country: us

I looked over ur site and am interested in your religion. I wanted to ask u if you would visit my site and look @ my poetry.I think you will like it. I am studing up on your beliefs and hope to become a member, when i have a better understanding.

03/17/00 16:46:25
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 18:)

My heart aches in dispair as I survey the comments submitted by bitter souls and those who try too hard. I still long to find fellow souls trodding this darkened path, who equally find true rest and victory dwelling in the shadows. Perhaps all these hate ull souls and blinded masses will one day realize truly who he is and the power he possess. I couldnt help but noticed that the non-Satanist seemed much more hatefull than those of us in the dark coven!!! Sad, huh? ****a true follower***

03/14/00 16:50:02
Name: Donald L. Swain My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 27 State/Territory: Cumberland, NC
Country: USA

Greetings friends, I found your site very informative and well thought out and designed. Keep up the good work! Until we meet again...

03/13/00 04:13:30
Name: FaLLenAnGeL My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: WiTcH Age: 19 State/Territory: Hi
Country: UsA

tHiS pAgE kIcKs AsS aNd I juSt WaNt To SaY sAtAn RuLeS. fUcK tHe WoRlD, sEe YoU aLl In HeLl.

03/08/00 16:49:05
Name: TBS My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: that's unnecessary!
Age: 24 Country: currently england

I am just writing to the person who believes their name is unnecessary but their belief is Hindu and they take up precious space in a guestbook like this talking about the Hindu god Kali - when actually they should not be sticking their nose in stuff they don't understand in the first place. Kali maybe a so-called Hindu goddess but she also has place in the practice of Satanism too. Close minded brain dead people who know absolutely nothing about the practices of the Dark art should not try and comment on t. Be wise!!

03/08/00 03:42:46
Name: Pandora My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 18 State/Territory: WA
Country: Australia

This site is great! I would love to hear from other young satanists, like myself. Are you sick of justifying your beliefs to everyone you come across??? Ave Satanis! Hail Satan!!!

03/07/00 02:33:46
Name: fernando yu My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: jesus sucked Age: 23 State/Territory: ormoc
Country: philippines

all i can say have a good day satanic worshippers. f.yu.jr

03/07/00 02:26:13
My URL: Visit Me


03/03/00 04:30:37
Name: Ted Rogers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 36 State/Territory: Mississippi
Country: United States

I entered this site because I am curious about other religions. Living here in the "bible belt" and being a non-believer in god, christ, jesus or that ancient best-selling book of fiction...the bible, is tough. I am searching for SOMETHING to believe in, hough. I look forward to your web site being complete. I have written down the address. It seems like a religion worth looking in to. It's unfortunate that so many simple minded soles have chosen to tarnish your guest book with such immature and close min ed comments. Why did they enter your site anyhow? Probably because they really don't know what to believe. Keep up the good work...sincerely

03/02/00 15:15:40
Name: Edward Foster
My URL: Visit Me


02/25/00 19:57:37
Name: Soulburner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Catholic
Age: 17 Country: Canada

I'll make this brief. All you satanists, pagans, wiccans... will burn in hell. Don't bother sending me hate mail, I will just laught harder. "Vengence is mine" Rm 12:19

02/14/00 19:04:01
Name: The Angel of Death My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: No organzied religion just follows God with my own viewpoints of morality Age: 19 State/Territory: Miami,Fl
Country: USA *born in Seville Spain*

I was here 2 yrs ago on some advice....when I wanted to learn about the occult...not much has changed as I see madam. Yet you still practice what you preach which still has my admiration. But though many Satanists do propose open war against christianity you and many others are the more intelligent kind....which tolerates all except your Lavey would put it "Responsibility for the responsible" Thanks for the advice you did giv me that report helped me get into college. :-) and again my thanks. sincerely, The Angel of Death formerly Ryoga....

02/14/00 17:10:06
Name: FIREBALL My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: LHP
Age: TOO OLD (29) Country: ENGALND


02/14/00 14:37:44
Name: nick@bj My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 16 State/Territory: ne
Country: u.s.a.

we are curious about this shit!!! what are you guys, a bunch of freaks or what? whoop muthafucka write back

02/09/00 22:34:28
Name: Demonikah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: None, {I'm not that pathetic} Age: !14! State/Territory: hell
Country: heaven

As I look at all the comments written on this page sometimes I can't help but to laugh. I wonder when you poor stupid people will finally realize that there is no true purpose for religion and you're wasting your time. "Satan" is bull shit and so is "Go ". Neither of them really exist. All of you were brain-washed at some point in your life to believe in things that do not exist. Like parents tell their children when they're about to do something bad..."Don't do that, Santa Claus can see you, do you w nt to get any presents for Christmas?" This is the same concept of "god"... he was created by someone with too much time on their hands to scare people like you into trying to be perfect. Satan was made to scare, if your a bad person in li e, you'll have the devil poking you in the ass with a red-hot poker for all eternity!! AHHH!! It's all just a bunch of nonsense really. Anyway my main point is that you shouldn't have any religion what-so-ever because it is a true waste of time. Am I the only person who thinks this way?? Oh well...

02/09/00 20:47:25
Name: BAPTIST My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: baptist and proud Age: 2000 State/Territory: az
Country: usa


02/09/00 20:45:38
Name: BAPTIST My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: baptist and proud Age: 2000 State/Territory: az
Country: usa


02/07/00 11:02:56
Name: corita erikzén My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: nothing Age: 11 State/Territory: jadraas
Country: sweden

hello !! my name is corita.. how many is it in the group??? good bye//corita

02/07/00 05:25:11
My URL: Visit Me

Well, another promising site gone to aohell chatroom style.

01/21/00 03:37:25
Name: Wonda
My URL: Visit Me
Religion: wichery


01/19/00 14:34:55
Name: Brood_Wolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanic Age: 1000 State/Territory: colorado
Country: us

This site is beutiful. I love my Satanic Relogion. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!

01/17/00 15:47:40
Name: DJ Wavemaster
Religion: Ateist

Hmm... Quite interesting comments can be read here, though one thing is made clear: One really has a hard time trying to find the religion that suits him\her, since there are so much. But hey, every religion is about one thing: Put yourself under the powe of the priests of the religion and let them control your life, through rules, which you must not break. I don't want anyone to control my life, that's why I'm an ateist. Or to be even more precise: I belive in only one person: Myself.

01/17/00 03:54:48
My URL: Visit Me


01/16/00 08:05:46
Name: El My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 43 State/Territory: Florida
Country: U.S.A.

Just checking. From one Female to another, you are doing well. Keep it up. El

01/13/00 21:45:35
Name: Rubella My URL: Visit Me
Religion: as it always has and will ever be Age: 2.
State/Territory: here,and there Country: USA

Hi all well we're still kicking around, Just dropped by to say hi. See you all soon.....maybe.

01/10/00 05:32:41
Name: Debi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: 100% Witch Age: 35 State/Territory: MI
Country: USA

I believe in the right to practice what each of us chooses.. and I also believe that when we put ourselves and our beliefs on the WWW, that the information should be educational. To say that there are Satanic Witches, is an oxymoron. For Satan is the cr ation stemming from Christianity and witchcraft existed long before the "coming of christ". I have been a practicing witch for 12 years now and have never been associated with satan. To put the two together is an insult to what we have for so long tried to dispel. For to be a true witch or wicaan, you would know that we are not satanist... for we do not believe in any such deity. There are Dark Goddesses and Gods, and I have experienced both... but never... ok I've said that all ready. You are on the ri ht track with the feminist aspect, but to say you are a practicing witch, or any one who belongs to your group is not being truthful to themselves or to others. Either call yourselves satanists or witches. For you cannot be both. For one does not exist for the other. Blessed Be

01/09/00 16:26:45
Name: Morgana My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Occultist Age: 39
Country: Scotland


01/04/00 17:42:55
Name: Spirit Death My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Anti-Christ, Wicca,Satanism Age: 13 State/Territory: AZ
Country: U.S

I really like your site and i have been into satanism for the last 4 years and so far i haven't get tired of it. My brother got me into wicca and he also talked me into joining his occult and i am alo a Salem Witch. well i have to go now, so "see you in hell!!"

01/04/00 05:46:32
Name: Kaio My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: None
Age: 23 Country: USA

Im not a religious person at all - believing that all religion is pointless as humanity could never attain a grasp of the divine. Still, I find myself fascinated by religion and more still - the "occult" (but then isnt it all occult until it becomes accep ed?) What is the point of Satanism? Is it all about ritual sacrifice and blood drinking and other ghoulish ideals? Or is there something deeper, something say... meaningful? All religions seem to have some basic tenets of hope ( even Catholics for all the r gloom) Is there any element of hope in Satanism? I ask all of this not to bash or ridicule - I sincerely would like to know -- and for all the bashers - leave the Satanists alone - you probably have no idea what you're attacking - but then, that s the point of Christianity sometimes isnt it?

01/02/00 03:58:15
Name: crowley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 26 State/Territory: ny
Country: us

sexual magik rules

12/29/99 07:33:06
Name: selena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: There is no such thing as religion,it's what we choose to believe in Age: 16 State/Territory: California
Country: U.S of A

I think ,well...actually i have no comments,but satanism does interest me...i think satanists are sexy...dat's all.

12/27/99 09:04:23
Name: Dark Philosopher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: LHP Age: 25 State/Territory: KS
Country: USA

One can truly appreciate the determination that has been put forth in the creation of this page and the primary intent of its founders. Anton LaVey is the founder of modern Satanism and should be given his due. We should continue to pursue our paths to nfernal enlightenment and wisdom through experimentation and continual improvement of ourselves and our contribution to the cause of infernal truth. There are those who would show hostility to one that questions existing and accepted principles of Satani m: by doing this, one is no better than the scripture-quoting, brainwashed, and unyieldingly zealous Christian who is unable to consider an oppositional position in regards to his/her religion. This site, therefore, serves as another reservoir from which one may learn and, thus, help rid others and our society of the ignorance concering our religion. Keep up the good work! ~~~DOMINUS INFERUS VOBISCUM~~~

12/27/99 08:59:54
Name: Dark Philosopher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: LHP Age: 25 State/Territory: KS
Country: USA

One can truly appreciate the determination that has been put forth in the creation of this page and the primary intent of its founders. Anton LaVey is the founder of modern Satanism and should be given his due. We should continue to pursue our paths to nfernal enlightenment and wisdom through experimentation and continual improvement of ourselves and our contribution to the cause of infernal truth. There are those who would show hostility to one that questions existing and accepted principles of Satani m: by doing this, one is no better than the scripture-quoting, brainwashed, and unyieldingly zealous Christian who is unable to consider an oppositional position in regards to his/her religion. This site, therefore, serves as another reservoir from which one may learn and, thus, help rid others and our society of the ignorance concering our religion. Keep up the good work! ~~~DOMINUS INFERUS VOBISCUM~~~

12/23/99 02:05:42
Name: SilentCry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 17
Country: london,UK

Greetings , i am so glad i have visited this site , it has great views , i have been looking into different religions such as wicca & satanism and i practice witchcraft , i respect ur beliefs and i would like to know ur views on satanic witches .. Thank You SC

12/17/99 08:24:08
Name: zac My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 30
Country: scotland

I have read and enjoyed this site, some of you so called christian have a no understanding of other the name of christ has caused more pain and death.

12/15/99 20:03:48
Name: Jules My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 15
State/Territory: miami,FL Country: usa

hey..i really liked the site.i have been an athiest ever since i was born because thats the religion that my parents believe in but i want to look into the black arts and satanism because i think it is interesting.i have read the satanic bible time and ti e again and i just dont understand it but i really want to.please someone help me!!!

12/13/99 17:56:58
Name: Johanna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Traditional Witchcraft Age: 40 State/Territory: Ontario
Country: Canada

Really like your site. Very informative. I am very interested in Dark Goddesses and 'Shadow Work'. Blessed Be!

12/13/99 17:35:41
Name: INSANE My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: ANTI-CHRIST
Age: 16 Country: POLAND


12/12/99 02:30:37
Name: Hellandra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: NONE Age: 14 State/Territory: kentucky
Country: USA

finally some people are sharing my views! i think you should stop pissing people off by perverting other religious figures and get your facts straight. you call yourselves "satanists" when you don't even know the meaning of the word, and your stealing g ds and symbols from other religions to use for your own sorry asses. i know i'm going to get a bunch of emails from angry "satanists" but i honestly don't give a shit! i think you need to do some research and see for yourself that half the stuff on this web site doesn't even have the least bit to do with satan. to be totally honest with you, i think this web site was created to piss people off, and it does, so if that is what you were aiming did your job good!

12/11/99 06:23:25
Name: David My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Wicca Age: 14 State/Territory: Mississippi
Country: United States of Freakin' America

I'm currently practicing Wicca now but I am interested in Satanism. I just started reading about it. It seems pretty cool. To me it seems like an equal religion. Not worshipping anything. Like how people say Satan decided not to worship God. It's like we' e all equal. But this is a pretty good site. ~`PeAcE & Blessed Be`~

12/02/99 15:09:19
Name: Statan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Yes
Age: 29 Country: Norway

Well, this site was thoroughly boring, but it managed to piss me off. Political correctness form Satanists, it had to happen sooner or later. Thank you Jesus it happened in the States, where else. You people are no Satanist, just fucking posers who just ant to relieve Christian feelings of guilt and who needs an excuse for your egocentrism and hedonism. You people are weakling incense burning prayer chanting New Age Wiccans and you know it.

12/02/99 07:45:09
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Why do u use different goddesses from all different faiths and pretend that they're "evil" beings? U use deities from scandinavian, hebrew, aztec, hindu, greek, egyptian and other religions and transform them to fit your needs. i spit on your lack of know edge and respect.

12/02/99 07:09:35
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

that last one was mine my email is

12/02/99 07:08:57
Name: Unneccessary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: hindu Age: 20 State/Territory: NY
Country: USA

I wonder why you use Hindu images to suit your needs. what a crock o' shit. kali is nothing like what you portray her to be, she is the embodiment of God, not the shithead devil. Get your fuckin facts straight before you use her holy name. May Kali be wit you ---- ha ha what a bunch of assholes. She is with me, on the side of the Lord, not your lost souls, contorting the truth to suit you personal interests. and dont even bother trying to say that she's not a hindu goddess or that she's really evil, ive s ent too much time in India and practicing and researching hinduism and going to actual holy kali temples where the truth is preserved. so have fun spreading this nonsense but those with half a brain or who have read this mail know the truth.

12/01/99 14:20:39
Name: Ruairi O'neill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Christain
Age: 16

Only joking earlier. Teenage hormones, y'know!! I think u r all cool. Why can't we all like take a chill pill, man!!. ONLY JOKING YOU ARE ALL PENIS HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die......SAD WANKERS YOUSE ARE TOTALLY RETARDED. MY E-MAIL IS WWW. RUAIRI80@HOTMAIL.COM COME AND HAVE A GO IF YOU THINK YOUR HARD ENOUGH.

12/01/99 14:19:00
Name: Ruairi O'neill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Christain
Age: 16

Only joking earlier. Teenage hormones, y'know!! I think u r all cool. Why can't we all like take a chill pill, man!!. ONLY JOKING YOU ARE ALL PENIS HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die......SAD WANKERS YOUSE ARE TOTALLY RETARDED.

12/01/99 14:08:02
Name: Ruairi o'Neill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Christian
Age: 16

i hate you all. ithink that you are like,so so so totally sad. This is all lies and rubbish. It is complete nonsence. I hate you and i want u to die. I so want to inniallate you of the face of the planet. Piss off wankers. satan is a shit. You should all ommit suicide because your all talking elephant piss i cant wait for the day that you die.

