The Inner Circle Coven of the Laiad
he IC Coven of the Laiad is founded on the basic understanding that we are all human beings and that our purpose in this life is to make the most of our lives while we are on this plane. Through our humanistic philosophy, we hope to establish a basis for acceptance of our natures in society through esoteric and occult study and practice. We feel that we have much to offer the world and hope, through our affiliated talents and ideas, we can bring to light the responsibility and respect for life in our selves and others that has shown us our path.To this end, we have chosen a more feminine basis for our growth in the hopes that women will gain a better understanding of what it is to be a "Satanist" in society and acceptance for our belief system.
Each member of the ICCOTL holds to his or her own beliefs and practice. However, much of what we believe is similar.
To begin, we are a feminine based organization. We have each found a lacking in this field of "Satanism". The exploration and study of Satanism as a religion and way of life has been founded mostly on men. Anton LaVey, one of the world's more prominent Satanists, holds ideals about women as Satanists that many women find offensive and unfounded. Much of Satanic literature is specifically designed on the masculine point-of-view of the Dark Path, but little is found on feminine deities, aspects, and practice of this religion. We hope to change that through education and public awareness that women are capable in their own right to study and practice the Arts.
Our system is founded on the responsibility of one's self. Each human being makes his/her own life in the way that they choose. From this, each person is responsible for his/her actions. We hold to LaVey's philosophy, "Responsibility for the responsible." No one individual can force another to do his/her bidding. And should one choose to follow another, one must be willing to take responsibility for one's actions and the consequence that come with it.
We do not condone the forcing of one's will upon another. As a group, we believe in freedom: freedom of the body, mind, and soul. This is not a license to be foolhardy and do whatever. It means one has the right to make choices and do as one will, but must take responsibility for it. No other mortal can force another to do his/her will.
In no uncertain terms do we condone the harming or manipulating of children or animals. There can be no mistake about this. Children and animals are innocent and there for should be treated with the utmost respect and care. There is no room in society for individuals who do not live by the Law, "Thou shall not harm nor influence an innocent."
This group lives by the philosophy, "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law." Satanism is based on the concept of learning what one wishes and living as one wishes. It is what makes us human. May of the right-hand religions of today tell us, "Don't do this, don't do that." That is not how we want to live our lives. We are on this plane for a short period of time and we must make the most of what life has to offer. Try everything. Be everything. Learn everything. Have everything. This may be your only chance.
We hope that you will evolve as a human being with an open mind, intelligence, and spiritual appreciation. May the flame of Kali light your way along the dark path.
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Philosophy Of The IC Coven Of Laiad
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