11/29/99 18:29:21
Name: Disappointed :-(
My URL: Visit Me
Age: 32

At first this all sounded interesting, but after getting into it a bit I could see that this whole "Satanism" should be renamed "Dissassociat-ism". You all are more confused than some of the fragmented Christian religions. I just feel bad for the impres ionable adolescents that land here and think it's "Kewl" or "Satan RuleZ". This page in itself is harmless, the weak minded and those needing acceptance will find this all very exciting and attractive and a great way to rebel. Sad thing is, some do not get all the information, or wrong information, or decide they are now licensed to do bad. Rambling on here and getting a bit disassociated myself, anyway, don't buy into the whole "Satan is there for you" crapola. Think about it for a minute, it goes against the basic principle of the beast. How smart do ya' gotta be to figure that one out?? Well, I know some punk kid is gonna slam this posting, so without giving Junior any more ammunition~~~~ I bid you all good day. P.S. Page wasn't good or bad...only thinking made it so (Nice literary reference there, huh?)

11/29/99 03:28:21
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 20
State/Territory: Ct. Country: usa

First off the reason of a religon is not to start a war about belief in YOUR religon. In mideval times the purpose of a religon was ones own belief to get into heaven. Back then the age never mattered because the belief was passed down. I am not a true believer in god or the devil in that matter. I just like to see it from both ways to create my own belief. I believe there were no journolists around to QUOTE jesus or what he said in or about the bible. Then again there was no Journolists around to se the battle of Lucifer and St. Christopher to see if he was truly locked into hell. The reson the Crusades in Jeruselm started is beacuse of beliefs. And if you look at the news now you will still see that most of Europe is warring about.

11/29/99 02:07:05
Name: Demonikah
My URL: Visit Me

i was just wondering...why the hell do all these Christian ass holes come to these "satanist" web sites???????? can anybody tell me?!

11/27/99 13:49:21
Name: come on, I tought you guys knew everything... My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: CHRISTIAN
Age: 16

It is so sad that all of you guys/girls believe in such a evil god. My God has died on the cross for my sins, what has your god done for you? He lives on fear...he hates you cause you are created in God's likeness...Don't try to curse me now or anything, ause the blood of Jesus Christ my Saviuor and the one that has overcome the death will protect me as always...You suck.

11/27/99 04:17:32
Name: Hellandra
My URL: Visit Me
Religion: None (religions are for the weak)

It surprises me how stupid some people are. You all think that because of my age I must be stupid as hell, but im obvioulsy not. The only reason I came back here was to see what you stupid fuckers had said about me. I received 2 emails about what I wrot in here last time. One was complementing me on my knowledge and the other one was some stupid bitch telling me to "respect" god and shit like that. I just thought I'd tell you sorry ass holes that I dont give a fuck about any of you and you will be the ones who will be sorry in the end for wasting your lives away practicing your stupid religions when you could have been doing something useful. oh yes, and just as last time.... !!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/25/99 19:50:13
Name: Nightgaunt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: LHP Age: 25 State/Territory: MO
Country: USA

It's been awhile since I've visited this site, and it seems that, as of late, the wiccans have been getting just as belligerant as the xians in your guestbook. Of course, when you look at the ages of most of them, you can see that they're really a bunch o punk kids. The wiccans I know personally are very tolerant people. My advice to you little ones would be to learn a little more about your own religion first, then learn a little more about ours. Of course, this will probably come naturally with maturity

11/24/99 03:54:21
Name: Hellandra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: None Age: only 14 State/Territory: Kentucky
Country: USA

ok, first off, i'd like to say that this site is fucked up very bad. you show a pentagram, and you supposedly think that this is a satanic symbol when it is actually a wiccan symbol. you also show some kind of person w/ a bunch of arms stepping on anothe person on the home page which is totally stupid because i know for a fact that that is a Hindu thing...or is it Buddhist? And while Im complaining...I'd just like to say that I hate Christians...the world would be far better off without you, even though this site is screwed, you are far more screwed up than this site could ever be! FUCK GOD!~GOD IS FULL OF SHIT! and if your a stupidass christian reading this shit, you had better not email me and tell me to love god and all that other stupid shit, cause god has never done anything for me, and i hate his sorry ass! c ya

11/23/99 23:08:40
Name: Vempiress My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: SATANIST Age: 15 State/Territory: NSW
Country: Australia


11/23/99 06:40:42
Name: Lieutenant Denver of (CIA) Christian in Action My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Christian Age: this is classified
State/Territory: this is classified Country: this is classified

Well, before I start my friend, I just wanna ask you a question. Do you like thief who comes to destroy and steal? If you do, why would you worship Satan? he had come to destroy and steal our lives my friend. Satan's way might be easy and beautiful for you. But don't be fool, for if Satan is not pretty and fun, he won't be able to decieve you. Turn away from darkness and go to the light my friend. Remember John 3:16- For God so love the world, He gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have et

11/17/99 23:02:02
Name: Crusader My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Roman Catholic Age: 21
State/Territory: Ontario Country: Canada

Wicca--Satanists--Pagans--Humanists--Atheists YOU ALL SMELL THE SAME WHEN YOU BURN We will not tolerate your sacreligiousness You are in direct opposition with our faith There is no comprimise P.S. remember the Inquision because God Hates Devil-Worshippers

11/12/99 00:16:32
Name: Tre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Atheist Age: 16 State/Territory: Georgia
Country: USA

You have put togather a wonderful site portraying the philosophy of true satanism. I find it to be very informative and moving, to know that I am not the only one with similar views. Keep up the good work.

11/10/99 23:39:29
Name: Raven My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: wiccan Age: 15 State/Territory: texas
Country: fasist U.S..A

To all those satanists out there . u all can go fuck yourselves. Satan is nothing but a figmant of your own imagination. i respect all religions and i do respect oyur s but keep it to yourself. To all u wiccans out there e-mail me back. blessed be.

11/10/99 23:35:43
Name: Raven
My URL: Visit Me


11/10/99 23:31:35
Name: NEO LIFE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: athiest/satanist Age: 16 State/Territory: laredo TX,
Country: united fucking states

to start off I really dont hardcore worship the devil in the manner as others do, but I for some reason like him more than "GOD". I came to satan in my time of need and he faithfully accepted me into his arms with no conditions. therefore I thank him and serve him with all of my time and needs.. oh yeah kickass web site!!!!

11/10/99 18:46:42
Name: TaniQ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Spiritualist Age: 18 State/Territory: MP
Country: SA

I am not a very religious person - but I do know danger when I see it. This site has been dedicated to as a site of entrapment misleading people under false pretences. I agree that Satan, as a deity, has awesome powers and that God, as a deity has more. I am not here to judge.
I would just like to inform all you who have come here that you have done it in vain. This is NOTHING.
I cannot offer any guidance in attaining the higher self that every religion attempts to offer, but I will tell you - get there quickly ... time is short now

11/09/99 19:45:11
Name: Ash (male) My Email: Email Me
Religion: still no avail.. Age: 27
State/Territory: Phila, PA Country: USA

I have been reading and studying almost everything about and on the occult, especially witchcraft..yet I am always more at home with "the dark" aspect of magic, for I know it is not "evil", it is just something that is not understood by most with closed m nds. I am looking to talk with those of like mind, whom may be able to help me understand and gather the knowledge I need and am searching for. I seem to be alone in my beliefs, and would like to talk with others with the same interests. Please feel free o e-mail me, however it may take time for me to reply since I am not on the net to often, but I will reply. Thanks for your time.

11/09/99 00:51:43
Name: Muhamad Yusmin [bOy_SEtaN] My URL: Visit Me
Religion: SATANISM Age: 17
State/Territory: Holland Ave Country: Singapore

Satanism is alive.It will never disappear from earth.Talking about Jesus.....HE IS CONDEMNED.HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Nice Site.

11/08/99 18:55:37
Name: chris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanist Age: 23 State/Territory: brighton
Country: england

satan rules and jesus is a cunt

11/06/99 04:03:38
Name: The Fallen One My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Pagan/Wiccan/Voodun Age: 16
Country: Australia

This page is DEFINATELY not a satanic page!U seriously need to get your priorities right! And i swear, if n e one uses the pentacle in refrence to satanism again i will condem your souls to eternal damnation! So get your fucking facts straight you pussy w nkers!

11/05/99 00:35:35
Name: Robyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian Age: 17 State/Territory: MN
Country: USA

May the only true light-- that of Jesus -- light your path to Him. You needn't worry in Christ's arms, for his love endures forever. He loves you. Satan offers you empty promises... God gives you a life of love and eternal comfort. May God be with... he i ... he really is.

11/03/99 00:04:43
Name: DarkLady My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Satanism/Witchcraft Age: 40
State/Territory: Calif. Country: U.S.A.

Very nice site. Thank you.

11/02/99 00:25:13
Name: the savior My URL: Visit Me
Religion: christian Age: 28
State/Territory: arizona Country: united states

in the name of jesus , i cast the demons out of you, god bless. in jesus name, amen

11/01/99 11:18:05
Name: özhan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanic Age: 18 State/Territory: student
Country: turkey

ne oldu en ufak bazkýda gittiniz hadi yeni den karaanlýklara yürüyelim bana mail aatýn

10/27/99 16:45:18
My URL: Visit Me


10/27/99 16:42:58
My URL: Visit Me


10/27/99 16:41:02
Name: DarkStar My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Athiest (formilly satanist) Age: 18
State/Territory: Va. Country: usa

the subject matter you portray on your website is of much interest to alot of people but you made a big mistake by displaying your rituals and such to the public. One day you shall pay.

10/27/99 16:40:56
Name: DarkStar My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Athiest (formilly satanist) Age: 18
State/Territory: Va. Country: usa

the subject matter you portray on your website is of much interest to alot of people but you made a big mistake by displaying your rituals and such to the public. One day you shall pay.

10/27/99 13:37:55
Name: chelsea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: undefined Age: 18 State/Territory: manchester, md
Country: us

I am a new seeker in Satanism right now. I've studied almost ever religon, and now I am here. Any informatiom that you can send would be great. I check my e-mail regularly. gratci

10/25/99 20:11:37
Name: stewcail My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Celtic Wicca Age: 15 State/Territory: N.B.
Country: Canada

I did come to this site ready to yell at the owner for saying that he/she Wicca as well as Satanist, ready to say Wicca was around 20,000 years before Christianity, and how Satanism came after that, and how we worship nature and the God and Goddess and th elements, and how Wicca and Satanism have absolutly nothing to do with each other, besides the proscution by Christians. But going thru this page I have found no were does it say that. Although I do not particully like how you use the pentacle as an inve ted sybole for your self, there is no copyright on it so there is damn little I can do.

10/23/99 21:28:12
Name: Baphomet My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Ceremonial Magician
Age: 61 Country: United Kingdom

Interesting site. I hope that you will continue to expand this site. As a practicing Ceremonial Magician I am not sure that I can agree with all your views, but tolerance for all religions should be all our aspirations. Blessed be.

10/20/99 09:01:46
My URL: Visit Me

to ALL those who read this. i bind the demons in you in jesus name. your powers will now forever be useless. in jesus name amen. i jesus name see!!!

10/20/99 08:55:28
Name: GARFIELD My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: CHRISTIANITY


10/15/99 23:02:38
Name: APOPHIS My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: RA WORSHIP Age: 19 State/Territory: TX


10/15/99 04:00:13
Name: Barbara Whitney My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: spiritualist Age: 54 State/Territory: Washington
Country: USA

I'm intrigued - but not so sure that what you believe is Satanism - seems like it's more equalitism than anything else. Personally I tend to agree with Lilith - more close to the same wave lengths and belief systems. Write if you like.

10/14/99 08:42:26
Name: Jezreel My URL: Visit Me
Religion: I walk alone Age: 24
State/Territory: Colorado

This site is pretty sad in my opinion. To the ignorant uneducated people out there...JEZREEL: "god will scatter" Indeed he will. When will you people learn that Satan is nothing more than god's bitch? God has Satan on a string, like a puppet some would sa . Put your face in some real books and learn your history you trendy wannabe satanist. Satan always loses. Remember that bit of information when you're having mass...

10/13/99 15:48:07
Name: joe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: mine Age: 18 State/Territory: eds
Country: ed


10/13/99 07:23:03
Name: El Richards My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 43 State/Territory: Florida
Country: USA

Let me know when there is an opening. Velvet winges, dreams of dark things... I am El

10/11/99 19:06:31
Name: stig_mata 2000
My URL: Visit Me
Country: usa

When the thousand years are ended...20.7

10/11/99 15:04:06
Name: groep 19 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: niekism Age: 20.347 civilisations State/Territory: all bagh'na'gtar
Country: all dimensions

Hallo, diegene van jullie die nederlands kunnen lezen weten dat dit een hoop onzin is maar alle andere denken of hetzelfde of dat ik de zoon van satan ben (a thing I cannot deny), maar ja BOEIEN. ****************

10/11/99 14:59:27
Name: groep
My URL: Visit Me


10/11/99 14:30:04
Name: mind your own fucking bussnus My URL: Visit Me
Religion: wicca Age: 1,000,000000,0000,0000,0000,0
State/Territory: hevan Country: england

I think you satan worshippers are a bunch of wankers, pagan has nothing to do with satan worship. And you twats give us pagans a bad name. your site is shit and i would rather be on a master mind site

10/10/99 15:02:27
Name: Jonathan Karusseit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: *gentle smiles* Age: 18 State/Territory: Western Cape
Country: South Africa

My birth name is Aneius-Dranoch and my spirit is reborn into this form I now hold. I have existed for ages. I seek the truth for when I try and speak the truth I cannot for it seems I am forbidden to do thus. I need to belong to a belief again so that I m y speak the truth to humanity of what once was. I am the voice of the ancient past before this age of man and I speak through this young man Jonathan.

10/09/99 11:25:49
Name: Element My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan Age: 17 State/Territory: London
Country: England

We are the wise we are the old and your site gave us some valuable information to what direction our coven would form. feel free to update the charmed ones on our e-mail address. may Kali be with you

10/09/99 11:23:11
Name: Element My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan Age: 17 State/Territory: London
Country: England


10/07/99 19:28:00
Name: 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: 20.7 Age: 20.7 State/Territory: MI
Country: USA

20.7 is here!!! When the thousand years are ended, SATAN will be released from his prison...20.7

10/07/99 19:27:45
Name: 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: 20.7 Age: 20.7 State/Territory: MI
Country: USA

20.7 is here!!! When the thousand years are ended, SATAN will be released from his prison...20.7

10/02/99 13:25:11
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: your father's ass Age: 31
State/Territory: daemon Country: hell

It should be rather comforting that I and my friends sitting by me pushed our towers into your father's enormous ass, you son of a bitch!!! Do not deny being the son of a bitch. Wonder why? Listen: My friends and I are your real father. Not believe? Come n!!! It is crystal clear to anyone who visits your damned page that you ar a bastard meanwhile a son of a bitch, a prostitute, a street-walker, a type of a woman who bites every penis that she sees....

09/27/99 10:55:50
Name: Carl My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Pro-White Odinist Age: 24
Country: Norway

Hail! Visit the most hated, evil page on the Internet!

09/22/99 23:08:20
Name: Azazel Thoth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 24 State/Territory: Santo Domingo,
Country: Dominican Republic

Shemhamforash! My true searching for the thruth has guided me to stomp on your unholy pages!...Centuries has past without me finding the lairs where the real servants of Satan crawl, rejoicing in their victory!...Join me,brothers and sisters of the Dark Path!,let´s cele rate this unholy feast with the flesh of the lambs of fear...My name is Azazel Thoth,magician from the pits of Hell!; send me your E-mails as soon as you can, cause i´ll be awaiting for your writtings to be on my screen, anytime,anywhere! Hail Satan!, Hail LaVey! Azazel.

09/22/99 17:47:01
Name: Tess Eaton My URL: Visit Me
Religion: I'm not sure, but I am desperate to practise your faith, I just need to know how Age: 16
State/Territory: Reading (Berkshire) Country: England

Please help me, I am desperately searching for advice on how to become a satanist, but nowhere will help me. Please I need to know how to start. I'm desperate.

09/22/99 09:32:29
Name: thuglife My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: thug Age: 22 State/Territory: california/l.a.
Country: usa

look man it s just a to be a thug.... we are the thug life west sider ridersss baby. my only fear of dead is coming back reARCONATED....

09/22/99 01:59:25
Name: demonica(kym) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 17 State/Territory: winnipeg ,manitoba
Country: canada

I really like this site alot me and my friends are inspiring witches,and your site gave us alot more knoledge in something we love.thanx love Demonica and gidget.Reply soon ,keep us updated for any new topics thanx again

09/20/99 10:49:31
Name: darius
Age: 19
Country: phil


09/20/99 00:56:13
Name: Brian MacAnghusa My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Deist Age: 19
Country: Ireland

I'd just like to say that the first picture to be seen in your site is nothing to do with The Satans (If you even know who they are). The picture is of Lord Krishna in a circle of protection, standing on the body of a dwarf demon - symbolising his triumph over evil. Brilliant flame effects , gives that warm evil touch.

09/09/99 12:29:37
Name: Punxatan My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Luciferian Age: 33
State/Territory: Saxon Country: Germany

Hi! I would like to introduce you to my satanistic homepages:

09/08/99 04:27:45
Name: BW My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Luciferism Age: at least 50 State/Territory: Virginia
Country: USA

Great Page. I feel you are on the right track and accomplishing the mission of free minds. Thank you and may Lucifer be with you.

09/04/99 02:10:58
Name: Starry Skye My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Eclectic Solitary Dianic Witch Age: 29 State/Territory: Eden Prairie
Country: USA

I came across your site in my search for information on the Dark Goddesses - that is, the Crone images, the destructive ones that are necessary for the building of that which is new. I am curious about your self-designation as Satanists - your beliefs an mine are identical, yet I chose the Dianic Witch label because I did not have to completely recreate and redefine it to fit who I am. Whereas it seems that at least some of you have had to completely redefine Satanism to make it fit yourself. Not slammi g or anything, just curious why you would chose to define yourself as such. I suppose you would wonder the same of me, though ;-) Well, I need to wander about a bit more and find more information on some of my Ladies - Kali showed up last year and kicke my butt good, so am always looking for more information on her. Be well, Blessed Be Starr

09/03/99 19:48:31
Name: Anouk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: at this moment... none...*s*not yet.. Age: 16 State/Territory: Limburg
Country: Belgium

really cool site!!! love it!!! c ya....

09/02/99 20:25:42
Name: Neh My Email: Email Me
Religion: my own path/atheism Age: 17
State/Territory: Spain Country: dallonsis

Hey man...... the fact is that in my country laia is an usuall name, and i don`t have any idea about what`s Laiad...... tell me, please And it was really fanny !!! well..............WHAT THE FUCK IS THE LAIAD?

08/25/99 04:37:10
Name: steve williamson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: SATANISAM/ATHEIST Age: 25 State/Territory: INDIANA
Country: USA


08/21/99 12:14:39
Name: Angeline My Email: Email Me
Religion: not yet specified Age: 16
Country: Singapore

any1 out there can e-mail mi stuff abt satan..i wanna noe more...thanx

08/20/99 06:27:20
Name: Dave J My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 24 State/Territory: WV
Country: USA

Wonderfull site. Reminds me that mine is in dire need of some updating. Ave Satanas!

08/18/99 18:16:07
Name: The Impetus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Open practice embracing the dark arts Age: 28 State/Territory: Florida
Country: USA

It's rather comforting to see an excellent site such as this one thriving on the Internet.

08/17/99 23:16:49
Name: Machiaha (My vampire the mascurade name) My Email: Email Me
Religion: Pegan-Druidism Age: 17
State/Territory: Wisconsin Country: USA

"Time coagulates like rigor mortis upon the body, Festering the mind at each moment of aging time, letting you grow, as you rot like a feeble corpse painted with the stains of time." -Machiaha We all live die and rot, are spirts are free of this pisonated hell hole...We live on forever haunting the ones that haunt us now... helping the one we grow with... destoying the ones that dive us over the egde... Now as we live our nagtive forces erode what is left of our happiness but nothing now exists beyond our pointless little bodies so I free what we believe to be my spirt form this rotted coarps... and I live in an eternal utopia ... surouded by my inner most passions and desires... live to die ... and die to live!

08/17/99 02:07:13
Name: Nightgaunt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 25 State/Territory: Missouri
Country: USA

This is my favorite Satanic sight on the web. I believe that the metaphor of the Dark Goddess is a vital focus for Satanists to consider.May your work meet with great success. IA SHUB-NIGGURATH!

08/09/99 22:47:42
Name: Daimon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

And ladies any time you would like to discuss satanism or the occult or anything else Feel free to contact me and We can set a date Hell! i know a few people who are searching for satanist chat rooms maybe yours could be it

08/09/99 22:43:57
Name: Daimon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Satanism
Age: 22 Country: USA

Dark greetings to my brothers and sisters I have one little request Could we please stop fighting over which path or which side is better within the dark realm Women are just as vital as men within satanism I do not see satanism as a "male" religion I see satanism as a force to be reckoned with A strong virile force that embraces men and women If you would like to see a religion that focuses on one gender you need to look no further than to "Wicca" that religion focuses on the feminine principle despite the fact that it has a male principle if the people would just go far enough into it to le rn about it Lets be strong and stick together despite our trivial differences We are satanists one and the same

08/07/99 22:43:43
Religion: JERRYISM Age: 20
State/Territory: Pa Country: nigger tainted USA

JERRYISM. worshiping the anchient god jerha. fearing his 37 chambers of death

08/06/99 18:14:29
Name: Preacher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: heretic Age: 25 State/Territory: region metropolitana
Country: chile

Saludos desde un lejano rincon del planeta a todos los seguidores de la oscuridad. El reinado de terror de la Iglesia no durara mucho tiempo más. Heil Satan. Please, send me more information about us.

08/06/99 13:54:06
Name: webner paul e. remolador My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: order of ancient wisdom Age: 25 State/Territory: asia
Country: philippines

i'm a searcher,i just wanna what other people think 'bout this beliefs......

08/04/99 20:38:14
Name: Paige Ebert My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Pagan Age: 13 State/Territory: Pa
Country: USA

Please e-mail me asap it is o so important I am not messing around

08/04/99 15:35:03
Name: autonoe My URL: Visit Me
Religion: witch Age: 23
State/Territory: ACT Country: Australia

Nice site. I know everyone else says it too but could u please please finish the goddess section? I've been searching on info for the Dark Ladies for aeons!! It's a pity xtians can't see beyond their prejudices, but not all of them are like that. Toleranc for all! Yours in Hekate, Blessed Be.

08/04/99 09:35:28
Name: K.M. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: My own path. Age: 26 State/Territory: Colorado
Country: USA

From the time I was very young it seems that I had learned of the idea of Satan to be the bad person,or thing.Recently I have come mutch closer to occult-type things than ever before for a closer look,so-to-speak.This seems to be very similar to mutch of hat I have encountered,not that I know every thing that there is to know.But to tell you the truth this site has been enlightening.It seems that my own ideas have been similar to those I have observed here for some time now.Perhaps when I can I will explo e the possibility of membership. For without passion I am nothing.

08/04/99 05:38:34
Name: Holly Patricia My Email: Email Me
Religion: not yet specified Age: 20
State/Territory: Virginia Country: USA

Hello folks. I wanted to leave a mark on this page to briefly express some likes and confusion about Satanism. I was very pleased to see on the front page a mention about how Anton Le Vay's ideas on women are patriarchal, his book The Satanic Witch thriv s on the continued existance of the patriarchal dualities in gender. For this I commend your building of a female space within this religion with recognition of The Dark Aspects of the Goddess. On the other hand, I cannot convert to this religion because f its social and political policies. The Satanic ideas that allow social oppression, thinking that it will never go away anyways, and that it is part of human nature to dominate and oppress someone else. This is further backed up by the feeling that the o rpessed are oppressed because they are weak. Now those of us who are feminists find this to be laughable, and know that gender oppression extends into modern American religions because of sexism, including this one. If it is Satanic and right to be a femi ist because you are a woman and not being exploited is "gratifying", it is still a betrayal of your gender to agree with the Satanic feeling that oppressed people in society should stay oppressed. Don't think of it as a white light ideal that you are goin to free women from having to shop at Frederich's of Hollywood! Think of it more as your own self intrest and preservation that you still object to social oppression because it includes women. And if you feel the further need, include other minorities bec use it is clearly known within Global Feminism that raising the status of one oppressed group raises the status of another. Or to fit in with with Satanic feeling, becuase you pity these groups. Either way, let's not throw the baby out in its sacrificial lood! ( ha ha, little joke ) Take the things that Satanism offeres you to free your minds without allowing it to develop into an oppressive dogma. Althought truely, it was never a female-empowering religion to begin with, but empowering as a man thought a woman should be empowered. Thanks for listeining! Blessed be, Ave Satanis, or whatever else you can think of.

08/04/99 04:20:36
Name: Lynda Bell My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 15
State/Territory: Vic Country: Australia


08/02/99 08:39:06
Name: MQUEEN69 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 19 State/Territory: FL
Country: USA

Hi satanist here I would like to say great site and please keep Satanism in the mind of others! Dark blessings also any Satanists reading this please contact me! I havent found a Satanist friend yet. Iam a Satanic witch. latina. Satanism is the most relig on there is, it made me be a better person. HAIL SATANAS!!! dark blessings to you! FORASH!!!!!

08/01/99 20:29:10
Name: Machiaveli My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 17 State/Territory: N.Y.
Country: U.S.

This site is brilliant, Satanism has been given a bad name.I Machiaveli belive strongly in satanism, my personal beliefs and would like to learn more, Keep up this outstanding work. -Machiaveli the ressurection-

07/29/99 00:24:21
Name: K. Brent Olsen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Temple of Set Age: 25 State/Territory: California
Country: USA

The exploration of the Feminine Daemonic is not unfamiliar in the Temple of Set. As I am not a representative of that organization, I cannot speak for them. However, I do encourage anyone interested in exploring the Feminine Daemonic or the Left-hand Pa h to see their website at Also, I am currently writing a book about the modern Initiates of the LHP. Anyone who represents an organization or is a solitary Black Magician in their own right is welcome to contact me.

07/28/99 08:33:48
Name: Crimson Stormshadow My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Possibly Satanism
Age: 17 Country: Singapore

Thank you so much! I've been searching for the other side of Magick, and Wiccan Witches have only permitted me the knowledge of the Light. I have practiced for nearly one year, and have chosen the occult Path to spirituality. If more delving into the myst ries of Satanism and whatever e-mails I recieve (please, anyone, feel free to do so) parallel the information I have so far recieved, you may be reading the comments of one of the most recent Satanist converts. Thank you, keep up the excellent work, and m y Kali's fire of inspiration forever flow through your words in this website! Once again, anyone, feel absolutely free to contact me via e-mail. Kali's dark blessings on you all!

07/19/99 11:40:57
Name: abbe Pierre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Priest Age: 000000000 State/Territory: england
Country: U.K

In Nomine Patre+et Filii+et Spiritu Sancte+Amen A wonderful and great site, I am a renegrade cleric of the Roman Catholic Church (excommunicut), and regularly say Blackmasses for wealthy patrons, is anyone interested?,. My orders are totally valid, contact me at will. Shamhelforash!!!

07/18/99 10:12:00
Name: manda h My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: pagan (wiccan, witchcraft) Age: 17 State/Territory: south carolina
Country: usa

hello, i was just checkin out sites and venture into another religion for a monment. this is interesting, better than those dern catholics. gothikphrog***

07/17/99 20:31:26
Name: Judecca(Eric G.) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Unitarian Satanist Age: 23 State/Territory: Florida
Country: US

Interesting site,enjoyed it very much, Ave Kakos Theos! Hail Unity!

07/12/99 03:00:26
Name: bridd My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: witchcraft Age: 26 State/Territory: Ontario
Country: Canada

I respect your right to call your religion "Satanism". However, I really do feel that what you practice a darker form of Wicca/Witchcraft. I have been a practicing witch for the last eight years, and follow a lighter path. I do though acknowledge the dark r side of life, so to speak. I believe that everyone is entitled to worship the way they wish, and that no one has the right to judge others. More power to you sisters, keep the dark goddesses alive and Satanism probably get a different "response" Look a what happened with witchcraft. Bright Blessings, Bridd, High Priestess

07/11/99 04:52:42
Name: CLOSSES My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: WE ARE MANY Age: BEGING OF TIME State/Territory: THE WORLD
Country: """""SAME""""""


07/11/99 04:52:20
Name: CLOSSES My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: WE ARE MANY Age: BEGING OF TIME State/Territory: THE WORLD
Country: """""SAME""""""


07/09/99 14:01:49
Name: syn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 18 State/Territory: bremen
Country: germany


07/08/99 04:31:19
Name: Osman
My URL: Visit Me
Country: TÜRKÝYE

Ey milletimin devletimin insaný, kendi kültürün tarihin dururken, bize hint-avrupadan devþirilmiþ satanizm paganizm saçmalýklarýný bilinçsizce takip etmeye devam mý edeceksin? Bir Türkün wicca ile paganlýkla, satanlýkla ne alakasý olabilir, hadi onlar ent krayst, isa' ya tepki deye yapýyolar bu olaylarý..Ya sen? Türk evladý, sen engizisyon yaþamadýn ki, a gerizeka? Git sen anti-müslüman ol, cami yak, sana bu yakýþýr Türk evladý, özentilik deðil. Tabii, Türksen, devþirme deðilsen! Bir de bu Pagan denen grub n içine sýçayým, bu ülkede paganizm mi olur len! Özenti evlatlarý iþte, ne kadar bu konularý araþtýrmýþ olsalar da haybeye. TTK!

07/06/99 02:13:54
Name: Dennis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 35
State/Territory: Ky. Country: U.S.A.


07/04/99 23:43:22
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Yes, Im a Christian and many of you are probably skipping my comments because of it. I, first of all, dont agree that satanists are stupid or fools, they think in logic, and to our society, that is the exact opposite of stupidity and foolishness. What sha l we conclude then? That Christians are fools?! Yes, our life doesnt belong in this world, I am considered an outcast because of the law I follow. Yes, you say that you are the everyday doctors, lawyers and next door neighbors of society, but we, too, are the everyday people and until we look deep into what they think about God, we dont know them at all. Im not trying to convert any satanists, there are so many different beliefs that all of them have its hard to know what they are thinking. We cant categor ze them into one religion. And it is so true, without darkness we would not recognize light! Vice versa, evil has always been here as well as good, in constant war with each other, there will never be peace.

07/03/99 21:19:48
Name: Joana & Pedro & Teti My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: None Age: 17,22,15 State/Territory: Póvoa de Lanhoso
Country: Portugal

Very interesting page,keep on FIGHTING for your ideals,see you in another life... NO GODS and NO MASTERS just be one with yourself

07/03/99 00:47:12
Name: lisa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: christian Age: 33 State/Territory: al
Country: usa

As a Christian, and former witch, this is all very interesting, and it also sort of upsets me. I love Christ and I also respect you're right not to. You wouldn't be happy in heaven where there is no sin. Me, I would. I don't go to church because I don't like the people there either. I practice my religion in my own way. I don't think its the best way to go, but if you do, more power to you. At least you know what you want. And so do I. And I can trust the God I worship can you?

06/28/99 20:33:40
Name: werm My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 17 State/Territory: ohio
Country: usa

dude you people are freaken nuts get some crack like i thought I was a loser but im just a druggy look at all you fucken nuts!

06/24/99 15:46:30
Name: Jim My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: leaning towards Satanism Age: 52 State/Territory: Florida
Country: USA

An excellent and fascinating site. I'd love to talk to more experienced Satanists through e-mail to learn more. Hail, Satan!

06/11/99 16:06:42
Name: lord kur My URL: Visit Me
Religion: satanism Age: 26
State/Territory: indiana Country: laporte

this site is for ture evil.

06/10/99 15:32:55
Name: lashanda marie jones My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanic Age: 16 State/Territory: washington state
Country: united states


06/09/99 00:32:17
Name: Epona Silver Horse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Wicca Age: 14 in 1 week!!! State/Territory: Massachusetts
Country: US of A

Great site! i really learned alot! i am not interested in becoming a satanist but i respect your decisions in religion. Keep up the great work!

06/08/99 13:42:29
Name: Lord LupuS My URL: Visit Me
Religion: antichristian Age: 17
State/Territory: saint-s Country: hungary

i am the nasty devil i have no wing to fly all i want is the will to all the angels die!!!!

06/01/99 08:29:39
Name: Hgh Priest Kaymon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: is it not obvious
Age: 18 Country: New Zealand

I would like to thank all those people who have chosen the darker path and are helping to create a greater awareness of our religeon. It is people like you that make our religeon and the awareness of it grow stronger

06/01/99 08:29:34
Name: Hgh Priest Kaymon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: is it not obvious
Age: 18 Country: New Zealand

I would like to thank all those people who have chosen the darker path and are helping to create a greater awareness of our religeon. It is people like you that make our religeon and the awareness of it grow stronger

06/01/99 08:29:20
Name: Hgh Priest Kaymon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: is it not obvious
Age: 18 Country: New Zealand

I would like to thank all those people who have chosen the darker path and are helping to create a greater awareness of our religeon. It is people like you that make our religeon and the awareness of it grow stronger

05/28/99 22:31:30
Name: What´s a name after all? My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: You´ll understand... Age: 17 State/Territory: Lisbon
Country: Portugal

Do You Have The Time And Pacience To Read My Thougts???? What I come to talk about here now is those little people that call themselves christians and defend the "love to another" and stuff like that and have the stupid (there´s no other word for that) idea of coming in here and start talking about their god... Let me explain you people...WE DON´T CARE ABOUT YOUR GOD!!!!!! you´re the ones who seem to care much about the devil and about those who go to hell and all that bed-time stories... I think you should worry more to purify yourselves AND your thougts and not coming here and say "SATANISM SUCKS" and stuff...because you see...your LORD is up there watching you while you write those lines... Satanism Is more of a sate of least that´s how i used to feel, i don´t really know...i guess i´ll have to create my own religion... :))) anyway, Satanism is still fascinating and i´ll never 4get its mandaments while i live.. "better burn in hell than reign in heaven" right? (to someone out there.......)

05/26/99 01:28:13
Name: none of your business, asshole My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none of your business Age: 19 State/Territory: none of your business
Country: one that is on guess, asshole!

I want to encourage everyone to go to every single Christian website you can find and blast them with false views of Satanism and every other religion that you can think of that opposes Christianity. It's about time for us to start getting combatant with hese mindless swine and take the war TO them since they feel it necessary to try and twart us with their inherited views of morals and conformity.

05/24/99 17:34:17
Name: Cyane:Priestess of Tataka My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: wiccan Age: 14 State/Territory: New Jersey
Country: USA

I can't use e-mail right now because I'm on someone else's computer, but I would like to know if you kinow of any rituals I could do to honor Kali. Please e-mail me.

05/23/99 23:59:33
Name: Juliene de Lioncourt My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: solitary practitioner of Magick Age: 30 State/Territory: California
Country: United States of America

Absolutely beautiful, ladies. I believe I might have found what I have been searching for. I do have a few questions, and those I shall e-mail to you. Thank you for such a wonderful site. I'll return here often.

05/22/99 22:48:50
Name: Darkstar Nightwolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: carphatian Age: 33 State/Territory: Kentucky
Country: USA

Great site, although I am not sure you people understand the true nature of the dark side...I look forward to more info from your site, keep up the work...

05/21/99 06:12:03
Name: Mo Duinne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Celtic Shamansim Age: 29 State/Territory: FL
Country: USA

AWESOME SITE!!! I applaud you on how cool your site is. The graphics drag you in. As for the content. To each his/her own. Be proud always.

05/20/99 20:40:32
Name: Susannah Smalley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 17 State/Territory: ohio
Country: u.s.


05/20/99 19:52:59
Name: Piccolo Diamyo My URL: Visit Me
Religion: all Age: 13000
State/Territory: everywhere Country: uraguay

You idiots are sick and deserve to burn in hell forever!

05/20/99 01:44:38
Name: Freeze My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Dark Follower Age: why measure how much time we have left? State/Territory: irrelevant
Country: irrelevant

You must accept and embrace the darkness within yourself. Once you do this you will be shown the way. You may not believe you have this, but when you read the news, whats more interesting? A 20 person massacre or the salvation army giving money to the omeless? When you go to the demolition derby, you go to see the destruction. All the little angres, bloodlusts, and aggressions are the shadows in your soul showing through. You do not accept this because you are afraid of wha you do not understand. N t only that but you are afraid of what society will think. This is not about what others think, its about what feels good. You cannot achieve this till youve created a dark equilibrium. Satanism may not be the way, but whatever dark road you walk, it w ll surely lead to enlightenment. Let the shadows be your guide.

05/19/99 21:50:13
Name: PANAJOTIS My URL: Visit Me
Religion: CAPITALISM Age: 20
State/Territory: ATHENS Country: GREECE

I dont believe in Satan or God the only God i know is MONEY it gives u power that u people cant imagine, but i really like ur site and all religion sites .The reason is simple u manipulate people u occupy their simple minds with ur worthless theories and make them easy preys FOR US thank u keep up the good work

05/16/99 06:07:27
Name: Michael McConnell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Michael McConnell-ism Age: 19 State/Territory: Georgia
Country: United States of America

I do not believe in God or Satan. I believe in ME! I can SEE me every day when I look in the mirror. I can see God, too, of course. WHEN I'M STONED OUT OF MY F*CKING SKULL, MAN!!! God was conceived by jews on drugs. I saw a burning bush once, also. AFTER HITS OF ACIDS THAT I SWALLOWED! I saw water turn to blood. When I peed in it, man! I could HEAR colors. The jews could HEAR God. Hmmmm... That's quite odd, isn't it, man?

05/16/99 02:36:48
Name: marilyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanist Age: 14 State/Territory: MAryland
Country: America

convert the christians, they are lost. sometimes it is frustrating and hard, but we need to survive and multiply, be confident, we will over throw all other religions one day -marilyn (write me, id love to get to know more satanists)

05/14/99 21:46:10
Name: Will Clark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: wicca Age: 42 State/Territory: Tx
Country: USA

banner.jpg - 14373 Bytes

05/13/99 21:42:59
Name: j. york My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanist Age: 26 State/Territory: ny
Country: us

1. to the non-satanists - what is the thrill of yelling and screaming about things you don't understand? for people who preach about love so much you sure don't show much but hatred and intolerance. why do you keep telling us we are going to hell? i lo k forward to it - your kind aren't in power there - whatever else is true - that's enough to make it a paradise. 2. you must understand calling ourselves "satanists" does not mean we worship your xian concept of satan. you seem to think you have a monopoly on the meaning of all terms including the ones describing your enemies. i think those of us who actually are atanists are in a better position to say what it means than you are, but clearly you are not listening. 3. to this web page and it's operators: i have asked to join before though i may have left the wrong email address ( - anyway i am still interested in joining but i was also writing to say even though i am male and i probably did 't make a lot of sense in past posts (largely because i am not very direct or open until i know and trust people) i would very much like the chance to talk with some of you some time. even if you don't see me fitting into your group i think i could offer at least something in ideas or service. i have been a satanist for about 13 years and it is something i take very seriously - even though it is not my whole life - i have talents and interests in many other areas - some of which may be helpful to you as n ally if not a member. thanx for your time i know you are very busy right now (for example i can't reach you though e-mail for some reason). phyre.

05/10/99 21:38:31
Name: lazarus My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: supernatural(vampire,satan,spirit,necromicon)
Age: 15 Country: babylon

hail satan

05/06/99 05:48:13
Name: Mephisto My URL: Visit Me
Religion: You better know Age: 18
Country: Everywhere

Evil and sinful. I like it.

05/05/99 15:20:58
Name: paul ostasiewicz My URL: Visit Me
Religion: none Age: 27
State/Territory: mn Country: usa


05/04/99 14:58:47
Name: John Bilodeau My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Roman Catholic Age: 23 State/Territory: Quebec
Country: Canada

Nice site. Very informative. I apologize for my xtian brethren. They rarely try to follow J.C.'s advice about how to treat others. Also, there's nothing wrong with worshipping 'satin'... Fire and brimstone types, can't live with 'em, can't burn eternally n a fiery abyss without 'em.

05/01/99 16:28:06
Name: Khris Caroselli My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: NatAs Age: 17 State/Territory: Pa.
Country: usa

kewl site dude, looks pretty good:)

04/29/99 15:27:11
Name: Anna My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Pagan/Witch Age: 13
State/Territory: UK Country: England

Really interesting - but finish the Goddess Section!

04/29/99 12:44:57
Name: Lucifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: DUH Age: Eternal (until god kills me) State/Territory: underground
Country: Hell

You all are the most stupid people i have ever purchased souls from. You think that just because you worship me that you will have it easy in the afterlife. Think again my little marshmallows! I like it hot down here for all. Forgive me, i tend to lie a little every now and then. See you soon. Your Master, Lord of Darkness

04/29/99 12:38:44
Name: GOD My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me


04/29/99 02:32:58
Name: Toni~lee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: white whitch Age: 17 State/Territory: vic
Country: Australia

LOL this is so funny what sad lives you poor people must have i bet your all social defects and have nothing else better to do with your time it is truely sad that you love satin i know you are all intittled to your own opinion and im sure you'll all grow out of it. may the touch of gods loving hand free you all fro such evil. Amen

04/29/99 00:03:58
Name: Alicia Peters My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Spirtiulism Age: 13 State/Territory: British Columbia
Country: Canada

I am currently a spirtitulist, alough I'm not sure you would consider that a religion. I have been resurching Satanism and it sounds quite interesting. If anyone has any information on it please e mail me.

04/27/99 07:18:05
Name: YourDungeonOrMine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 20 State/Territory: Huntsville,AL
Country: United States


04/27/99 05:20:28
Name: WyldKnight My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Druid Age: 18
State/Territory: missouri Country: US of fuckin A

You people are full of shit. You walk a dark path, and because of that you are doomed, just as christianity is doomed for the same reason. Your so called faith is just the other side of christianity, there is no satan and there is no jehova. Only Thana DEAL WITH IT!!!!

04/27/99 03:10:14
Name: unavalible My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: christian Age: 24 State/Territory: ungiven
Country: ungiven

I have the right to speak what i feel well i think this website sucks God is the way you all are damed

04/25/99 02:57:18
Name: Shayla Woods My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Satanist/Practicing Age: 28
State/Territory: Fla Country: U.S.A.

I hope to see your webpage on line soon as I've been practicing under a year. I would like to meet more people like me. More experienced than I.

04/23/99 03:23:32
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: wicca Age: 24
State/Territory: ny Country: usa

i am waiting for you to finish the godess section - i will visit often

04/20/99 02:05:20
Name: millie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 18
Country: indonesia


04/18/99 23:00:58
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: None recognized Age: 32
State/Territory: Alabama Country: USA

My ladies, I am suitably impressed. I look foreward to examining your sight in November.

04/18/99 02:38:33
Name: Raven My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Black Samvara/Tara Age: over 30
Country: USA

I find it interesting you use male terms (Satan,etc) instead of the many female forms found on the dark path.It is refreshing to find a site for those unsatisfied with Anton's view of the Complete Witch. I understand the arguement of why Lavey chose Satan sm (as oppsed to calling it secular humanism, etc),as would apply here. I feel, however, that one would not be betraying the philosophy by using the female forms/names of Satan instead of the traditional male roles. I speak only for myself, not others. I ook forward to seeing more of your site as it expands!

04/15/99 23:52:38
Name: jessica marshall My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 16 State/Territory: Las Vegas
Country: U.S.A.

I really like your website and its very informative. Unfortunetly these chrsitians have to come in here with their closed minds and preach the bible. We do not preach about our religon and try to convert them at their websites why can't they do the same f r us. HAIL SATAN.

04/14/99 19:04:49
My URL: Visit Me
State/Territory: MA

Church of Satan FAQ

Church of Satan Frequently Asked Questions

Version 1.2

This is official and approved by the Church of Satan

For the PGP keys please see my keys page in case you care to verify this text.

Hash: SHA1

* Please note:                                                       *
* This document is considered invalid without PGP signature!         *

Authors who contributed to this document:
(in alphabetic order)

Blanche Barton
Peggy Nadramia
Matt G. Paradise
Herbert Paulis

Special thanks for correction and improvement suggestions:

Phil Marfuta
Hr. Vad
Ole Wolf
Lestat Ventrue


1. Terminology and Introduction

1.1. What is the purpose of this document?
1.2. What is a FAQ?
1.3. Common Abbreviations and Terms

2. What is the Church of Satan?

3. Anton Szandor LaVey

3.1. The man and his life
3.2. LaVey's death
3.3. Myths and truths
3.4. Isn't Anton LaVey merely ripping off Nietzsche?

4. Satanism as seen by the Church of Satan

4.1. The philosophies
4.2. The Nine Satanic Statements
4.3. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the earth
4.4. The Nine Satanic Sins
4.5. What is the Satanic Bunco Sheet?
4.6. To apply the name of Satan to this church, implies a connection
     to the Bible. What is the stance of the CoS on these popular
     tales and predictions? Who is Christ to the CoS?
4.7. As a representative for Satanism, you do interviews and lectures.
     Isn't this preaching? And, doesn't this violate your rule of not
     giving your opinions unless asked?"

5. Membership in the Church of Satan

5.1. How can I become a member of the Church of Satan?
     What if I do not live in the US?
5.2. What happens if I change my mind and want to get out of all this
5.3. I am not 18 years old yet. Can I still become a member?
5.4. The Church of Satan charges application fees for membership and
     further involvement and accepts money from people. Sounds like
     your garden-variety tent-show evangelist scam.
5.5. I really want to join the Church of Satan... I mean, A LOT! I
     want to be a Priest and be one of you. I want magical powers and
     a direct phone-line to Satan.
5.6. Do you find most of the membership of the CoS to be 'Xtian
     refugees' or do they come from all sorts of backgrounds?

6. Satanic Literature

6.1. Books by and about Anton Szandor LaVey and the Church of Satan
6.1.1. Where can I get a copy of _The Satanic Bible_?
6.1.2. Where can I get an electronic copy of _The Satanic Bible_?
6.1.3. How to obtain these books from the US?
6.1.4. How to obtain these books from outside the US?

6.2. Satanic Magazines and Publications
6.2.1. The Cloven Hoof
6.2.2. The Black Flame
6.2.3. Not Like Most
6.2.4. The Raven
6.2.5. Others

6.3. A little Satanically inspired book suggestion
6.3.1 Non-Fiction
6.3.2 Fiction

7. Satanic Music and Videos

7.1. Music by Anton Szandor LaVey
7.2. Other Music of Satanic value
7.3. Videos

8. The Church of Satan on the Internet

9. Artifacts and where to look for them
9.1. Artifacts
9.2. Societies
9.3. Shops


1.1. What is the purpose of this document?

   Many misunderstandings, false rumors and plain lies about the
   Church of Satan have been spread online, especially in the
   alt.satanism forum on Usenet and on several web pages, not to
   forget hours of TV shows and tons of newspaper articles. This
   document has the sole purpose of correcting these pieces of hoax
   and wrong information and to give accurate information,
   authenticated by the Church of Satan and signed electronically. It
   does not at all aim at proselytizing, a practice which is frowned
   upon by the Church of Satan. See also topic 4.7.

1.2. What is a FAQ?

   "FAQ" is an acronym for "Frequently Answered Questions" or
   "Frequently Asked Questions", for what it's worth. These are
   documents on various topics, forming a veritable library of free
   information, usually put together by voluntary enthusiasts in order
   to answer certain questions that constantly come up in some
   newsgroups (hence the name). They are periodically posted to their
   home newsgroups and (usually) to news.answers, and archived at
   numerous. This FAQ isn't really a proper list of frequently asked
   questions and their answers; it's more of a fact-file or an
   introduction brochure than a traditional Usenet FAQ, although some
   Q&A are included and hopefully more will be added in future. In
   some cases an author is noted for a portion of this FAQ. In other
   cases the text is compiled from several authors' contributions.
   Intermediate forms occur.

   The language in these articles is without doubt colored by the fact
   that some contributors have other mother tongues than English - and
   so it will remain. Nevertheless proposals for more idiomatic
   wordings are always cordially welcomed.

1.3. Common Abbreviations and Terms

   To save typing during discussions and in electronic mail, several
   abbreviations have been generally adopted and are listed here for
   the convenience of the reader.

     CoS, C/S            Church of Satan
     TSB                 _The Satanic Bible_
     TSR                 _The Satanic Rituals_
     TSW                 _The Satanic Witch_
     DN                  _Devil's Notebook_
     ASL                 Anton Szandor LaVey
     Statements          The Nine Satanic Statements
     Sins                The Nine Satanic Sins
     RotE                The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth
     LHP                 Left Hand Path

   Some Satanists find themselves discussing Christianity frequently.
   In order to cut down on keystrokes many type "Xtian" and "Xtianity"
   rather than the longer versions. A few may intend it partly as a
   slur, but most do it only for convenience. The abbreviation itself
   is far from insulting; it is accepted and used by many Christians
   including (We are told) the Pope, as the first letter of Christ in
   Greek is Chi.

2. What is the Church of Satan?

   We were established in 1966 C.E. by Anton Szandor LaVey, our High
   Priest, who declared the Year One, thus opening the floodgates to a
   revolution designed to smash the hypocrisy and unreason which has
   reigned for the past 2000 years. We have, since 1966, stood as the
   most formidable threat to those who would halt progress in the name
   of spirituality. We are explorers on the untrodden paths of
   science, human motivation and mystery -- all that is most _truly_

   Those who proudly carry our cards identifying themselves as members
   have the strength and dedication to implement the tools of Satan,
   the imagination to confound and confuse, the wisdom to recognize
   the Unseen in our society, and the passions of a classical Romantic

   In modern parlance, the Church of Satan may be called a user-driven
   organization. Members are involved and advanced exactly as their
   own desires, abilities and accomplishments dictate. There are no
   set activities, meetings or contacts. The new member comes to the
   organization, ideally, with his own goals and plans for achieving
   them; he presents them to us and is directed in the way that would
   be most mutually beneficial. The CoS is not looking for people who
   join and want us to "put on a show," taking them by the hand,
   introducing them to their new friends, telling them what time to
   show up for the weekly get-together and what to wear. Satanists are
   not put in contact automatically, or by geographical proximity;
   this has been tried and found a failure. True elitists are by their
   nature very individualistic and neighboring members won't
   necessarily have anything in common; "just being Satanists
   together" isn't enough. When we observe members making advances on
   their own in their chosen fields of endeavor, we will put them in
   contact with other members running on the same track; we've watched
   this happen many times and we're pleased and proud to say the
   results are magical. There are also members who are satisfied
   simply to join and be counted among the adherents to a philosophy
   that best embodies their own true nature.

3. Anton Szandor LaVey

3.1. The man and his life

   (This is an excerpt from Blanche Barton's book, _The Church of
   Satan_. For an even more detailed and fascinating LaVey biography,
   read _The Secret Life of a Satanist_, also by Blanche Barton. See
   the books section of this FAQ for details.)

   Anton Szandor LaVey was born in gangland-era Chicago on April 11,
   1930; but his parents moved to California soon after his birth.
   After a restless youth, where he made his first supernatural
   experiences, he dropped out of high school at the age of 16,
   deciding to  become second oboist for the San Francisco Ballet
   Orchestra. Later, he decided the circus was a good place for an
   energetic young man with his talents, and so he signed on with the
   Clyde Beatty Circus.

   At 17, LaVey was taming eight Nubian Lions and four Bengal tigers
   alone in the big cage and developed a close relation with and an
   affection for the big cats. But his musical talents were not
   wasted, either, and he played the calliope regularly, accompanying
   circus greats from the Flying Wallendas to Hugo Zachinni.

   LaVey extended his knowledge of the outdoor entertainment industry
   by joining the carnival and amusement park circuit, working some of
   the biggest traveling shows on the Pacific Coast. Playing calliope,
   Wurlitzer band organ, or Hammond along every midway, LaVey also
   worked with famed freaky in the "Ten-in-One." He was in his element
   among the loners, drifters and marginal types who have always been
   attracted to the cynical carnival atmosphere. It was here LaVey
   learned how much people will pay to be fooled -- how desperately
   they want to escape their own dull lives.

   After a short career as a photographer for the SFPD and an
   investigator in occult affairs, LaVey completely devoted himself to
   exploring the occult and magic. he founded the "Magic Circle" and
   held magical lectures on various subjects. Finally, on
   Walpurgisnacht 1966, his life work came to an unmatched culmination
   when he founded the Church of Satan, proclaiming the Satanic
   Year I.

3.2. LaVey's death

   As a lot of (false) rumors and even more lies have been spread over
   the net (and they still are), here is a short fact account of
   Dr. LaVey's death.

   Having a long-standing valvular problem associated with rheumatic
   heart disease, Anton LaVey had some kind of massive cardiac
   arrhythmia after several internal bleedings in late summer of 1997
   C.E. had been treated in hospital. He died on October the 29th, in
   St. Mary's Hospital, a Catholic hospital associated with the
   University of San Francisco. He was brought to St. Mary's because
   it was the closest; he had never been treated there before.

   Although there has been some confusion with his funeral records,
   some listed Halloween as his death date, rumors that his death has
   been caused deliberately by a Xtian nurse are grossly false. He was
   being given a Satanic funeral, attended only by his closest
   relatives and was cremated afterwards.

   His long-time companion, Blanche Barton, now acts as High Priestess
   of the Church of Satan.

3.3. Myths and truths

   Zeena LaVey, his younger daughter, chose to disown her father in
   1989 and had no more contact with him since. After his death, she
   has gone to TV shows, saying that she has proven herself to be the
   more competent Satanic witch since her father dies because she
   cursed him to a painful death. She has contacted reporters to say
   her father was a wife-beater, and that he never had a relationship
   with Jayne Mansfield (despite the fact that several photos prove
   the contrary, see _The Secret Life of a Satanist_) or any
   involvement with the film _Rosemary's Baby_ (LaVey played the role
   of the Devil). She has cursed herself to a miserable fate.

   People often wondered about the "Doctor" title seen once in awhile.
   Well, formally speaking, Anton LaVey did not hold a Ph.D. or
   anything similar. But he himself had never said that he does. It's
   just that his friends and people who hold him up in great respect
   called him Doc or Dr. LaVey as a kind of honorary title (_The
   Secret Life of a Satanist_, p.223). It is only natural that there
   were and will always be people who ran him down because of this. So
   what? If they are not good enough to get an academic degree for
   themselves at some university and not famous enough to get a
   honorary mention, count it up to envy and jealousy.

3.4. Isn't Anton LaVey merely ripping off Nietzsche?

   When LaVey refers to an idea, concept, or quote derived or taken
   from someone else, he often cites the author, either in the
   paragraph or in the indexes of his books. If anything LaVey writes
   seems similar to past concepts, oftentimes, it is augmented with
   modern circumstances, his own thoughts, and is analogous to our
   philosophy. Seeing that Satanism is a work in progress, something
   like science meets philosophy, we are fully justified in choosing
   the concepts of old, working with them in our context and taking
   them into the future. (If we didn't, who else would?) Same thing
   scientists, doctors, psychologists, and many other professionals
   do. Nothing would get done if individuals merely went along with
   established thought and never added to it. It's evolution, pure and

4. Satanism as seen by the Church of Satan

4.1. Our philosophies

   If you have not already done so, we strongly suggest you purchase
   _The Satanic Bible_, and study it. It is a diabolical book, the
   basis for our philosophy. Satanism is not for everyone, but if it
   is for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal
   society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic
   individuals who stand forth as the ultimate Underground alternative
   -- the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what
   we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your
   involvement is based upon your own potential.

   In recent years, we've wasted far too much time explaining that
   Satanism has nothing to do with kidnapping, drug abuse, child
   molestation, animal or child sacrifice, or any number of other acts
   that idiots, hysterics or opportunists would like to credit us
   with. Satanism is a life-loving, rational philosophy that millions
   of people adhere to. Now we're ready for something that goes quite
   a few steps beyond just explaining our principles. Every
   revisionist movement needs a set of goals/guidelines that are
   clear, concrete, and that will effect significant changes.

   The following Five-Point Program reflects attitudes which allow
   others to decide whether they wish to align themselves with
   Satanism or not. Each is necessary for Satanic change to take
   place. When asked what we're "doing", here's the answer:

   1) STRATIFICATION -- The point on which all the others ultimately
   rest. There can be no more myth of "equality" for all--it only
   translates to "mediocrity" and supports the weak at the expense of
   the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without
   interference from apologists for incompetence. No one should be
   protected from the effects of his own stupidity.

   2) STRICT TAXATION OF ALL CHURCHES -- If churches were taxed for
   all their income and property, they'd crumble overnight of their
   own obsolescence, and the National Debt would be wiped out as
   quickly. The productive, the creative, the resourceful should be
   subsidized. So long as the useless and incompetent are getting
   paid, they should be heavily taxed.

   INTO LAW AND ORDER ISSUES -- to re-establish "Lex Talionis" would
   require a complete overturning of the present in-justice system
   based on Judeo-Christian ideals, where the victim/defender has been
   made the criminal. Amnesty should be considered for anyone in
   prison because of his alleged "influence" upon the actual
   perpetrator of the crime. Everyone is influenced in what he or she
   does. Scapegoating has become a way of life, a means of survival
   for the unfit. As an extension of the Judeo-Christian cop-out of
   blaming the Devil for everything, criminals can gain leniency, even
   praise, by placing the blame on a convenient villain. Following the
   Satanic creed of "Responsibility to the responsible," in a Satanic
   society, everyone must experience the consequences of his own
   actions -- for good or ill.

   forbidden industry. An economic "godsend" which will allow everyone
   "power" over someone else. Polite, sophisticated, technologically
   feasible slavery. And the most profitable industry since TV and the

   BEHAVIORAL STANDARDS OF SAME -- Privately owned, operated and
   controlled environments as an alternative to homogenized and
   polyglot ones. The freedom to insularize oneself within a social
   milieu of personal well-being. An opportunity to feel, see, and
   hear that which is most aesthetically pleasing, without
   interference from those who would pollute or detract from that

4.2. The Nine Satanic Statements

   1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
   2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe
   3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical
   4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of
      love wasted on ingrates.
   5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.
   6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of
      concern for psychic vampires.
   7. Satan represents man as just another animal -- sometimes better,
      more often worse than those that walk on all-fours -- who,
      because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development,"
      has become the most vicious animal of all.
   8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to
      physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
   9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He
      has kept it in business all these years.

4.3. The Eleven Satanic Rules of the earth

    1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
    2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they
       want to hear them.
    3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go
    4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and
       without mercy.
    5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating
    6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a
       burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
    7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it
       successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of
       magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose
       all you have obtained.
    8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject
    9. Do not harm little children.
   10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for
       your food.
   11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone
       bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

4.4. The Nine Satanic Sins

   1. Stupidity -- The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal
      Sin of Satanism. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful.
      Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on
      stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they
      are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture
      that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn
      to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.
   2. Pretentiousness -- Empty posturing can be most irritating and
      isn't applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic. On equal
      footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation
      these days. Everyone's made to feel like a big shot, whether
      they can come up with the goods or not.
   3. Solipsism -- Can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting
      your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is
      probably far less attuned than you are. It is the mistake of
      expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy
      and respect that you naturally give them. They won't. Instead,
      Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of "Do unto others as
      they do unto you." It's work for most of us and requires
      constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of
      everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would
      be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or
      perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian standpoint) we are far
      from that point.
   4. Self-deceit -- It's in the Nine Satanic Statements but deserves
      to be repeated here. Another cardinal sin. We must not pay
      homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the
      roles we are expected to play ourselves. The only time
      self-deceit should be entered into is when it's fun, and with
      awareness. But then, it's not self-deceit!
   5. Herd Conformity -- That's obvious from a Satanic stance. It's
      all right to conform to a person's wishes, if it ultimately
      benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting
      an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a
      master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the
   6. Lack of Perspective -- Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain
      for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you
      are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We
      are making history right now, every day. Always keep the wider
      historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key
      to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit
      things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. Do
      not be swayed by herd constraints -- know that you are working
      on another level entirely from the rest of the world.
   7. Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies -- Be aware that this is one
      of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something
      "new" and "different," when in reality it's something that was
      once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package. We
      are expected to rave about the genius of the "creator" and
      forget the original. This makes for a disposable society.
   8. Counterproductive Pride -- That first word is important. Pride
      is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with
      the bath-water. The rule of Satanism is: if it works for you,
      great. When it stops working for you, when you've painted
      yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, "I'm
      sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow,"
      then do it.
   9. Lack of Aesthetics -- This is the physical application of the
      Balance Factor. Aesthetics is important in Lesser Magic and
      should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any
      money off classical standards of beauty and form most of the
      time so they are discouraged in a consumer society, but "an eye"
      for beauty, for balance, is an essential Satanic tool and must
      be applied for greatest magical effectiveness. It's not what's
      supposed to be pleasing -- it's what is. Aesthetics is a
      personal thing, reflective of one's own nature, but there are
      universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should
      not be denied.

4.5. What is the Satanic Bunco Sheet?

   Because Anton LaVey has made Satanism so popular, everyone wants to
   jump on the bandwagon. If you're new to the Realm of Darkness,
   suddenly feeling the fires of Satan burning within you, be warned:
   there are unethical individuals out there who will prey upon you,
   claim to teach you how to become a Great Black Magician overnight,
   who will promise instructional fellowship and activities with "True
   Masters", who may claim unverifiable links with the Church of Satan
   or other such lineage. Save your money. The Satanic Bunco Sheet is
   a tip sheet to recognize pseudo- and anti-Satanic groups that have
   sprouted up since LaVey started the original Church of Satan.

   Some places where you can find and read the complete Satanic Bunco

4.6. To apply the name of Satan to this church, implies a connection
     to the Bible. What is the stance of the CoS on these popular
     tales and predictions? Who is Christ to the CoS?

   We take the name Satan in concept only. Any other connection is
   thrust upon us by anxious, ignorant, and/or misinformed people. The
   archetype itself, by whatever name is appropriate, is far older
   than Xtianity or Judaism, and it was these religions that, in order
   to gain a foothold in the world, decided to destroy and bastardize
   the "pagan gods." Satan has generally been the character who has
   challenged sterile thought, encouraged indulgence, rebelled against
   slavery, and truly represented human nature and all that the
   mundane world offers. By extension, instead of worshipping Satan,
   we emulate him. The Xtian bible was probably one of the greatest
   pieces of propaganda (with Mein Kampf running a close second) in
   world history but, quite frankly, a scientifically,
   philosophically, and technologically advanced civilization should
   logically cease to have a need for such outmoded parables and slave
   ethics. But, seeing as insecurity never goes out of style, those in
   need seek their baby-sitters in whatever avenue is acceptable; in
   LaVey's words, a "privileged lie." Many Satanists also view the
   Xtian bible as examples of mankind's hypocrisy, incompetence, and
   spinelessness. Jesus Christ is the paradigm for these qualities.
   How can anyone with human insight and reasonable logic skills
   accept the phrase "the meek shall inherit the Earth" without
   laughing? History certainly doesn't support this assertion. From my
   experience, many people who call themselves Xtians are so merely by
   convenience and not so much by a rational decision, if rationale is
   possible. It's a truly insecure philosophy that demands its tenets
   to be installed in humans from early childhood, because if it was
   introduced for the first time to adults, many would raise their
   eyebrow in suspicion and disgust. Many Xtians I've met haven't even
   read their bible (at least, not critically), but keep the book on
   their coffee table to appear "righteous." And, some just skip the
   sanguine parts. Many of them really seem to get off on their
   religion, the self-righteousness feeds their impoverished egos. As
   trivial as it seems, it's a glaring metaphor for Xtianity in
   general, an amass of contradictions, and almost Freudian.

4.7. As a representative for Satanism, you do interviews and lectures.
     Isn't this preaching? And, doesn't this violate your rule of not
     giving your opinions unless asked?"

   Of course, this isn't preaching and it doesn't go against the First
   Satanic Rule of the Earth. If you open a magazine, turn on your
   radio, or click on your television and see an interview with a
   Satanist, you've reached a point where you will either not read or
   look at it, or you will. If you choose the latter, you have
   consigned yourself to the information and, by your own actions,
   have given your non-verbal consent to receive such information
   about our religion. If you attend a lecture, you have even more so
   welcomed yourself to our "opinions." No one coerced you to attend
   or read or watch or listen. Assuming that Satanism can be preached
   is to assume that anyone can be a Satanist, which is grossly false.
   We know this and wouldn't bother proselytizing like other
   religions. It would waste our time and we'd have to care, which we

5. Membership in the Church of Satan

5.1. How can I become a member of the Church of Satan?
     What if I do not live in the US?

   We don't solicit memberships; however, if you wish to join us, to
   show your support or appreciation, you can become a Registered
   Member. Write a letter to P. O. Box 210666, San Francisco, CA
   94121, USA with a self-addressed stamped envelope (or include two
   International Reply Coupons, if you live outside the US) and ask
   for our membership information. You can also download and print the
   form from many web sites on the WWW. The Church of Satan accepts
   members from all over the world.

   For a one-time registration fee of one hundred dollars, you will
   receive a crimson card declaring you a member of the Church of
   Satan. No further dues will be expected. All names and addresses
   are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a
   Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for
   further consideration.

   You'll also receive a questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire
   indicates your more serious interest in our organization. By
   completing and returning it, you will be included in our Bulletin
   List so you can receive announcements pertinent to your

5.2. What happens if I change my mind and want to get out of all this

   There are idiots around who propagate such ridiculous and silly
   misinformation, that "there is no possible way to get out of a
   Satanic organization other than death." This only intends to scare
   people. All one has to do to get out of the Church of Satan is to
   _write us a letter_ telling us that they want to resign.

   No one's kicked out unless they do something that is blatantly
   against our tenets or unless _they_ request to have their name
   taken from our lists. Unless people let us know in writing that
   they want to resign we consider them members.

5.3. I am not 18 years old yet. Can I still become a member?

   You may become a member of the Church of Satan at any age, though
   further participation in the organization is limited to those who
   are eighteen years of age or older. This is not meant as a judgment
   of your maturity; we've received letters from 14-year-olds who had
   a distinct, mature grasp of Satanism. But we must be realistic
   about the world around us. One reason is that we don't want to
   become a haven for the kind of sanctimonious perverts that
   Christian churches and other "Goodguy Badge" forums (such as Big
   Brother/Big Sister, Boy Scouts, etc.) often are. There are a lot of
   sick people out there, and we don't want our vital young Satanists
   to become victims of twisted adults who are more interested in
   contacting young kids than they are in practicing Satanism.

   Another reason is because your parents or other adults in your life
   may not understand us or might be hostile toward your exploration
   of this religion. They may try to cause trouble for us, falsely
   accusing us of any number of things, just because they feel
   threatened. So, we simply cannot allow anyone under the legal age
   of consent to participate in any activities directly sponsored by
   the Church of Satan. The _only_ exception to this rule would be the
   _written permission and attendance_ of your parent or legal
   guardian. Some of you may be lucky enough to have a very good
   relationship with your parents and they may be supportive, even
   enthusiastic, about your exploration of the Dark Side. They may be
   willing to go with you to meet a local Grotto Master and decide on
   your level of participation at this point in your magical
   development. If this is the case, let us know.

5.4. The Church of Satan charges application fees for membership and
     further involvement and accepts money from people. Sounds like
     your garden- variety tent-show evangelist scam.

   First off, you are probably confusing two different terms. The
   Church of Satan is an organization. Satanism is a religion. Since
   we are one of the few (if not the ONLY) religions whose
   organized body REJECTS the tax exempt status other religions cling
   to, the CoS accepts money to keep it moving, and we pay BACK into
   the economic system. ("Responsibility to the responsible.") Also,
   there seem to be a couple presuppositions hiding under your
   statement. The first is that we should feel "bad" or "humble" about
   money. Why? We are Satanists. Most of us appreciate success in one
   form or another and, in business, we know that money often enough
   helps this along. We lay our cards on the table and have no problem
   with it. If a credible Satanist pays into the CoS, he or she does
   this in support, and does it knowingly because he or she is wise,
   like all good Satanists are. If your average ignoramus throws money
   at the CoS, the organization is happy to take that, too. But, it is
   the idiot, not the CoS, who should be held responsible because,
   quite frankly, we didn't rush up to his house with Uzis, drag him
   to the ATM, and make him empty out his account for us. You don't
   even have to be a member of the CoS to be a Satanist, so no money
   is required, unlike that required by others for tithes, collection
   plates, and holy corn meal. (The monetary fee, by extension, also
   keeps out most of the trend chasers, the occultniks, and the
   terrorists. We don't want them and we won't put up with them.) The
   second presupposition lies in your penchant for equating us with
   the model of religion which Xtianity ostensibly portrays. It has
   been adequately stated and PROVEN that Satanism is not inverse
   Xtianity. It's an old point. Tell the Judeo-Xtian churches to pay
   THEIR taxes and see what they say. The differences are enormous.

5.5. I really want to join the Church of Satan... I mean, A LOT! I
     want to be a Priest and be one of you. I want magical powers and
     a direct phone-line to Satan.

   Go away.

5.6. Do you find most of the membership of the CoS to be 'Xtian
     refugees' or do they come from all sorts of backgrounds?

   Surely, I couldn't speak for all Satanists, but I would assume that
   many, particularly older Satanists who grew up in an era when
   Xtianity was taken a bit more seriously, had some sort of Xtian
   indoctrination in their childhoods. Oftentimes, teens will approach
   Satanism as a reaction to their growing disdain for Xtianity, and I
   think that's an honest and healthy step, speaking from experience.
   However, once a Satanist (a true Satanist, and not some drugged-out
   devil-worshipping metalhead with a penchant for feline slaughter)
   grows up a bit and experiences some of the outside world, Satanism
   becomes a lot more than a game of shock-the-sheep and the Satanist
   applies himself/herself to attain goals and engage in meaningful
   pursuits. I wouldn't use the phrase "Xtian refugees" to describe
   the situation mentioned above, simply because there is an implied
   idea of victimization riding shotgun with it, and victim is a label
   no Satanist cares to wear - mainly because it's unproductive as
   well as being antithetical to pure Satanic philosophy.

6. Satanic Literature

6.1. Books by and about Anton Szandor LaVey and the Church of Satan

   -- by Anton Szandor LaVey.
   Published in paperback by AVON BOOKS; available in all major
   bookstores, in the Occult or New Age sections.

   -- by Anton Szandor LaVey.
   Published by Feral House, available in all major bookstores. If
   needed, bookseller can order, or copies are available from the
   FERAL HOUSE, P. O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208-3466.
   Send SASE for info.

   -- by Anton Szandor LaVey
   Dr. LaVey's last (and final) book, to be released in late
   1998 by FERAL HOUSE (address above).

   -- by Blanche Barton.
   The authorized biography of Anton LaVey, published by FERAL HOUSE.
   In the "Biography" section of bookstores (paperback or hardcover),
   or send SASE to FERAL HOUSE (address above) for info.

   -- by Blanche Barton.
   Detailed history of the  Church, with photos, instructions on
   forming Grottos or groups, lists of Satanic films, music, and
   books. Available in stores, or order from:
   P. O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499.
   Send SASE or 2 IRC for information.

   -- by Arthur Lyons. 
   Published in 1988 by MYSTERIOUS PRESS (paperback and hardcover
   editions). Buy or order in stores.

6.1.1. Where can I get a copy of _The Satanic Bible_?

   _The Satanic Bible_ can be found (in America) in most chain
   bookstores in the New Age, Philosophy, or Religion sections.
   Many non-U.S. readers have written that _The Satanic Bible_ is not
   available in their country for various reasons. I suggest trying
   one of the following methods:

   If your local book store does not carry _The Satanic Bible_ or any
   other books mentioned here (or, what would be the correct truth in
   most cases, does not _want_ to hold them in stock), you can mail
   order them from most of the addresses mentioned here without
   problems. (See also the list at the end of this FAQ file.)

   They also will be glad to serve inquiries from other countries,
   although you may find the air mail charges rather steep. In Europe,
   you might also try PENTAGRAM, P. O. Box 66, Dewsbury WF12 0XY, UK.
   They carry most of the books mentioned here.

   If you have access to the Internet, you could also place an on-line
   order with many of those companies:

6.1.2. Where can I get an electronic copy of _The Satanic Bible_?

   You cannot; they don't exist, and if such electronic copies would
   exist, they would be a violation of copyright laws.

6.2. Satanic Magazines and Publications

6.2.1. The Cloven Hoof

   The official _Bulletin_ of the Church of Satan. Current news,
   articles, poetry, reviews, and analyses pertaining to all subjects
   Satanic. Includes the latest LaVeyan releases and rip-offs. An
   interactive communique, disseminating information received from our
   vigilant Satanic Forces around the world! Address submissions and
   subscription requests to:
   Blanche Barton, The Cloven Hoof, P. O. Box 210666, San Francisco,
   CA 94121. $35 per year, Sample copy $5 (U.S. funds). Make U.S.
   checks or money order to "Blanche Barton". Foreign orders add $8.00
   for subscription or $2.00 for single issue.

6.2.2. The Black Flame

   This _magazine_ is the international forum of the Church of Satan.
   Published twice annually, this comprehensive magazine will inform
   you about trends in Satanic happenings and thought. Filled with
   articles, reviews, poetry, and artwork of vital interest to all
   Satanists. Single copy is $6.00 ($8.00 outside U.S.), two-issue
   subscription is $12.00 ($16.00 outside U.S.). Send U.S. funds or
   money order to: HELL'S KITCHEN PRODUCTIONS. (See address above).

6.2.3. Not Like Most

   A Satanic publication adhering to the philosophies set forth by
   Anton Szandor LaVey, The Church of Satan and directly affiliated
   publications. Its primary audience is comprised of Satanists,
   although it is also written for non-Xtian and anti-Xtian readers.
   _Not Like Most_ is published twice annually and is available by
   mail order for $4.00 ($5.00 outside the continental United States.)
   Payment is to be made either by cash or a United States postal
   money order filled out in the publisher's name, not the publishing
   company. NO CHECKS.
   Publisher: Rev. Matt G. Paradise, Priest - Church of Satan
   Not Like Most, P. O. Box 88131, Burlington, Vermont 05402, USA

6.2.4. The Raven

   "The lighter side of the dark." Empower a vitally important Satanic
   attribute: your sense of humor! Enjoy our insightful and humorous
   take on life, food and wine, religion, culture, current events,
   etc. Issued quarterly (Equinoxes and Solstices). $10.00 per
   year($15.00 outside US), payable to:
   N.B. Smith, Box 163, Stratford CT 06497-0163 USA

6.2.5. Others

   DIABOLICA - An Independent Forum of Satanic Thought
   Sample copy $6.00 US / $7.00 Foreign, 
   Subscription $11.00 US / $13.00 Foreign
   AZAZEL, P. O. Box 53, Allen Park, MI 488101-0053, USA

   The Black Pun-kin
   Canada's Satanic Forum
   $7.00 US American residents, $7.00 CDN Canadian residents,
   $10.00 US Overseas
   All checks and money orders payable to Robert A. Lang
   The Black Pun-kin, P. O. Box 32017, 1386 Richmond R.d.,
   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2B 1A1

6.3. A little Satanically inspired book suggestion

   Food for discussion groups or diabolical rumination. Most of these
   have nothing to do with Satanism per se, but the keen reader will
   be able to glean much from them, nevertheless. These works are just
   a small selection from Anton LaVey's bookshelves, but it should
   give you the idea and whet the appetite.

   Please note that this is just an arbitrarily shortened and biased
   (by the FAQ maintainer) version of the much longer, albeit still
   only hinting, list on books, music, and films which is given in 
   the appendix of Blanche Barton's book, _The Church of Satan_.

6.3.1 Non-Fiction

   Carl Jung: _Man and His Symbols_

   Friedrich Nietzsche: esp. _Beyond Good and Evil_, _The Anti-Christ_
                        and _Twilight of the Gods_

   _The Johnson, Smith and Company Catalogue: Surprising Novelties,
   Puzzles, Tricks, Jokegoods. Useful Articles, etc._

   Ambrose Bierce: _The Devil's Dictionary_

   H.L. Mencken: esp. _The American Language_

   Jerry Mander: _Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television_

6.3.2 Fiction

   Charles Finney: _Circus of Dr. Lao_

   Fyodor Dostoevsky: _Notes from Underground_

   H.G. Wells: esp. _The Island of Dr. Moreau_

   Jules Verne: _20,000 Leagues Under the Sea_

   Oscar Wilde: _The Picture of Dorian Gray_

   Jack London: esp. _The Sea-Wolf_, and books of lycanthropic

   Fred Saberhagen: _The Dracula Tape_

   Macabre stories and poetry of _Weird tales_ and Arkham House
   writers Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap, August Derleth,
   et al.

7. Satanic Music and Videos

7.1. Music by Anton Szandor LaVey

   5714 Folsom Blvd., Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95819 USA
   (Send SASE for ordering information.)
   Selections include:
   EMPIRE, also known as "Battle Hymn of the Apocalypse", written and
   performed by Anton LaVey).

7.2. Other Music of Satanic value

   Look out for Franz List (Mephisto Waltz, Faust Symphony), Modest
   Mussorgsky (Night on Bald Mountain), Richard Wagner, Richard
   Strauss (Thus Spoke Zarathustra), Frederic Chopin, Igor
   Stranvinsky, and many more.

7.3. Videos

   -- Video interview by Nick Bougas.
   LaVey intersperses musical performances with his unique and
   penetrating commentary, ranging from American pop music to World
   Wars to Whoopie Cushions!

   -- with on-camera introduction and narration by Anton LaVey.
   Extremely graphic morgue shots and crime scene photos. Not for the
   faint of heart!

   -- Similar material, but with soundtracks by Peter Gilmore.

   For information about all video selections above, write to:
   FERAL HOUSE, P. O. Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208-3466, USA.
   Please include a SASE or IRC.

   -- a 1968 documentary film about the Church of Satan.
   A fascinating documentation about the early days of the Church of
   Satan, giving many philosophical insights and witness to magical
   rituals. This jewel has long been lost, but recently it turned up
   Send SASE or IRC to:
   Strength Through Joy Prod.,
   P. O. Box 82435, Portland, OR 97282, USA

8. The Church of Satan on the Internet

   Our online representative is Magistra Peggy Nadramia:

   Some selected web sites where you may also find information from
   and about the Church of Satan and Anton LaVey provided by our
   affiliates. This is just a selection and has no intentions of being
   complete in any sense. Use them as starting points for your own
   research. Caveat Emptor!
   Where The Wild Things Are: The Anton Szandor Lavey web-site
   Purging Talon Publishing Headquarters
   The Satanic Network
   Hr. Vad's Homepage On Satanism
   Satanism from Sweden
   Herbert's Dark Corner of the Web

9. Artifacts and where to look for them

9.1. Artifacts

   THE SATANIC BIBLE and THE SATANIC RITUALS were published briefly in
   hardback editions in the early 1970's by UNIVERSITY BOOKS. They
   turn up very rarely in stacks of used books. Anyone looking for
   these should probably use a book search service.

   THE DEVIL'S AVENGER, a 1974 paperback biography of Anton LaVey, is
   long out of print. Rare copies sometimes turn up through book
   search services, however.

   THE SATANIC MASS (an LP) was the first recording of authentic
   Satanic rituals, made in 1968. It has been re-released on CD by
   Amarillo Records (address above). A rendition by Anton LaVey of his
   HYMN OF THE SATANIC EMPIRE has been added, making this album a real

   THE COMPLEAT WITCH (which originally had U.S. hardcover and
   paperback editions as well as an Italian hardcover edition) has
   been re-released as THE SATANIC WITCH.

9.2. Societies

   BCM 3406, London, WC1N 3XX England
   (The society for submissive ladies.)

   P. O. Box 3582, Lacy, WA 98503
   (The only organization for those who share a vampire aesthetic.)

9.3. Shops

   (Please send SASE or IRC for ordering info.)

   48 Chester Road, Chester MA 01011, USA

   17 East Campbell Street, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, USA
   (Gargoyles, etc.)

   P. O. Box 666, Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0666, USA
   (send $5 for catalogue.)

   101 East Gloucester Pike, Bradenton, FL 08007-1380, USA

   P. O. Box 499, Radio City Station, New York, NY 10101-0499, USA

   c/o Dave Martinez,
   P. O. Box 792666, San Antonio, TX 78279-2666, USA

   180-1 Elm Street, Suite 112, Pittsfield, MA 01201, USA

   236 West Manchester, Los Angeles, CA 90003, USA
   (Send $3.00 for a big catalog.)

   4514 19th Street Court East,
   P. O. Box 25500, Bradenton, FL 34206-5500, USA

   2143 Gees Mill Road, Box 840, Conyers, GA 30207, USA
   (Not strictly occult-oriented, but GREAT daggers, swords, capes,

   701 N. MacQueston Parkway, Crypt 122, Mt. Vernon, NY 10552, USA

   P. O. Box 163, Stratford, CT 06497-0163, USA
   (Send $1.00 and SASE for your very own personal standard
   sell-your-soul contract!)

   SATANIC BAPHOMETS, beautiful and exclusive! Authentic 1 1/4 inch
   diameter fire-enameled medallions, in black, white, or crimson.
   THE CHURCH OF SATAN, P. O. Box 210666, San Francisco, CA 94121,
   USA. ($44 in U.S. funds, check, or money order, including postage
   and handling. $5 extra for overseas orders.)

   Leslie Shoe Co.,
   480 N. 2nd St., P. O. Box 48, Rogers City, MI 49779-0048, USA
   (A purveyor of excellent witches' shoes!)

   P. O. Box 66, Dewsbury WF12 0XY, UK

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04/12/99 17:59:53
Name: Riznich The Biznich My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Porno Age: 666 State/Territory: Guadalara, Mexico
Country: Fukin Mexico

Yeeaaahhhh, wus up muthafukers. I say down with all that christ SHIT. It's a fukin waste of time. If you all actually believe that some mythical being created us, your all full of shit. Just get over the fuking fact even though it may be hard to admit it, That I CREATED U. You dumb-asses go spend half a damn day in fukin church preaching to some fuker no one has ever seen. I just don't see the point in that. There are no evil sins. To Live is great. So stop wasting your time looking for a Savior you Shithe ds.Peace-out, catch you all on the westside muthafukas.

04/09/99 04:01:44
Name: MATT My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: SATANIC Age: 18 State/Territory: FL


04/03/99 23:11:56
Name: D.H. My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian Age: 15
Country: US

I do not doubt that you can do a few spells...maybe summon demons or have them enter people..the most powerful of you (and when I say this I'm referring to the men) might even be able to killl non-Christians or to change their shape (it appears tha they do to those not under the protection of the Cross) but your powers come from the Evil One. He can pull his support away from you at any time, maybe when you need it most. The more spells you do and the closer to him you become the less hold God has n the Devil and the more he can do to you. There's a story about a young witch who send the demon Ri-Chan to kill a missionary who was interfering with her plans for the conversion of other non-Christians into the occult world. The demon Ri-Chan went to k ll her but the angels of the Lord defeated him and he returned to the witch who sent him out and strangled her to death. This is no game you women are playing in, you are not men therefore your power and influence over the demonic world is limited greatly My advice here is quit this nonsense and turn to Christ while you still have a chance to get out. You people can not harm a true Christian with your spells, no, it has to be done through humans not through spirits to kill a Christian. You will ee what I mean later on..

04/02/99 23:08:16
Name: Ju My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian 100% Age: Unimportant State/Territory: Unimportant
Country: USA

I am not going to flame you guys but I do think that you are lying about not doing all the wicked things that are Satanists are known to do. You worship the dark goddesses and you follow Satan...and, by the way, the name Satan came from the i the name given for the archangel Lucifer who was cast from heaven. How can you be worshipers of the Wicked One and not commit his sins? Therefore, I think you all do molest children, murder people, etc, but are just quiet about it. This is my real e-mail address, so don't try to spam me or anything. I am a Demonhunter, but will speak with you all in an intelligent and peaceful manner, but, I will have no regrets on killing you if you try to hunt me. Plz respond:).

04/02/99 22:52:35
Name: Julian My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian 100% Age: Unimportant State/Territory: Unimportant
Country: USA

I am not going to flame you guys but I do think that you are lying about not doing all the wicked things that are Satanists are known to do. You worship the dark goddesses and you follow Satan...and, by the way, the name Satan came from the i the name given for the archangel Lucifer who was cast from heaven. How can you be worshipers of the Wicked One and not commit his sins? Therefore, I think you all do molest children, murder people, etc, but are just quiet about it. This is my real e-mail address, so don't try to spam me or anything. I am a Demonhunter, but will speak with you all in an intelligent and peaceful manner, but, I will have no regrets on killing you if you try to hunt me. Plz respond:).

04/02/99 19:07:40
Name: Apophis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Hermetic Age: 21/m State/Territory: FL,LA,NC,SC,NY,MS
Country: USA

I found this site very interesting, especially the focus on dark female deities. As a hermetic, it is my duty to learn as much as is possible on all subjects spiritual. I would like to learn more about the details of your beliefs and your rituals and gods Also, I would like to say that as magi(which all practicioners of any kind of magick are), it is our duty to accept Christian and their beliefs even when they can not understand ours. As mages, it is our responsibility to be the intelligent voice in a ho tile world. Best of luck!

04/01/99 17:01:16
Name: J.H. My URL: Visit Me
Religion: I believe that something is out there Age: 16
State/Territory: Santa Fé de Bogotá Country: COLOMBIA

I think that satanism is the only way that you people, try to escape from the system and the order made by the christian religion. I respect your believes, but i think that most of you get involved in the satanic thing only by fashion or by stay "cool" wi h your friends. I propose that all these people get the fuck out of here, or take it serious.

04/01/99 17:00:04
Name: J.H. My URL: Visit Me
Religion: I believe that something i out there Age: 16
State/Territory: Santa Fé de Bogotá Country: COLOMBIA

I think that satanism is the only way that you people, try to escape from the system and the order made by the christian religion. I respect your believes, but i think that most of you get involved in the satanic thing only by fashion or by stay "cool" wi h your friends. I propose that all these people get the fuck out of here, or take it serious.

04/01/99 02:47:42
Name: Michael Romero My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Nocturnal Satanica Age: 23 State/Territory: Las Vegas, NV
Country: USA

Kor`En Nagar, Look into the shattered glass and see the evil for what its true beauty is encased... You say they are evil.. Then why are you the one to threaten them with your ignorant statements... Contradiction is the rule of the man-made religion... I don't personal y know the coven to whom you desire destruction... But heed the warning, kill our mother, our queen and face the wrath of the Ancient Ones... Look into the mirror and see a decrepit lonely man withering away in his own self-demise... As he dies the cry of loved ones will haunt him for eternity... Procceed with your premeditated actions and feel this poor souls anguish for he is you... Those who accuse and judge are the evil ones... Spirits of the deep waters, remember Igi-Nu Du-A-Hul Igi-Se-Zid-Gin

03/31/99 21:10:54
Name: Kor'En Nagar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Don't worry you'll figure it out Age: why do you want to know State/Territory: none of your business
Country: read my last answer

Hey fucksticks I though i got rid of you the last time I showed up but i guess not this is kren but i decided to use my real name this time I am sure you know the meaning of it last warning get off of my web or die. you see I am a nice guy really i am but you are pure evil nothing more and that cannot be allowed so please take this personal as it is I am the chosen and now the time of the great reckoning is upon us prepare , and be judged as I am coming for you all of you. I know who you are, I know where ou live and i have seeen where you sleep so either go back underground in your little shitwad holes or I will destroy you one by one so fuck you and die

03/31/99 03:34:52
Name: Michael Romero My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Individualist Satanic Libertine Age: 23 State/Territory: Las Vegas, NV
Country: USA

I am very impressed with the response received by such a wide range of religious beliefs. I have gone over the text in great detail and must say I am in agreement with your philosophy. The feminine side of religion had always disturbed me. Why is the 'god always worshipped. This is life, black and white, hot and cold, good and evil and with that we have man and woman. This is the balance of life, without the female aspect we would not even exsist. I am honoured to have been enlightened to your site. Now to the contridicting-self-rightious-ignorant-followers of a faith that proclaims to respect and love all unconditionally, you need to look into yourselves before you criticize our beliefs. We are individuals with individual thought, actions and BELIEF . We should be respected as that. Besides do you really call threatening a facility conducting a satanic service a religious act through the eyes of your 'god'. To all you curious anhedoniacs. If you want to find yourself(your jesus or dark one)simply look into the mirror. Your eyes will reveal your destiny. Before I depart,to you impressive and forever worshipped Queens of the Dark Path, Calia, Lyllith and last be never least Aliea may the Ancient Ones be with you. Bil-At Kir-Zal Za-A-Kam Ki-Aga-Du Kas-Du Da-Ra-Es Mu Ga Im-Mi-In Nin-Ana-Si-Anna Ga Sa-Ga-Ar Za-A=Kam Ne-Su-Ub-Du Ne-En-Mu Ga Sa-Ga-Ar

03/29/99 21:40:37
Name: Hermes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Atheist
Age: 21 Country: mexico

Note that i believe there is no god, but anyway is good to see that you who believe in something are not blinded by intolerance, that shows well of the philosophy you are studying, and i´d like to know some more.... waitng.

03/26/99 16:43:44
Name: Hope My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Christian Age: 18 State/Territory: TN
Country: USA

John 3:16 says "For GOD so loved the world the he gave his only begotten son the whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." That is so amazing that someone loved the world that much to die on a cross for us!!! He still loves s and cares. He gives each and everyone of us a descion to live for him. Satan wants nothing but pain for his people. He doesn't love, or care about you. In hell you burn eternaly, In heaven you LIVE FOREVER!!! JESUS SAVES!! Hope

03/25/99 14:13:33
Name: Matthew My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Christian Age: 18
State/Territory: Michigan Country: USA

Another thing. Satanism has a tendency to attract the metally deficent. Take a quick look at some of the people who signed your guest book. They obviously haven't read your page and saw that there is a major emphasis on feminine aspects, not SATAN.

03/25/99 14:08:17
Name: Matthew My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Christian Age: 18
State/Territory: Michigan Country: USA

I have a question... When has the pursuit of knowledge become "SATANISM?" You girls/guys don't seem dark or evil in anyway, yet you refer to your beliefs as a dark religion? I see more philosophy in this page than praise for the dark gods of the pit.

03/24/99 19:42:43
Name: sylseren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: to thine own self be true Age: 29 State/Territory: california
Country: usa

To the bible thumpers: If you really want anyone to take you seriously, perhaps you should start furnishing an email address. It is hard to beleive anyone who is too cowardly or unsure of their own beleifs to back them up with an email address or intern c registered name. How is it you can quote scripture but can't remember who you are? Pathetic. To the authors: Nice page........can't wait till it is done. I am very interested in seeing your interpretations of the goddesses, especially some of the more obscure aspects of Kali. Keep your standards high. Ave. Sylseren

03/24/99 07:15:17
Name: Thomas Hill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 17 State/Territory: VA
Country: USA

Jesus is weak his power lies in the mind of the weak.HAIL SATAN

03/22/99 16:19:18
Name: pebbles My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 20
State/Territory: ohio


03/22/99 00:54:42
Name: Evil Mojo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 17 State/Territory: MD
Country: USA

I think we should talk. Please mail me. I would like to inform you of something and see if we will be able to help each other out. Great page as well. I'll make sure to go back and make sure I haven't missed anything. Please contact me though, that is my nly real point in signing.

03/18/99 23:08:48
Name: Nadia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: christian Age: 17 State/Territory: B.C.
Country: Canada

I really gave this site some thought. If some one would like to send me an e-mail telling me all about this because it is all very confusing to me. I would love to know all I can before I even consider making a commitment to this religion.My e-mail addres is now Please e-mail me.

03/16/99 10:22:22
Name: Mikkel Porse My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Wicca
Age: 18 Country: Denmark


03/15/99 20:39:34
Name: H.D. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 24 State/Territory: TN
Country: USA


03/15/99 19:11:35
Name: Nadia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: christian Age: 17 State/Territory: british columbia
Country: canada

I want to find out more about this religeon. I had a friend who was into this and she told me (before she moved) to find out about this, and the next time she sees me, she will ask me if I know about it, and if I enjoyed it.

03/15/99 06:01:06
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


03/12/99 10:47:33
Name: Jabba My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 16 State/Territory: Oxfordshire
Country: United Kingdom

i beleive that satanism is the almighty religion upon this forsaken world...666 mark of the beast, all will be doomed and all will be punished. Let all christians die horribly by the wrath of the lord himself Satan. In many years to come the darkside will force a way onto earths pityful civilisation, and from this the world will become Satans lair. I hail all evil and practice all dark, can anyone please teach me the ways of pure evil...Homosexuality is the depth of pure torture. Oh...i made everything up..HA HA, sounds good doesn't it. Although i do believe i'm Satan.

03/09/99 01:47:42
Name: Brandon T. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: dark/eclectic Age: 27 State/Territory: WA
Country: USA

a well done page. Hail to the dark gods. Live Lust and love yourself!

03/09/99 01:40:16
Name: Brandon T.
My URL: Visit Me


03/08/99 11:53:18
My Email: Email Me Age: 18


03/05/99 23:10:19
Name: Trana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Wiccan
Age: 31 Country: Sweden

I just find this place. I have no comment´s right now.

03/04/99 17:10:09
Name: Hellbound Soul My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: none
Country: US

I believe in hell, satan, and all the demons that follow him. I would like to learn dark magic and become a well respected satanist.

03/04/99 15:41:06
Name: SHADOWDANCER My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: DEAMONOLATREIA Age: 22 State/Territory: MANCHESTER
Country: U.K.


03/04/99 08:11:21
Name: Xalia My URL: Visit Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 16
State/Territory: Queensland Country: Australia

Its great to finally find a good satanist site. I've looked at so many and most of them r crap. I'd just like to say your doing a great job, and all those people quoting bible passages, don't you have anything better to do than look up satanist sites and blab all that shit?! Concentrate on your own religion!!!! c ya!

03/02/99 00:49:51
Name: Shadow My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 20 State/Territory: tx
Country: us

I will always enjoy my darkness. I enjoyed this site. I wish to all a nice amount of pain...I do. Good Bye.

03/01/99 13:45:43
Name: Air Cheild My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: wicca Age: 15 State/Territory: Massachusettes
Country: U.S.A.

this web site is very well put together. it provided me with what i was looking for and gave me the right incantations for a spell. satanism is so misunderstood and this site provides the right info to cleasr any misunderstandings.

03/01/99 06:34:45
Name: Lady Bloodmoon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Witchcraft (i study all sorts of religions} Age: 15 State/Territory: Alberta
Country: Canada

Hi This is just a question I was wondering (I ask this question alot) Why do you choose that religion? I mean no offense, I am just curious. I havr asked alot of catholics and other religious people this question and alot couldn't give me an answer. Anyway chow and I hope you all speak your minds. p.s e-mail me whenever

02/24/99 13:35:48
Name: Kev Sinclair My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: apparently i'm Catholic Age: 16 State/Territory: Surrey
Country: England

I've just got into Marilyn Manson , and i agree completely with his message. So if anyone wants to tell me where i can get the satanic bible and pentagrams i'll be your humble slave (only joking) Please e-mail me with any additional info. P.S i have denou ced the catholic faith forced upon me at the age of a couple of months. Hail Satan brothers and sisters ! S8N RETURNZ !

02/24/99 13:35:47
Name: Astarus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Wiccan (?) Age: 29 State/Territory: California
Country: USA

Alooker of many...

02/23/99 03:25:50
Name: God Loves You
My URL: Visit Me
State/Territory: Kingdom of God

If you don't "got Jesus" your really missing out! People who know Him personally all claim He's their Best Friend! Think about it... He's Always there, Always Loving, Always Forgiving! Who couldn't use a friend like that! (John 15:13) The only thing He ev r asked in return is that we Believe in Him! (John 6:47) Believe Him in your heart & confess Him with your mouth! (Romans 10:9) He then resides with you & He promises that He will NEVER leave you or forsake you! And because He loves all of us so much..He as gone to prepare a great place for us at His Father's House! (John 14:2&3) Then soon He is going to come gather His followers from all over the world to take us there! Then we are going to have a big celebration feast! (Rev. 19:9) And there is NO CHARGE to attend, because He has already paid the price for us! We Hope we are not making you feel left out by bragging about our very special friend...and all that He has promised us, Because you can take part in all of this too! He has invited everyone! (Joh 3:16) Don't be like some, who throw away or ignore their invitation..They are missing out! (Matthew 7:14)YOU can be included! All you have to do is RSVP to Him as soon as possible! Today could be your day of Salvation! Just don't delay in responding! We on't know what time He is planning to have this 'Get Together' He is sometimes a bit mysterious! (Mark 13:33) But he did give us a few hints & clues about when He would come for us, so we know it's soon! Exciting isn't it? Why don't you attend? He wants s much to have you there! Just ask Him today! You will really enjoy getting to know Him as we have, HE'S THE BEST! We all need Jesus as our Lord & Savior ... He came to earth almost 2000 years ago & died for us , in our place so that we could live with Him forever! This is not just a fictional story! This is real! And we have to make a decision about Jesus Christ, we all do! So , Do we... Believe Him, as the Son of God, Accept Him, Follow Him, Love Him, Spend eternity with Him??? Reject Him, Not Believe wha He says is true, Spend eternity seperated from Him and His Love??? Or just ignore the whole thing...??? I am sorry to say, ignoring Him is the same as rejecting Him! But why would anyone reject Him? It puzzles those of us who know Him.He is Love, He died for us to save us! WE LOVE HIM! That's what all this is about! He gave us a free will to decide and now... YOUR VERY CREATOR AWAITS YOUR DECISION!...what is it going o be? Romans 10:9..."If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved!." You can invite Him into your life right now! Right where you are! Just talk to Him...He hears you! *Tell Him you Believe in Him! *Tell Him that you know you are a sinner, and that you are sorry! *Tell Him you Believe He died on a cross for your sins! *And that He rose again on the third day! *Thank Him for dying for you! *Tell Him you want Him to come into your life right now! *To be your Lord, your Savior, Your Friend! He will hear you & If you mean what you say, He knows it! He will come into your heart! You will be saved! (Revelation 3:20) Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and will dine with him, and he with Me. John 3:16..."For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 14:6..."Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 11:25&26..."I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die." 1 Tim 2:5..."For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" Ephesians 2:8 & 9..."For by Grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

02/22/99 00:30:37
Name: Constantin Breitengros My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 16 State/Territory: Hamburg
Country: Germany

Hey jo mens!!Can anyone tell me more about the Rules of the Satanism?And does anyone know where I can by a Pentagram and the"Satanic-Bibel"??? See ya all in HELL Satanic-brothas!! Hail Satan

02/20/99 04:56:55
Name: God's Warning
My URL: Visit Me

"Yea, I say My children that I warn thee afresh and ahead. Yea, I say, set thy face as a flint, and set thy voice as a trumpet, saith God, and fail not to deliver this message to this generation. For behold, a destruction and a devastation is determined even for this city, saith God. And this city shall not escape, saith thy God. But behold, I shall bring it unto its knees. I shall get its attention. Therefore, I tell thee beforehand that thou mightest tell the inhabitants of this city and of this nation and what I am about to do so that when I do it they shall call to remembrance these words, and then they shall begin to look unto Me and cry unto Me, saith God. 'For these are the days and the hours appointed when I shall come down in My fury; when I shall come down in My anger for a nation that has forgotten Me, saith God. 'Yea, it is an evil nation. It's a nation full of violence. It's a nation full of sin. It is a nation full of homosexuality, even the sin that I hate and detest, saith God. And this nation is full of it; this city is full of it; yea; it is even seeking to creep into this church, saith God, but My face is against it, saith the Almighty. I shall let My destruction and My devastation fall, saith God." This was actually spoken by a child of God in the United States through the Holy Spirit in God in 1996. Hear if you have ears, and see if you have eyes, so that you may not be blind and deaf to the judgment that is coming to all that are not covered in Jesus the Messiah's grace. The Lord is coming soon. Revelation is being fulfilled as these days pass on. God has chosen all to follow him and to live. Yet all that yield to sin and refuse to be covered in His blood shall be still in sin on the Last Day. God will not allow sin to be in his presence, and shall destroy it as part of his promise to rid the world of its pains and evils. "A third angel followed the first two, saying in a loud voice, 'Those who worship the beast and its image and receive the mark on their forehead or on their hand will themselves drink God's wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger! All who do this will be tormented in fire and sulfur before the holy angels and the Lamb. The smoke of the fire goes up forever and ever. There is no releif day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, for anyone who has the mark of its name.'" (Revelation 14: 9-11)

02/14/99 01:30:50
Name: ~Ñy@rl@thoteP~ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: yes Age: yes State/Territory: France
Country: yes

Very good stranger site with strange site. I m a néo satanist since 1 hour and i love you! peace for the worlde ;o) Satan ruleZ

02/12/99 21:13:02
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 13
State/Territory: Ontario Country: Canada

I love your page. It has been a pleasnt change to see a GOOD Satanic site instead of all that other pseudo Satanic crap. I'd like to hear from you if possible. It is not very often I find true Satanists on the web. (P.S. Asking people too keep these messages "clean" is just like taking away our right of free speech, which is IMPOSSIBLE)

02/10/99 19:01:10
Name: Zave My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: no use for it Age: 19 State/Territory: ohio
Country: america

I like the page, send me some kewl shit

02/10/99 14:40:08
Name: Rob Roche My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: not sure Age: 17 State/Territory: Kansas
Country: usa

I am not sure I believe in any god. I have been raised in christianity. I am just now starting to be interested in Satanism. I am still not sure what I believe. If anyone wishes to talk with me or has any info. feel free to e-mail me.

02/09/99 08:40:35
Name: Damol Hampel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: atheist Age: I feel 103 yrs State/Territory: 4444444444444444444
Country: 4444444444444444444

God and Satan only exist in people's minds, Yin and Yang, if you will. I've found the best way to feel fulfilled, is to meditate. No rituals, no initiations, just clear your head of all thoughts and breath. It helps me, I've been through deep depressions, realistic hallucinations, suicide attempts. I lost the love of my life to suicide, many of my friend that I knew when I was little are now dead due to murder and suicide. I never got into satnism, because to me, it's the same as christianity. I don't beli ve, I just see thing for what they are. I used to be apart of a religion that no one know about. We had the ability to alter a person's perception of reality and make them completely insane, this method is also known as mind control. This method, once use , makes person seem zombie-like. This is where I got the name Damol Hampel, and the people in my town knew me as Kamikaze. I was worshiped as one of their gods, this is why I am in no danger of tell this story. I began to exhile my loved ones and myself. then turn to christianity, in attempt to better myself, but I felt as though I were a child following an imaginary friend. So now I am an atheist and as an atheist I feel at ease. Meditation is a personal joury through the mind and in this state a person can learn to use more of the mind.

02/09/99 07:58:57
Name: Take a guess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: 4444444444444444444 Age: 4444444444444444444 State/Territory: 4444444444444444444
Country: 4444444444444444444

OK, it's time to tell everyone who worships satan or the realms of black mojo. ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED OR WHAT!?!? Oh look I'll kill a cat to save my fucking soul, then shoot myself in the head. Buttmonkeys, you're all buttmonkeys!!!! Your god and master Damol

02/09/99 07:44:46
Name: Damol Hampel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 21 earth years State/Territory: 4444444444444444444
Country: 4444444444444444444

Why do worship anything at all? As people, we are a part of life and our surroundings. Enhance your mind not your insanity. It's a big joke that you play on yourself, instead of being against other religions, why don't you just say fuck it and live your l fe fully. And don't fuck around with the dark council, or as you call it, "Satan". It will only destroy you in ways I won't describe. Thank for your time, BUTTMONKEY.

02/09/99 07:33:26
Name: Damol
My URL: Visit Me


02/07/99 19:10:06
Name: Constantin Breitengross My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanist Age: 16 State/Territory: Hamburg
Country: Germany

Hey man I'm still a Christian but I want to be a Satanist!Since 6 month I believe in my lord SATAN! And can you help me how I get the "Satanic-Bibel"??My parents don't know that I am a Satanist!But if you know the Main-rules about the Satanism please Mail me!!Your pupil Constantin Breitengross

02/06/99 20:19:19
Name: will My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: satanism Age: 18 State/Territory: fl
Country: usa

I am happy to see others who put as uc nto spreadingsatans message as i do. all hail shatana

02/03/99 17:45:11
Name: Phillip Fuhst My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 18 State/Territory: Michigan
Country: U.S.A.

I'm just running around on a few sites to find info. on cults. I personally don't think satanism is a cult. It's just the religion you all have chosen. I have no religion. I believe in god and Satan I just don't worship either at the moment although I've orshipped both before. If you have any info. that might help please e-mail me back A.S.A.P.

02/03/99 17:45:02
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: none Age: 18
State/Territory: Michigan Country: U.S.A.

I'm just running around on a few sites to find info. on cults. I personally don't think satanism is a cult. It's just the religion you all have chosen. I have no religion. I believe in god and Satan I just don't worship either at the moment although I've orshipped both before. If you have any info. that might help please e-mail me back A.S.A.P.

01/30/99 22:11:38
Name: unknown My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: anti-crhist Age: 15 State/Territory: newyork
Country: us

i am a new found anti-christ----- i would like to know how to perform rituals---cast spells---and certain prayers to satan--

01/21/99 23:35:45
Name: Murilo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Blasphemic Age: 18 State/Territory: SP
Country: Brazil


01/20/99 21:50:18
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: Balance, and honesty.
Age: 38 Country: USA

<< Invocator: (raising chalice) Let us toast the Goddesses of the Eternal Flame and their new Son/Daughter. For this night, (name of Petitioner) has been born to darkness. S/he has made his/her vows and is truly devoted to the Infernal Kingdom. Let us now go forth and celebrate this birth into the Kingdom of Hell! >> My, my,...most interesting. You quote Crowley, play at Pagan Goddess worship (only as a focus tool, mind you), and invoke the Christian boogy-man land of Hell and it's supposed master. Yes, most interesting. I wouldn't call you folks feminine Satanist's, I'd call you "eclectic", or perhaps just imbalanced and confused. The words "Satan" and "Hell" have been around a long while, my dears. And both have been imbued with thought energy as a result. And that ener y is NOT positive, creative, or life affirming. It will take far more than I think you can muster, to change that I'm afraid. Remember, there are a bunch of Christians out there feeding those thought forms with fear daily. No, in light of your afilliating yourself with the Christian (generally) icon of evil, whether you worship it or not..(and if you don't, why use it at all?), your assurances of being mindful of the well being of the innocents of the world is laughable, I O. And Kali, oh my dears! Have you studied that Goddess aspect at all? Or perhaps you just presume that you can redefine the thought energy of her as well? If that is so, you have my sympathies. If you really mean to create a religious or spiritual philosophy, perhaps being more original, and doing less cavalier borrowing and twisting, might serve you better.

01/19/99 11:34:42
Name: Rev. Vincent Crowley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: Satanism Age: 666 State/Territory: Tampa, FL
Country: USA

Keep the Black Flame of Satan alive in the hearts of men! Those who like Satanic Black/Death Metal, check out ACHERON's new album "Those Who Have Risen" on FULL MOON PRODUCTIONS AD MAIOREM SATANAE GLORIAM!

01/17/99 23:03:50
Name: Athena Sunwolf My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Religion: shamanic pagan
Age: 20

Interesting page! It's a nice break from the wholly white-light stuff....though I prefer a balance, but that is only my preference. Good job!

01/12/99 21:17:01
Name: donny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: me dont know Age: 23 State/Territory: somewhere in america
Country: usa! usa!

hello i feel that message boards need visitors so i want you too come on my message board at the above url all my friends all say donny your so crazy please visit me

01/11/99 17:27:19
Name: Calia Debourgo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Religion: dark humanist Age: 29 State/Territory: MA
Country: USA

Welcome to our page. We want to thank everyone for their overwhelming positive response to our philosophies and ideas. Feel free to express your thoughts and theories. But please keep it "clean". In addition, our webmaster is in process of completely r designing our site, so watch for new things. Again, thank you all for your support.

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